[comp.theory] PODC Hotel Deadline

brassard@iro.umontreal.CA (Gilles Brassard) (07/18/90)


This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for hotel reservation
for the 9th ACM PODC (Principles of Distributed Computing) is
approaching fast.

Because August is peak touristic season in Qu\'{e}bec City,
you are STRONGLY advised to make your reservation to the Hilton
before the July 21 deadline.  The hotel's phone number is
(418)647-2411 and their FAX is (418)647-3737.  Please mention
that you are part of the ACM PODC'90.

This is a good time to remind you also of the deadline for
advance registration, which is July 31, after which registration
fees will go up sharply.

See you in Qu\'{e}bec,
                          - Gilles Brassard
                            PODC '90 Treasurer