jan@ruuinf.cs.ruu.nl (Jan van Leeuwen) (07/18/90)
\documentstyle[a4,12pt]{article} \parindent=0pt \begin{document} \begin{center} \large{\bf 4th Int. WORKSHOP ON DISTRIBUTED ALGORITHMS (WDAG-4)\\ Bari (Italy), September 24-26 1990} \normalsize \end{center} \begin{center} {\em Preliminary Program Announcement} \end{center} The 4th International Workshop on Distributed Algorithms (WDAG-4) will be held September 24-26, 1990, at {\em Serra Alimini Uno} on the coast of the Adriatic Sea near Otranto and Bari (Italy). The Workshop is intended to provide a forum for researchers in the area of distributed algorithms and distributed systems to present and discuss recent research results and to identify and explore directions for future research.\\ {\bf Program Committee:} D. Dolev (Hebrew Univ, and IBM Almaden), J. van Leeuwen (Univ of Utrecht, co-chairman), F. Mattern (Kaiserslautern), N. Santoro (Carleton Univ and Univ of Bari, co-chairman), P. Spirakis (NYU and CTI Patras), R.B. Tan (Univ of Oklahoma and Univ of Utrecht), S. Toueg (Cornell Univ), P.M.B. Vitanyi (CWI Amsterdam and Univ of Amsterdam),and S. Zaks (Technion). \begin{center} \large{\bf Program} \normalsize \end{center} \begin{itemize} \item {\em Amos Israeli, Marc Jalfon}\\ {\bf Self-Stabilizing Ring Orientation} \item {\em Yehuda Afek, Shay Kutten, Moti Yung}\\ {\bf Memory-Efficient Self-Stabilization on General Networks} \item {\em Alon Itai}\\ {\bf On the Computational Power Needed to Elect a Leader} \item {\em I. Lavall\'ee, C. Lavault}\\ {\bf Spanning Tree Construction for Nameless Networks} \item {\em Joffroy Beauquier, Paul Gastin, Vincent Villain}\\ {\bf A Linear Fault-Tolerant Naming Algorithm} \item {\em David Peleg}\\ {\bf Distributed Data Structures: A Complexity-Oriented View} \item {\em B. Kr\"oger, R. L\"uling, B. Monien, O. Vornberger}\\ {\bf An Improved Algorithm to Detect Communication Deadlocks in Distributed Systems} \item {\em Sergio Rajsbaum, Moshe Sidi}\\ {\bf On the Average Performance of Synchronous Programs in Distributed Networks} \item{\em J. Park, T. Masuzawa, K. Hagihara, N. Tokura, H. Yang}\\ {\bf Distributed Algorithms for Reconstructing MST after Topology Change} \item {\em Ravi Janardan, Siu Wing Cheng}\\ {\bf Efficient Distributed Algorithms for Single-Source Paths and Related Problems on Plane Networks} \item {\em Peter Gr\o nning, Thomas Qvist Nielsen, Hans Henrik L\o vengreen}\\ {\bf Stepwise Development of a Distributed Load Balancing Algorithm} \item {\em Israel Cidon, Shay Kutten, Yishay Mansour, David Peleg}\\ {\bf Greedy Packet Scheduling} \item {\em Israel Cidon, Inder Gopal, Shay Kutten}\\ {\bf Optimal Computation of Global Sensitive Functions in Fast Networks} \item {\em Yoram Ofek, Moti Yung}\\ {\bf Efficient Mechanism for Fairness and Deadlock-Avoidance in High-Speed Networks} \item {\em Cynthia Dwork}\\ {\bf Strong Verifiable Secret Sharing } \item {\em A. Sandoz, A. Schiper}\\ {\bf Weak Consistency and Pessimistic Replica Control} \item {\em D. Agrawal, A. El Abbadi}\\ {\bf Localized-Access Protocols for Replicated Databases} \item {\em Mirjana Obradovic, Piotr Berman}\\ {\bf Weighted Voting for Operation Dependent Management of Replicated Data} \item {\em Prasad Jayanti, Sam Toueg}\\ {\bf Wakeup under Read/Write Atomicity} \item {\em Tushar Chandra, Sam Toueg}\\ {\bf Time and Message Efficient Reliable Broadcasts} \item {\em Navin Budhiraja, Ajei Gopal, Sam Toueg}\\ {\bf Early-Stopping Distributed Bidding and Applications} \item {\em Piotr Berman, Juan A. Garay}\\ {\bf Fast Consensus in Networks of Bounded Degree} \item {\em Gil Neiger, Mark R. Tuttle}\\ {\bf Using Common Knowledge to Consistently Coordinate Simultaneous Actions in Systems with Failures} \item {\em Rog\'erio de Lemos, Paul D. Ezhilchelvan}\\ {\bf Agreement on the Group Membership in Distributed Systems} \item {\em Ofer Biran, Shlomo Moran, Shmuel Zaks}\\ {\bf Tight Bounds on the Round Complexity of Distributed 1-Solvable Tasks} \item {\em Rudolf Fleischer, Hermann Jung, Kurt Mehlhorn}\\ {\bf A Time-Randomness Tradeoff for Communication Complexity} \item {\em Soma Chaudhuri, Jennifer L. Welch}\\ {\bf Bounds on the Costs of Register Implementations} \item {\em Yehuda Afek, Danny Dolev, Eli Gafni, Michael Merritt, Nir Shavit}\\ {\bf A Bounded First-In, First-Enabled-Solution to the l-Exclusion Problem} \end{itemize} The final program with all information about registration and local arrangements will be widely distributed through the usual channels shortly, or can be requested by writing to:\\ \begin{center} {\em Workshop on Distributed Algorithm (WDAG)\\ attn. Mrs Annerie Deckers\\ Department of Computer Science\\ University of Utrecht\\ P.O. Box 80.089\\ 3508 TB Utrecht\\ the Netherlands\\ email: annerie@cs.ruu.nl, tel: +31-30-534040, fax: +31-30-513791 } \end{center} For further information contact either of the program co-chairpersons:\\ {\bf Prof Jan van Leeuwen}, Department of Computer Science, University of Utrecht, Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, the Netherlands, email: jan@cs.ruu.nl {\bf Prof Nicola Santoro}, School of Computer Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada K1S 5B6, email: santoro@scs.carleton.ca\\ {\bf PLEASE POST PLEASE POST PLEASE POST PLEASE POST PLEASE} \end{document}