[comp.theory] SIGAL Symposium 1990

asano@iscb.osakac.ac.JP (asano) (05/30/90)

|         SIGAL International Symposium on Algorithms            |
|                                                                |
|                 August 16 - 18, 1990, Tokyo                    |
|                                                                |
|    Organized by Special Interest Group on Algorithms (SIGAL)   |
|      of the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)     |

                   Symposium Organization
Symposium Chairs: Akihiro NOZAKI (International Christian University)
                  Takao NISHIZEKI (Tohoku University)

Program Committee:
   Toshihide IBARAKI (Kyoto University) (Chair)
   Tetsuo ASANO (Osaka Electro-Comm. University) (Co-Chair)
   Takao ASANO (Sophia University)
   Yoshihide IGARASHI (Gunma University)
   Hiroshi IMAI (Tokyo University)
   Kazuo IWANO (IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory)
   Tsutomu MATSUMOTO (Yokohama National University)
   Tetsuo MIZOGUCHI (Mitsubishi Electric Company, Ltd.)
   Katsuhiro NAKAMURA (NEC Co. Ltd.)
   Hideo NAKANO (Osaka University)
   Masafumi YAMASHITA (Hiroshima University)
   Hiroto YASUURA (Kyoto University)

Finance: Katsuhiro NAKAMURA (NEC Co. Ltd.)

Publication, Publicity: Hiroshi IMAI (Tokyo University)

Local Arrangement Committee:
   Yoshihide IGARASHI (Gunma University) (Chair)
   Takao ASANO (Sophia University) (Co-Chair)
   Kazuo HIRONO (CSK Corporation)
   Kazuo IWANO (IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory)
   Mario NAKAMORI (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
   Takeshi TOKUYAMA (IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory)
   Shuji Tsukiyama (Chuo University)
   Shuichi UENO (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
   Osamu WATANABE (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

                    GENARAL INFORMATION

Location and Dates
   The Symposium will take place at the
      CSK Information Education Center
      5-1, Suwa-2-chome, Tama, Tokyo 206 JAPAN
      August 16 (Thursday) through 18 (Saturday), 1990

   The official language during the symposium is English.

   All participants, when they arrive at the symposium site, must go to
   the registration desk to notify us of your presence and to pick up
   the Symposium kit.  The registration desk is open according to the
   following schedule:
      August 15, Wednesday                    15:00-20:00
      August 16, Thursday - 17, Friday        08:30-20:00
      August 18, Saturday                     08:30-12:00
   Only preregistered participants can attend the Symposium.  Those who
   are going to participate the Symposium have to fill in the registra-
   tion form below and return it with the payment on the registration
   fee to:
      Prof. Takao ASANO
      Department of Mechanical Engineering
      Sophia University
      Kioicho 7-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102, Japan
      facsimile: +81-3-238-3885

Symposium fee
   No registration will be accepted unless it is accompanied by a correct
   payment of the following fee:
      with accomodation               40,000 yen (registered until July 5)
      with accomodation (with spouse) 70,000 yen (registered until July 5)
      without accomodation            20,000 yen (registered until July 5)
      without accomodation            25,000 yen (registered on and after
                                                  July 6)
   'The with accomodation' class includes board, and the 'without
   accomodation' class includes lunch.  The registration fee includes
   participation in all scientific activities and social events.  The
   registration fee also includes proceedings of the Symposium.

   Remittance should be made only by a bank transfer to the following
      Name of Account:  SIGAL-ISA, representative Katsuhiro NAKAMURA
      Name of Bank:     Mitsui Bank, Miyamaedaira Branch (No.244)
      Number of Account: 5232297
   Personal checks, bank draft, traveller's checks, and credit cards are
   not acceptable.

