dehne@CS.PURDUE.EDU (Frank Dehne) (02/24/90)
PARCELLA 90 Call for Papers Fifth International Workshop on Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays Berlin, G.D.R September 17 - 21, 1990 Central Institute for Cybernetics and Information Processes Academy of Sciences of the G.D.R, National IFIP Council of the G.D.R in Cooperation with Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Cellware Ltd (Budapest) The Parcella Workshop series is the first and, until now, the only series in the field of Parallel Processing in the socialist countries of central and Eastern Europe and the first one on Massive Parallelism in Europe. As in the foregoing meetings Parcella 90 will present the landscape of research in these countries and will be a meeting place with scientists from West Europe as well as overseas. The organizers consider Berlin to be an excellent place for initializing an international exchange of ideas and for cooperation. TOPICS OF INTEREST: Massive and Cellular finegrained Parallelism Parallelism tending to massive Selected Topics on Froitiers in Massive Parallel Computing The following key words illustrate the wide range of interests: Mathematical Foundations, Taxonomy of Architectures, Concepts of Systems Languages, Programming, Theory of Algorithms, Data Flow, Design of Compilers, Systolization, Design of Architectures and Systems, Memory and Memory Access, Interconnection Networks, Routing Implementation, Performance Evaluation, Simulation, Verification Numerical Application, Image Processing and Modelling, Computational Geometry, Computer Graphics, AI and non-numerical Applications, Graphalgorithms, Fault-tolerant Computing, Supercomputing, Cellware, Neurocomputing and Connectionism, Optical Computing, etc. CHAIRMEN-BOARD: G. Wolf (Berlin), T. Legendi (Budapest), U. Schendel (Berlin-West) SCIENTIFIC ADVISER: V. Kempe (Berlin) MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: (non-final list) H. Alt (Berlin-West), B. Buchberger (Linz), H. Burkhart (Zurich), R. Creutzburg (Karlsruhe),P.-E. Danielson (Linkoeping) , F. Dehne (Ottawa), D. J. Evans (Loughborough), V. Gritzyk (Lvov), W. Haendler (Erlangen), C. R. Jesshope (Southampton), Ph. Jorrand (Grenoble), A. Jugel (Dresden), D. Jungmann (Dresden), E. Katona (Szeged), H. T. Kung (Pittsburgh), St. Levialdi (Rome), D. G. Maritsas (Patras), V. A. Melnikov (Moscow), L. Richter (Zrich), A. Rosenfeld (Maryland), J.-R. Sack (Ottawa), J. Toth (Budapest), R. Vollmar (Karlsruhe) W. Wilhelmi (Berlin) acts as the head of the scientific programme INVITED SPEAKERS:Presentations on different aspects of research within the field of interest by members of the International Programme Committee and special invited speakers. SUBMITTED PAPERS: 5 copies of the full paper (max 6 pages) should be sent to the local chairman not later than March 31, 1990 via the conference office. TYPE OF PRESENTATION: Authors should make evident the potential or real gain of their results. ADDITIONAL EVENTS: An exhibition will be organized for prototypes and products in the field of parallel machines. A poster session will be organized. Computer demonstrations can be performed on the available machines (PC/XT, PC/AT and compatibles). Round tables discussion: In case of any suggestions concerning these events please contact the local or any other of the chairmen. Cultural and social events are under preparation. AWARDS:The IPC will award a prize for the best contribution of a young scientist under 30. PUBLICATION: It is intended to publish the proceedings by Eastern and Western publishing houses. Author instructions available from the organizers. REGISTRATION: Please register not later than March 31, 1990. (Form available from the organizers.) Please note that accomodation ordering and registration should be combined. CONFERENCE OFFICE: Mrs. S Boettcher, (Head of the office), Phone: (Berlin) 2 03 72 264 Mailing address at the end of this announcement PLACE: Berlin, G.D.R., Haus der Ungarischen Kultur, Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 9, Berlin, 1020 TIME: From Monday, September 17th to Friday, September 21st 1990. Monday and Friday are half-conference days, i.e. the programme starts on Monday afternoon and ends on Friday morning LANGUAGE: Conference language is English CONFERENCE FEE (including proceedings): for non-speakers 450,- M/DM till 30.7.90; 600,- M/DM after for speakers 300,- M/DM till 30.7.90; 400,- M/DM after The fee should be transferred to Dt. Aussenhandelsbank AG der DDR, Berlin Account-No. 6836-20-20792 Coding 820 5525 Add your name please Participants from Western countries have to pay in their own currencies LIST OF DEADLINES: Submission of papers and registration form March 31 Acceptance/Rejection of papers May 31 Final Programme June 30 VISA: Visa for prospective participants of Western countries will be organized by the conference office. Please contact the organzers for an entry permission form. Note please that the organizers need this form not later than 10 weeks before, i.e. not later thanJune 30, 1990. ACCOMMODATION: Accommodation can be organized on request Prices for participants from socialist countries: 1 bedroom 130,- M 2 bedrooms 200,- M Prices for participants from non-socialist countries: 1 bedroom 130,- DM 2 bedrooms 200,- DM Send your ordering together with your registration form. MAILING ADDRESS (also of conference office): Zentralinstitut fr Kybernetik und Informationsprozesse Kurstrasse 33 P.O.B. 1298 Berlin 1086 G.D.R. Telex: 114536 zki dd Fax: (Berlin) 2037 2301 Dr. G. Wolf (local chairman) Phone: (Berlin) 20 37 23 13 direct.; 291 Secretary.