[comp.theory] POPL 90 - Advance Program

VARDI@ALMVMA.BITNET (Moshe Vardi) (11/22/89)

                            POPL '90 ADVANCE PROGRAM
                           San Francisco, California
                              January 17-19, 1990

                             TUESDAY, JANUARY 16th
                          Reception: 7:00pm - 10:00pm

                            WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17th

          Tutorial:  8:00 - 9:15
          Introduction to the Lambda Calculus
            Henk Barendregt, Nijmegen University

          Session 1:  9:30 -- 10:30 Chaired by Andrew Appel

          On Laziness  and Optimality  in Lambda  Interpreters:  Tools
          for Specification and Analysis
            John Field (Cornell University)

          An Algorithm for Optimal Lambda Calculus Reduction
            John Lamping (Xerox PARC)

          Session 2:  11:00 -- 12:30 Chaired by Matthias Felleisen

          Explicit Substitutions
            M. Abadi (DEC SRC), L. Cardelli (DEC SRC),
            P.L. Curien (Ecole  Normale Superieure), and
            J.J. Levy (INRIA Rocquencourt)

          A Formulae-as-Types Notion of Control
            Timothy G. Griffin (Rice University)

          Implicative Formulae in the Proofs of Computations' Analogy
            Andrea Asperti, Gian Luigi Ferrari and Roberto Gorrieri
            (Universita di Pisa)

          Session 3:  2:00 -- 3:30 Chaired by Samson Abramsky

          Computable Process
            Yiannis N. Moschovakis (UCLA)

          The Chemical Abstract Machine
            Gerard Berry (Ecole des Mines de Paris) and
            Gerard Boudol (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis)

          Interaction Nets
            Yves Lafont (Ecole Normale Superieure)

          Session 4:  4:00 -- 5:30 Chaired by Ravi Sethi

          Toward  a Typed  Foundation  for  Method Specialization  and
            John C. Mitchell (Stanford University)

          Inheritance is Not Subtyping
            William R. Cook, Walter L. Hill and  Peter S. Canning
            (HP Laboratories)

          A Type System for Smalltalk
            Justin  O.  Graver and  Ralph  E.  Johnson (University  of


                             THURSDAY, JANUARY 18th

          Tutorial:  8:00 - 9:15
          Introduction to Abstract Interpretation
            John Hughes, University of Glasgow

          Session 5:  9:30  -- 10:30 Chaired by Paul Hudak

          A   Relationship   Between   Abstract   Interpretation   and
          Projection Analysis
            Geoffrey Burn (GEC Hirst Research Center)

          On Determining  Lifetime and  Aliasing of  Dynamically Allo-
          cated Data in Higher-order Functional Specifications
            Alain Deutsch (Ecole Polytechnique)

          Session 6:  11:00 -- 12:30 Chaired by Saumya Debray

          Small Domains Spell Fast Strictness Analysis
            R.C. Sekar, Shaunak Pawagi, and I.V.Ramarkrishnan
            (SUNY at Stony Brook)

          An  Efficient Hybrid  Algorithm  for  Incremental Data  Flow
            Thomas J. Marlowe and Barbara G. Ryder
            (Rutgers University)

          A Finite  Presentation Theorem for Approximating  Logic Pro-
            Nevin Heintze (CMU) and Joxan Jaffar
            (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)

          Session 7:  2:00 -- 4:00 Chaired by Jayadev Misra

          Program Transformation in the Presence of Errors
            John H. Williams, Alexander Aiken, and Edward L.
            Wimmers (IBM Almaden Research Center)

          Making Asynchronous Parallelism Safe for the World
            Guy L. Steele, Jr. (Thinking Machines Corporation)

          Concurrent Constraint Programming
            Vijay A. Saraswat (Xerox PARC) and Martin Rinard
            (Stanford University)

          Parallelism in Logic Programs
            Raghu Ramakrishnan (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

          Session 8:  4:30 -- 6:00 Chaired by Susan Horwitz

          Combining Generational and  Conservative Garbage Collection:
          Framework and Implementations
            Alan Demers, Mark Weiser, Barry Hayes, Hans Boehm,
            Daniel Bobrow, and Scott Shenker
            (Boehm: Rice University, remainder: Xerox PARC)

          Scheduling Time-Critical Instructions on RISC Machines
            Krishna Palem (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center) and
            Barbara Simons (IBM Almaden Research Center)

          Automata-Driven Indexing of Prolog Clauses
            R. Ramesh, I.V. Ramakrishnan, and D.S. Warren
            (SUNY at Stony Brook)

          Program Committee Report:  6:00 -- 6:15

                              FRIDAY, JANUARY 19th

          Session 9:  8:00-10:00 Chaired by Jeanne Ferrante

          Fairness and Hyperfairness in Multi-Party Interactions
            Paul C. Attie (University of Texas), Nissim Francez (MCC
            and Technion), and Orna Grumberg (Technion)

          Relating  Total and  Partial Correctness  Interpretations of
          Non-Deterministic Programs
            Carl A. Gunter (University of Pennsylvania)

          On Oraclizable Networks and Kahn's Principle
            James R. Russell (Cornell University)

          On  the  Relations  Computable  by  a  Class  of  Concurrent
          Automata .
            Eugene W. Stark (SUNY at Stony Brook)

              Session 10:  10:30-12:30 Chaired by Luca Cardelli

          Higher-Order Modules and the Phase Distinction
            Robert Harper (CMU), John C. Mitchell (Stanford
            University), and Eugenio Moggi (University of Edinburgh)

          Safe Run-time Overloading
            Francois Rouaix (INRIA Rocquencourt)

          Quasi-static Typing
            Satish Thatte (Clarkson University)

          Deciding ML  Typability is Complete for  Deterministic Expo-
          nential Time
            Harry G. Mairson (Brandeis University)

                               PROGRAM COMMITTEE
               Program Chair
                    Paul Hudak
                    Department of Computer Science
                    Yale University
                    51 Prospect Street
                    New Haven, CT  06520
                    (203) 432-4715
               Program Committee
                    Samson Abramsky, Imperial College
                    Andrew Appel, Princeton University
                    Luca Cardelli, DEC Systems Research Center
                    Saumya Debray, University of Arizona
                    Mattias Felleison, Rice University
                    Jeanne Ferrante, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
                    Susan Horwitz, University of Wisconsin-Madison
                    Paul Hudak, Yale University
                    Jayadev Misra, University of Texas .
                    Ravi Sethi, AT&T Bell Laboratories
                              CONFERENCE COMMITTEE
               Conference Chair
                    Frances E. Allen
                    IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
                    P.O. Box 704
                    Yorktown Heights, NY  10598
                    (914) 789-7518
               Registration Chair
                    Alex Aiken
                    IBM Research Almaden
                    650 Harry Road
                    San Jose, CA  95120-6099
                    (408) 927-1876
                    FAX: (408) 927-2100
               Local Arrangements Chair
                    Stan Osborne
                    Computer Science Department
                    San Francisco State University
                    San Francisco, CA 94132
                    (415) 338-2168 or -1008 (CS Dept. Office)
                    (415) 661-6868
                    UUNET: uunet.uu.net!dbi!stan
                    ARPA: dbi!stan@uunet.uu.net
               Book Exhibit Chair
                    Prof. Thomas J. Marlowe
                    Dept of Mathematics
                       and Computer Science
                    Seton Hall University
                    Fahy Hall
                    South Orange NJ 07079
                    201-761-9000 X 5171

                                    POPL '90
                              January 17-19, 1990
                              Cathedral Hill Hotel
                               Van Ness at Geary
                          San Francisco, CA 94109-6986
                                 (415) 776-8200
          General Information
          San Francisco is the site  of ACM's 1990 POPL Conference co-
          sponsored by  SIGACT and SIGPLAN. The  conference hotel, the
          Cathedral Hill Hotel, is located  on the western edge of San
          Francisco's downtown and primary tourist districts.  The ho-
          tel is  on the west side  of Van Ness Avenue,  between Geary
          and   Post Streets  (1101  Van Ness).   Basement parking  is
          available at the hotel.  To reach  the hotel by car from the
          south (SF  Airport/San Jose) take  Highway 101 north  to the
          Golden Gate  Bridge exit, follow  the traffic flow  north on
          Franklin Street  six blocks,  turn  right  on   Post Street,
          go one  block to Van Ness,  turn right, the hotel  is to the
          right.   From the  east (Berkeley/Oakland)  take Highway  80
          west  across the  Oakland-Bay Bridge,  it joins  Highway 101
          north.  Take this to the Golden Gate Bridge exit, follow the
          traffic flow north on Franklin Street six blocks, turn right
          on  Post Street,  go one  block  to Van  Ness Avenue,   turn
          right  the hotel  is to  the right.   From the  north (Marin
          County) take  Highway 101 south  to the Lombard  Street exit
          (101 south), follow the traffic  flow east on Lombard Street
          12 blocks to Van Ness Avenue,  turn right onto Van Ness,  go
          15 blocks south, after crossing  Post Street the hotel is to
          the right.
          January is  San Francisco's  coldest month, with  an average
          daily high  of 55F (12C) and  an average nightly low  of 42F
          (5C). Warm  and wind-resistant clothing is  advised. Also be
          prepared for rain, bring an  umbrella or rain coat, as Janu-
          ary is the middle of the rainy season.
          Social Events
          A reception  will be  held at the  hotel on  Tuesday evening
          from 7 to 9 pm.  The conference banquet will be held on Wed-
          nesday evening at  the Empress of China at  838 Grant Street
          in the heart of San  Francisco's Chinatown. The evening will
          start at 6 with Dim Sum  appetizers and an open bar and will
          followed at 7 by a traditional multi-course Chinese banquet.
          Transportation to and  from the hotel will  be provided. All
          conference registrants are invited to both events.
          Hotel Reservations
          A block  of rooms has  been reserved for  conference partic-
          ipants at the Cathedral Hill Hotel at preferred daily rates.
          Call the  Cathedral Hill at  (415) 776-8200 or send  the at-
          tached reservation form  to the hotel before  December 15 to
          get those  rates. Reservations received after  December 15th
          will be accepted on a space-available basis.
          Conference Registration
          All applications for registration at the early rates must be
          received by December 15, 1989.  Fill out the attached regis-
          tration form  and mail with a  check or money order  to Alex
          Aiken, Registration Chair.  Make checks payable in U.S. dol-
          lars to  POPL'90.  Registration includes the  reception, the
          banquet, 2 luncheons, coffee  breaks, and proceedings.  Reg-
          istration  packets  will  be  available for  pickup  at  the
          Cathedral Hill Hotel  On Tuesday, January 16 from 6  - 10 pm
          and from 8 am - 5 pm on January 17, 1990.
          Air Transportation
          United Airlines has been  designated the official carrier of
          POPL '90, offering special  round-trip fares to North Ameri-
          can conferees.   United will  allow an additional  5% saving
          off published round-trip fares  within the United States, or
          40% off full  coach fare from domestic  cities or comparable
          published  Canadian  Meeting  fares from  selected  Canadian
          cities.  These fares are valid from January 13 through Janu-
          ary 21,  1990.  To take  advantage of these  discounts, call
          (800) 521-4041 and cite Plus ID  No. 0028J, or give this in-
          formation to your local travel agent.

                             HOTEL RESERVATION FORM
                                    POPL '90
                              January 17-19, 1990
                              Cathedral Hill Hotel
                               Van Ness at Geary
                          San Francisco, CA 94109-6986
                                 (415) 776-8200
          Mail reservation to  hotel. It must be  received by DECEMBER
          15, 1989.
          Check preferred daily rate:
          ___Single (one person) $85      ___1 Bedroom Suite  $300-400
          ___Double (two persons) $105    ___2 Bedroom Suite  $400-500
          ___Hilltop Club Level $130-180

          Additional Person(s)_______________
          First  night room  rental deposit  or credit  card guarantee
          must accompany reservation.  Check or money order in US dol-
          lars should be made payable  to the Cathedral Hill Hotel. Do
          not send currency. Guarantee:
          Card Name__________Expiration Date_
          Card Number________________________
          Cardholder Name____________________
          Arrival Date___________Arrival Time
          Dept. Date_________Dept. Time______

                          CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM
          Circle the  appropriate fee  below (fee  includes reception,
          coffee breaks, 2 luncheons, banquet, and proceedings):
          Category                     Early          After 12/15
           ACM and SIGACT/SIGPLAN      215              275
           ACM xor SIGACT/SIGPLAN      230              295
           Neither ACM nor SIG         280              345
           Full-time student           100              120
          *Those affiliated with SIG  institutional members also qual-
          ify for SIG discount.
          ACM/Student ID#____________________
          Country__________Phone #___________
          Name to appear on badge____________
          Dietary restrictions_______________
          Put  my  name  and  address  on  conference  attendee  list:
          Check or money order in US dollars should be made payable to
          POPL '90 and mailed with this form to:
              Alex Aiken                          phone:(408)927-1876
                B3-236                            email: aiken@ibm.com
           IBM Research Almaden                   FAX:  (408)927-2100
             650 Harry Road
             San Jose, CA

          Requests for refunds must be received by 1/1/90.