Hotel Accomodation
   CSK Information Education Center, where the Symposium is to be held,
   has 140 single rooms, all of which are to be used by the Symposium
   attendants. As there are few hotels near the Symposium site, it is
   recommended that registrants make reservation in the Center by
   choosing 'with accomodation' class in the registration form.  Since
   the number of rooms is limited, rooms will be assigned on a first-
   come-first-served basis, and registrants are kindly requested to send
   the registration form at the earliest convenience.  CSK Information
   Education Center has a swimming pool, a tennis court, an athletic
   gymnasium, and saunas, all free for the participant.  The check in
   time is 15:00 (Wednesday), August 15, and the check out time is 10:00,
   August 19 (Sunday).

   Citizens of some countries need to hold a visa to enter Japan.  Please
   consult your travel agent or the Japanese Consulate as to whether you
   need one or not.  If a document from the Organizing Committee is
   necessary for you to obtain a visa, please write to
      Prof. Takao NISHIZEKI
      SIGAL Symposium Chairman
      Department of Information Engineering,
      Faculty of Engineering,
      Tohoku University
      Sendai 980, Japan
      E-mail: nishi@jpntohok.bitnet
      facsimile: +81-22-263-9301
   as soon as possible, because visa procedures are usually very slow.

Climate and Clothing
   Generally speaking, the climate of Tokyo in Summer is hot and humid.
   The temperature in August is about 26+-4 degree in Celcius (or 78+-7
   degree in Farenheit).  Participants are advised to wear light clothing,
   such as half-sleeve shirts.  However, we recommend that you carry a
   light sweater or a jacket, since the Symposium site and the main
   transportation systems in Japan are air-conditioned.

                 SOCIAL EVENTS
Welcoming Reception
   All participants and accompanying persons are invited to attend the
   Welcoming Reception which will start at 18:00, August 15 (Wednesday)
   at the SE Salon in the 7th floor of the Conference Building.  Light
   meal (e.g. sandwitches) and drinks (wine, beer, or soft drinks) will
   be served.  The registration fee covers this expense.

   A Banquet in Buffet STyle will be held at 18:00, August 16 (Thursday)
   at the Cafeteria in the Conference Building.  All participants and
   accompanying persons are invited to attend the banquet.  The
   registration fee covers this expense.


From Tokyo International Airport (Narita) to Shinjuku
   As there is no means of direct transportation from Tokyo International
   Airport at narita to the Symposium site, you have to move first to
   Shinjuku Station in Tokyo.  Airport Limousine Buses run regularly
   between Airport and Shinjuku, leaving the airport every 20 minutes in
   the daytime. The bus stop you have to get off is 'Shinjuku Nishiguchi.'
   It takes about 120-150 minutes and costs 2,700 yen from the airport to
   Shinjuku.  (It will cost about 25,000 yen by a taxi, so DO NOT catch
   a taxi at Narita airport.) If you are already in Tokyo or you have
   taken another bus, go to Shinjuku Station by JR (Japan Railway) train,
   subway, or a taxi.

>From Shinjuku to the Symposium Site
   The direct transportation from Shinjuku to the Symposium site is Keio
   line. When you arrive in Shinjuku, you have to fing 'Keio Shinsen
   Shinjuku' (or 'Toei Shinjuku') station. Take a train for 'Tama Center'
   or 'Hashimoto' and get off at 'Nagayama' station, from which the
   Symposium site is within 5 minutes walk.  Note that 'Keio Shinsen
   Shinjuku' station is different from 'Keio Shinjuku' station, and if
   you have taken a train from the latter, you have to get off at 'Chofu'
   station and take another train for Tama Center or Hashimoto.  Also
   there are many other 'Shinjuku' stations for different lines, so you
   have to be careful not to take a train other than Keio line.

