hal@UTDALLAS.EDU (Hal Sudborough) (02/06/90)
Solving P vs. NP When I sit and appear to dream or deep in thought o'er problems seem, my mind's awhirl, to think, to scheme, 'pon etherial math like steam. Oh, it's not like peaches and cream, here's a problem that reigns supreme. But just before my primal scream comes a mind boggling lightning beam. I have it now, methinks, the theme. "Eureka!", I cry, "What a wit!" Up jump I with pride over it. Acting emotion'ly unfit, I tell myself, as now I sit, "Such beauty, fortitude, and grit!" But then dawns a sickening bit, makes my stomach an empty pit, makes me want to up-chuck and spit. Now I see it's nothing but shit.