[comp.theory] Integer partitioning

cjh@petsd.UUCP (Chris Henrich) (06/26/90)

In article <7529@ccncsu.ColoState.EDU> srimani@webber.CS.ColoState.Edu (pradip srimani) writes:
>The problem is as follows : Given a positive integer n, let
>P(n,m) be the number of ways we can partition them into m
>parts. Also let P(n) = sum of all P(n,m) for all possible m.
>Note m <= n. What are the closed form expressions for P(n) and
>P(n,m) ? 
>Is there any way to compute P(n) efficiently other than
>writing a program using the recurrence ?
There is a more efficient way to compute P(n), namely a recurrence
that involves only P(n) itself.

I am not sure that this counts as a closed form, but there is a
series expression for P(n) that looks as though it ought to be a
divergent asymptotic series, but turns out to converge.

The best reference is _Ramanujan_ by G. H. Hardy, in the chapters on
Partitions.  This book is a series of lectures on the work of the
great Indian mathematician Srinavasa Ramanujan.  It is in print, in a
durable and inexpensive edition.


(201)758-7288    106 Apple Street, Tinton Falls,N.J. 07724

martins@rwthinf.UUCP (Martin Schoenert) (07/03/90)

In his article of 20-Jun-90, P. Srimani wrote about "Integer partitioning":

   "The problem is as follows: Given a positive integer  n, let P(n,m) be
    the number of ways we can partition them into m  parts. Also let P(n)
    = sum of all P(n,m) for  all  possible m.  Note  m <= n. What are the
    closed form  expressions for P(n)  and P(n,m)?   Are  they known?  We
    know that P(n,m) satisfies P(n+k,k) =  P(n,1)  + P(n,2) + ...+ P(n,k)
    with P(n,1)=P(n,n)=1.  Is there any  way to compute P(n)  efficiently
    other than writing a program using the recurrence?"

And in his article of 22-Jun-90, Marcel Schoppers answered:

   "The  partitioning problem  is  well studied.  The   number  P(n,m) is
    called the Stirling number of the  second  kind.   The number P(n) is
    called the Bell number, and is the number of ways a set  of N objects
    can be partitioned. ..."

Sorry, but I think you misunderstood the original question.  The Stirling
number of the second  kind, S2(n,k), is the  number  of partitions of the
set  {1,2,...,n} into k subsets.  For  example S2(4,2) = 7, corresponding
to the partitions:

    {1} {2,3,4}   {2} {1,3,4}   {3} {1,2,4}   {4} {1,2,3}
    {1,2} {3,4}   {1,3} {2,4}   {1,4} {2,3}

The Stirling numbers of  the second  kind  do not fullfill  the  relation
P(n+k,k) = P(n,1) + P(n,2) + ... + P(n,k), given in the original article.

Instead, the original question was how many  ways  there are to write the
positive number n as a sum of k positive integers.   For example P(4,2) =
2, corresponding to the sums:

    1 + 3    2 + 2

Note that there is a connection with Stirling numbers of the second kind;
P(n,k) is  the number of partitions  of the multi-set {1,1,...,1}  into k
subsets.  Again P(4,2) = 2, corresponding to {1} {1,1,1} and {1,1} {1,1}.

Is there a common name for those  numbers?   Note that P(n) is the number
of conjugacy classes of elements in the symetric group on n points.  I am
pretty sure that there is no closed formula for P(n,k) and P(n).

The  important relation   that  helps computing P(n,k)   and P(n) is  the

    P(n,k) = P(n-1,k-1) + P(n-k,k)   with 1 < k < n

This can be seen by spliting the number of ways to write n as  a sum of k
summands in two subsets;  those sums  that have  1 as a summand and those
that do not.

The  number of ways  to write n as a  sum of k summands  that have 1 as a
summand is P(n-1,k-1), because we can  take away the  1 and obtain  a new
sums with k-1 summands and value n-1.

The number of ways to write n as a sum of k summands such that no summand
is 1 is P(n-k,k), because we can subtract 1 from  each summand and obtain
new sums that still have k summands but value n-k.

You can program a recursive function using  this relation.  However, this
function will call itself quite often with the  same arguments.  So it is
better to program it as follows:

    for m  in [1..n]  do
        P[m][1] := 1;
    for k  in [2..n]  do
        for m  in [1..k-1]  do
            P[m][k] := 0;
        P[k][k] := 1;
        for m  in [k+1..n]  do
            P[m][k] := P[m-1][k-1] + P[m-k][k];

If you  are only interested  in the value P(n),  then you can make use of
the fact that  at  any  time  you only need  two   columns,  P[*][m]  and
P[*][m-1],  to save   space.   The following   program   is a  reasonably
straightforward transformation of the above program:

    p := [];
    for k  from 1  to n  do
        p[k] := 1;
    s := 1;
    for k  from 2  to n  do
        for m  from k+1  to n-k+1  do
            p[m] := p[m] + p[m-k];
        s := s + p[n-k+1];

This is pretty fast.  On our  MIPS M/120 the  computation of P(1000) took
only 16 seconds.   I do not think that  you  can  do  better than  O(n^2)
asymptotically.  I would be delighted, however, to be proved wrong.


PS.  The value of P(1000) is:  24061467864032622473692149727991

! Martin Schoenert, martins@rwthinf.uucp, fm@dacth51.bitnet, +49 241 804551 !
! Lehrstuhl D Mathematik, RWTH, Templergraben 64, D 51 Aachen, West Germany !