Japan Railway Pass
   If you have a plan of visiting several cities in Japan, it is
   recommended to use the bullet train ('Shinkansen' in Japanese).  The
   fare is 25,940 yen for a round trip between Tokyo and Kyoto.  You can
   buy a special discount ticket in you country like EuRail Pass in
   Europe (note that you CANNOT buy one in Japan), which is called
   'Japan Railway Pass.'  The price depends on the period and is about
   27,000 yen for one week and 43,000 yen for two weeks.  With this pass
   you can take any train of Japan Railway freely.  You can even reserve
   a seat in bullet trains.  Please ask your travel agency for detail.
   Also, it is advised NOT TO travel for sightseeing in Japan before the
   Symposium, especially between the 10th and the 16th in August, since
   during this period traffics (trains, highways, airlines, and so on)
   are terribly crowded because of religious holidays.

|         SIGAL International Symposium on Algorithms            |
|                                                                |
|                 August 16 - 18, 1990, Tokyo                    |
|                                                                |
|                  REGISTRATION FORM                             |

Please: 1. Fill in one form per participant,
        2. Type or print,
	3. Keep a copy for your record,
	4. Attach a copy of the order of bank transfer, and
	5. Mail to Prof. takao ASANO (see below).
   _Mr. _ Ms.  Family name ________________________________________

              Given Name(s)________________________________________

Mailing Address:
   _Office  _Home


   Address  Street_____________________________________________


	    Postal Code_____________ Country___________________




Accompanying person: if any

   _Mr.  _Ms.   ______________________________________

Registration Fee (including social events and proceedings):
   _with accomodation               40,000 yen (registered until July 5)
   _with accomodation (with spouse) 70,000 yen (registered until July 5)
   _without accomodation            20,000 yen (registered until July 5)
   _without accomodation            25,000 yen (registered on and after
                                                July 6)

   Arrival   Date_____________________  Time ____________________

   Departure Date_____________________  Time ____________________

I remitted the above amount _______yen on ________________(date) through

_____________________________________(name of bank) to the account of
SIG-SA, representative Katsuhiro Nakamura, A/C No. 5232297 (ordinary
deposit), Miyamaedaira Branch (No. 244), Mitsui Bank and am attaching
hereto a copy of the order.

Date:___________________   Signature:_________________________________

Note: All payments must be made in Japanese Yen.  Personal checks, bank
draft, traveller's checks, and credit cards are not acceptable.  this
application will become valid upon receipt of confirmation from the
Conference Office.  Since we can afford only a limited number of rooms
for accomodation, please registrate at your earliest convenience.

Mail this form form:

            |  Prof. Takao ASANO                      |
	    |  Department of Mechanical Engineering   |
	    |  Sophia University                      |
	    |  Kioicho 7-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102     |
	    |  Japan                                  |

A brochure including several maps is available.  For the brochure,
please write to or send e-mail to Prof. Takao ASANO, Local Arrangement
Co-chair of the symposium.

       |  E-MAIL:  t_asano@hoffman.cc.sophia.ac.jp  |

|         SIGAL International Symposium on Algorithms            |
|                                                                |
|                 August 16 - 18, 1990, Tokyo                    |
|                                                                |
|                           PROGRAM                              |

Thursday, August 16

9:15   Opening of the Symposium

Session I-1: Invited Talk
9:30  Recent Progress in String Algorithms
      Z. Galil (Columbia Univ. and Tel Aviv Univ.)

10:30   Break (10 minutes)

Session I-2: Invited Talk
10:40  Selection Networks
       N. Pippenger (Univ. of British Columbia)

11:40  LUNCH (90 minutes)

Session A-1
1:10  Computing Edge-Connectivity in Multiple and Capacitated Graphs,
      H. Nagamochi and T. Ibaraki (Kyoto Univ.)
1:40  Efficient Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for Planar Minimum
      Cost Flow,  H. Imai (Univ. of Tokyo) and K. Iwano (IBM Res.,
      Tokyo Research Lab.)

Session B-1
1:10  Structural Analysis on the Complexity of Inverting Function,
      O. Watanabe (Tokyo Inst. of Technology) and S. Toda (Univ. of
1:40  Oracles versus Proof Techniques That Do Not Relativize*,
      E. Allender (Rutgers Univ.)

2:10  Break (20 minutes)

Session A-2
2:30  20-Relative Neighborhood Graphs Are Hamiltonian*, M.S. Chang
      (National Chung Cheng Univ.), C.Y. Tang and R.C.T. Lee (National
      Tsing Hua Univ.)
3:00  The K-Gabriel Graphs and Their Applications, T.-H. Su (National
      Chia Tung Univ.), and R.-C. Chang (National Chia Tung Univ.)

