[comp.theory] Structures Conference Preliminary Program

selman@dara350j.ccs.northeastern.EDU (alan selman) (02/09/90)

Preliminary Program
Fifth Annual Structure in Complexity Theory Conference

8-11 July 1990,
Universitat Polit\`ecnica de Catalunya,
Barcelona, Spain

Note:  Informal Rump Sessions will be scheduled at the end of each
day's formal session.

Sunday, July 8, Morning
Chair: Alan Selman, Northeastern University
8:45-9:30    On Polynomial Bounded Truth-Table Reducibility of NP Sets
             to Sparse Sets,M. Ogiwara  and O. Watanabe,
             Tokyo Institute of Technology
9:40-10:25   Structural Properties of Nondeterministic Complete Sets,
             S. Homer, Boston University
10:25-10:55  Break
10:55-11:25  On Sets with Efficient Implicit Membership Tests,
             L. Hemachandra, University of Rochester, A.Hoene,Technische
             Universit\"at Berlin,
11:30-12:00  On the Instance Complexity of NP-Hard Problems,
             P. Orponen, University of Toronto and University of

Sunday, July 8, Afternoon.
Chair: Peter Clote, Boston College
1:30-2:15    Email and the Unexpected Power of Interaction (Tentative),
             L. Babai, University of Chicago and Eotvos University
2:25-2:55   On Bounded Round Multi-Prover Interactive Proof Systems,
            J. Cai, L. Lipton, Princeton University, A. Condon, University of
3:00-3:30   Privacy, Additional Information, and Communication,
            R. Bar-Yehuda, B. Chor, E. Kushilevitz, Technion
3:30-4:00   Break
4:00-4:30   On the Power of Randomness in the Decision Tree Model,
            P. Hajnal, Princeton University and University of Szeged
4:35-5:05   On Read-Once Threshold Formulae
            and their Randomized Decision Tree Complexity,
            R. Heiman, Weizmann Institute, I. Newman, A. Wigderson,
            Hebrew University

Monday, July 9, Morning
Chair: L\'aszl\'o Babai, University of Chicago and Eotvos
8:45-9:30   The Computational Complexity of Universal Hashing,
            Y. Mansour, N. Nisan, M.I.T., P. Tiwari, IBM T.J. Watson
            Research Center
9:40-10:25  Perfect Hashing, Graph Entropy, and Circuit Complexity,
            I. Newman, A. Wigderson, Hebrew University,
            P. Ragde, University of Waterloo
10:25-10:55 Break
10:55-11:25 Lower Bounds on Random-Self-Reducibility,
            J. Feigenbaum, AT\&T Bell Laboratories, S. Kannan,
            University of California-Berkeley, N. Nisan, M.I.T.
11:30-12:00 Non-Uniform Complexity Classes and Random Languages,
            M. Mundhenk, Universit\"at Ulm, R. Schuler, U. Koblenz

Monday, July 8, Afternoon
Chair: Steven Homer, Boston University
1:30-2:15   Circuit Size Relative to Pseudorandom Oracles,
            J. Lutz, W. Schmidt, Iowa State University
2:25-2:45   A Note on Relativizing Complexity
            Classes with Tally Oracles,
            L. Hemachandra, University of Rochester, R. Rubinstein,
            Worcester Polytechnic Institute
2:50-3-20   An Oracle Separating \oplus P from PP(PH),
            F. Green, Clark University
3:20-3:50   Break
3:50-4:20   On Separating Complexity Classes,
            R. Book, University of California-Santa Barbara
4:25-4:55   Complexity Classes with Advice,
            J. K\"obler, T. Thierauf, Universit\"at Ulm

Tuesday, July 10, Morning
Chair: Walter L. Ruzzo, University of Washington
8:45-9:30   A Survey of Counting Classes,
            G. Wechsung, Friedrich-Schiller Universit\"at
9:40-10:25  A Very Hard Log Space Counting Class,
            C. \`Alvarez, Universitat Polit\`ecnica de Catalunya,
            B. Jenner, Universit\"at Hamburg
10:25-10:55 Break
10:55-11:25 The Boolean Hierarchy and the Polynomial Hierarchy:
            A Closer Connection,
            R. Chang, Cornell University, J. Kadin, University of Maine
11:30-12:00 On Read-Once vs. Multiple Access to Randomness in Logspace,
            N. Nisan, M.I.T.

Tuesday, July 10, Afternoon
Chair: Gerd Wechsung, Friedrich-Schiller Universit\"at
1:30-2:15   Bounded Arithmetic and Complexity,
            P. Clote, Boston College
2:25-2:55   Extensions to Barrington's M-Program Model,
            F. B\'edard, F. Lemieux, P. McKenzie, Universit\'e de
3:00-3:30   The Quantifier Structure of Sentences that Characterize
            Nondeterministic Time Complexity,
            J. Lynch, Clarkson University
3:30-4:00   Break
4:00-4:30   Circuits, Pebbling, and Expressibility,
            E. Vinay, C. Madhaven, Indian Institute of Science,
            H. Venkateswaran, Georgia Institute of Technology

Wednesday, July 11, Morning
Chair: Dexter Kozen, Cornell University
8:45-9:30   Cheatable, P-Terse, and P-Superterse Sets,
            A. Amir, W. Gasarch, University of Maryland, R. Beigel, Yale
9:40-10:25  Quantifiers and Approximation,
            A. Panconesi, D. Ranjan, Cornell University
10:25-10:55 Break
10:55-11:25 Impossibilities and Possibilities
            of Weak Separation Between NP and Exponential Time,
            G. Lischke, Friedrich-Schiller Universit\"at
11:30-12:00 P-Productivity and Polynomial Time Approximations,
            J. Wang, Boston University

Wednesday, July 11, Afternoon
Chair: Stuart Kurtz, University of Chicago
1:30-2:15   Title to be Announced (Tentative),
            W. Ruzzo, University of Washington
2:25-2:45   Width-Bounded Reducibility and Binary Search over
            Complexity Classes, E. Allender, Rutgers University,
            C. Wilson, University of Oregon
2:50-3:20   Unambiguity of Circuits, K. Lange, Technische Universit\"at

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