[net.news.group] net.chew-the-fat

ber (07/02/82)

harpo!ber    Jul  2 13:46:00 1982

I for two would not like to see more bullshit news groups.
I'd like to get rid of many.  Before netnews was introduced I
had hoped to see some kind of communication mechanism geared mainly to
people who run UNIX systems.  I wanted to benefit from the community of
knowledge.  I wasn't looking for entertainment or social discussions.

I realize that netnews is appropriate for more than UNIX support.
But I think the purpose should be mainly to inform technically
and help people with specific problems find solutions.

		brian redman

nrh (07/04/82)

I agree with harpo!ber.  There's already such a small information/garbage
ratio on the net that I wonder that the packet driver allows stuff

Surely people have learned this from netnews:  if there is a free forum for
flaming, personal opinions (supported or otherwise), nit-picking,
political arguments (informed and otherwise), and other useless
drivel, it will be used.  Extensively.  I'm all for freedom of speech,
though, so I make the following suggestion:  Why not start a subnet
called something like "flame", "pol",  or "arg", for this political
stuff?  That way, one could post to "pol.bombs", instead of fa.arms-d,
or "arg.movies" for arguments on whether (whether?  I meant WHEN!) Spock will 

Nuke the Newsgroups!

						- Nat Howard

ks (07/14/82)

pur-ee!ks    Jul  2 23:22:00 1982

I agree with Brian Redman.  Most will agree that net news is helpful in
many cases.  Let's not lose it because of the cost of supporting nonsense
					Kirk Smith

kolstad (07/15/82)

uiucdcs!kolstad    Jul 14 22:11:00 1982

I hope that having notesfiles/responses will allow those people who wish
to write 25 responses about a paradox realize that 25 responses to a
single query do not a newsgroup make.  I anticipate the number of
newsgroups being REDUCED once more people get used to notesfiles (e.g.,
net.sport.x can easily be coalesced to a series of basenotes with
ongoing replies).