Session B-2
2:30  Parallel Algorithms for Generating Subsets and Set Partitions,
      B. Djoki\'{c} (Univ. of Miami), M. Miyakawa, S. Sekiguchi
      (Electrotechnical Lab.), I. Semba (Ibaraki Univ.)
      and I. Stojmenovi\'{c} (Univ. of Ottawa)
3:00  Parallel Algorithms for Linked List and Beyond*, Y. Han
      (Univ. of Kentucky)

3:30}  Break (20 minutes)

Session A-3
3:50  Local Tournaments and Recognition of Proper Circular Arc Graphs*,
      J. Bang-Jensen (Univ. of Copenhagen), P. Hell and J. Huang
      (Simon Fraser Univ.)
4:20  Fast Algorithms for the Dominating Set Problem on Permutation
      Graphs,  K.-H. Tsai and W.-L. Hsu (Northwestern Univ. and
      Academia Sinica)

Session B-3
3:50  Two Probabilistic Results on Merging,  W. F. de la Vega (Univ.
      Paris-Sud), S. Kannan (Univ. of California, Berkeley) and
      M. Santha (Univ. Paris-Sud)
4:20  Randomized Broadcast in Networks, U. Feige , D. Peleg (Weizmann
      Inst. of Science),  P. Raghavan (IBM T.J. Watson Res. Ctr.)
      and E. Upfal (IBM Almaden Res. Ctr.)

6:00  Banquet

Friday, August 17

Session I-3: Invited Talk
9:30  On the Construction of Abstract Voronoi Diagrams, II
      R. Klein (Univ.-GHS-Essen), K. Mehlhorn and S. Meiser
      (Univ. des Saarlandes)

10:30 Break (10 minutes)

Session I-4: Invited Talk
10:40  Searching in Higher Dimension
       B. Chazelle (Princeton Univ.)

11:40  LUNCH (90 minutes)

Session A-4
1:10  Finding UExtrema with Unary Predicates*,
      D. Kirkpatrick and F. Gao (Univ. of British Columbia)
1:40  Implicitly Searching Convolutions and Computing Depth of
      Collision*, D. Dobkin (Princeton Univ.), J. Hershberger
      (DEC SRC), D. Kirkpatrick (Univ. of British Columbia)
      and S. Suri (Bellcore)

Session B-4
1:10  Characterization for a Family of Infinitely Many Irreducible
      Equally Spaced Polynomials, T. Itoh (Tokyo Inst. of Technology)
1:40  Distributed Algorithms for Deciphering,  M. Cosnard and J.-L.
      Philippe (Ecole Normale Sup\'{e}rieure de Lyon)

2:10  Break (20 minutes)

Session A-5
2:30  An Efficient Algorithm for Optimal Loop Parallelization,
      K. Iwano and S. Yeh (IBM Res., Tokyo Research Lab.)
3:00  Another View on the SSS* Algorithm,  W. Pijls and A. de Bruin
      (Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam)

Session B-5
2:30  Algorithms from Complexity Theory: Polynomial-Time Operations for
      Complex Sets*, L. A. Hemachandra (Univ. of Rochester)
3:00  Complexity Cores and Hard Problem Instances*,
      U. Sch\"{o}ning (Univ. Ulm)

3:30  Break (20 minutes)

Session A-6
3:50  Spatial Point Location and Its Applications, X.-H. Tan,
      T. Hirata and Y. Inagaki (Nagoya Univ.)
4:20  Sublinear Merging and Natural Merge Sort, S. Carlsson,
      C. Levcopoulos and O. Petersson (Lund Univ.)
4:50  Constructing Strongly Convex Approximate Hulls with Inaccurate
      Primitives, L. J. Guibas (MIT and Cambridge Research Lab.),
      D. Salesin (Stanford Univ.) and J. Stolfi (DEC SRC)

Session B-6
3:50  Computing Puiseux-Series Solutions to Determinantal Equations
      via Combinatorial Relaxation, K. Murota (Univ. of Tokyo)
4:20  Complexity of Probabilistic Versus Deterministic Automata*,
      R. Freivalds (Latvian State Univ.)
4:50  A Tight Lower Bound on the Size of Planar Permutation Networks*,
      M. Klawe (Univ. of British Columbia) and T. Leighton (MIT)

Saturday, August 18

Session I-5: Invited Talk
9:30  Simultaneous Solution of Families of Problems
      R. Hassin (Tel Aviv Univ.)

