LICS@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (06/01/90)
CALL FOR PAPERS METHODS OF LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE An International Journal Methods of Logic in Computer Science is a quarterly journal of computer science and mathematics devoted to papers which employ the methods of formal logic. Topics include but are not limited to: automated reasoning, term rewriting, program semantics, program verification, complexity theory, lambda calculus, logic programming, database theory, knowledge representation, hardware specification, nonmonotonic logic, and the logic of programs. Research contributions ranging from theoretical results to applications of the above-mentioned areas are solicited. Information for Authors Submit 3 copies of each manuscript to either of the Co-editors or to any Editor on the Editorial Board. Guidelines for Authors can be obtained from any Editor or Ablex Publishing Corporation, 355 Chestnut St., Norwood, NJ 07648. All papers will be refereed for accuracy and relevance. Editorial Board Mikhail Atallah, Purdue University Val Breazu-Tannen, University of Pennsylvania John Crossley, Monash University E. Allen Emerson, University of Texas Ronald Fagin, IBM-Almaden Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, University of Paris Daniel Leivant, Carnegie Mellon Johann Makowsky, Israel Institute of Technology Wiktor Marek, University of Kentucky Kenneth McAloon, CUNY-Brooklyn George Metakides, University of Patras Anil Nerode, Cornell University Ernst-Ruediger Olderog, Universitat Oldenburg David Plaisted, University of North Carolina Gerald Peterson, McDonnell-Douglas Dana Scott, Carnegie Mellon John C. Sheperdson, University of Bristol Mark Stickel, SRI-International David S. Warren, SUNY-Stony Brook Co-Editors Rick L. Smith Department of Mathematics University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 Phone: (904)-392-6168 Email: Ralph W. Wilkerson Department of Computer Science University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MO 65401 Phone: (314)-341-4653 Email: