jagota@sybil.cs.Buffalo.EDU (Arun Jagota) (03/03/90)
I would like to request references (or details if feasible) on reductions FROM other problems (any and all) TO Maximum Independent Set, Minimum cover or Maximum clique. My interest is limited to reductions in which the representation is explicitly shown (like the representation of 3-SAT in Vertex cover in Gary & Johnson). Indirect reductions (ie transitive closure) of such reductions is fine too, as long as all the representations are made explicit along the way. Please reply to me, directly by "e-mail", unless you think an answer to this request is of general interest. I will compile all the information I receive. Also to request any information that I've collected, send me e-mail. I prefer not clogging the net with information that may not have wide interest. Thanking you, Arun Jagota jagota@cs.buffalo.edu