10:30  Break (10 minutes)

Session A-7
10:40  Algorithms for Projecting Points to Give the Most Uniform
       Distribution with Applications to Hashing, Te. Asano (Osaka
       Electro-Communication Univ.) and T. Tokuyama (IBM Res., Tokyo
       Research Lab.)
11:10  Topological Sweeping in Three Dimensions, E.G. Anagnostou
       (Univ. of Toronto), L.J. Guibas (MIT and Cambridge Research Lab.)
       and V. Polimenis (Univ. of California, Berkeley)

Session B-7
10:40  Finding Least-Weight Subsequence with Few Processors,
       K.-F. Chan and T.-W. Lam (Univ. of Hong Kong)
11:10  Derandomization by Exploiting Redundancy and Mutual Independence,
       Y. Han (Univ. of Kentucky) and Y. Igarashi (Gunma Univ.)

11:40  LUNCH (90 minutes)

Session A-8
1:10  Planar Separators and the Euclidean Norm,  H. Gazit (Duke
      University) and G. Miller (Carnegie Mellon Univ. and Univ.
      of Southern California)
1:40  On the Complexity of Isometric Embedding in the Hypercube,
      D. Avis (McGill Univ.)

Session B-8
1:10  Distributed Function Evaluation in the Presence of Transmission
      Faults, N. Santoro (Carleton Univ. and Univ. di Bari), and
      P. Widmayer (Freiburg Univ.)
1:40  Optimal Linear Broadcast, S. Bitan and S. Zaks (Technion)

2:10  Break (20 minutes)

Session A-9
2:30  Graph Augmentation Problems for a Specified Set of Vertices,
      T. Watanabe, Y. Higashi and A. Nakamura (Hiroshima Univ.)
3:00  A Heuristic for the k-Center Problem with Vertex Weight,
      Q. Wang and K.H. Cheng (Univ. of Houston)

Session B-9
2:30  Parallel Convexity Algorithms for Digitized Images on a Linear
      Array of Processors,  H. M. Alnuweiri (King Fahd Univ. of Petroleum
      and Minerals) and V.K. Prasan Kumar (Univ. of Southern California)
3:00  Parallel Algorithms for Labeling Image Components,
      W.-J. Hsu and X. Lin (Michigan State Univ.)

3:30  Break (20 minutes)

Session A-10
3:50  A Hyperplane Incidence Problem with Applications to Counting
      Distances, H. Edelsbrunner (Univ. of Illinois) and M. Sharir
      (New York Univ. and Tel Aviv Univ.)
4:20  Splitting a Configuration in a Simplex, K. Numata (Univ. of
      Electro-Communications Univ.) and T. Tokuyama (IBM Res., Tokyo
      Research Labs)
4:50  Weaving Patterns of Lines and Line Segments in Space, J. Pach
      (New York Univ. and Hungary Academy of Sciences), R. Pollack
      (New York Univ.) and E. Welzl (Freie Univ. Berlin)

Session B10
3:50  Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Path Problems in Planar Directed
      Graphs, A. Lingas (Lund Univ.)
4:20  Parallel Algorithms for Finding Steiner Forests in Planar Graphs,
      H. Suzuki, C. Yamanaka and T. Nishizeki (Tohoku Univ.)
4:50  Optimally Managing the History of an Evolving Forest, V. J. Tsotras
      (Columbia Univ.), B. Gopinath (Rutgers Univ.) and G. W. Hart
      (Columbia Univ.)

*invited papers