[comp.theory] Sequencing variant problem

jberger@asterix.drev.dnd.ca (Jean Berger) (08/01/90)

	Two questions:
		1) NP-Complete for a variant of a well-known problem
		2) Well-known heuristics in scheduling (one, multi-processor) wanted!
		   (Refs wanted)
    1) NP-Complete for a variant of a well-known problem
	From the book Computer and intractability (A Guide to NP Completeness)
	from Garey & Johnson is mentioned a NP-Complete problem regarding
	the sequencing on one processor (p. 236):

	A5 Sequencing and Scheduling
	Problem A5.1 Sequencing on one processor
	[SS1] Sequencing with release times and deadlines

	Instance: Set T of tasks, for each task t in T, a length l(t) in Z+,
	a release time r(t) in Z+ U {0}, and deadline d(t) in Z+

	Question: Is there a one-processor schedule for T that satisfies the
	release time constraints and meets all deadlines.(No preemptions
	initially assumed)

	From Garey & Johnson if r(t) = 0 the general problem can be solved in poly

	MY QUESTION: Now if we relax the condition on l(t) as follows:
	We introduce a new variable called time (real time variable) such that
	l(t) = l(t; time) = a(t) - b(t)*time (a,b in R+)

	In other words if the length of the task t is linearly decreasing as
	time goes by, is that problem still NP-Complete ??????

	2) Well-known heuristics in scheduling (one, multi-processor) wanted
	I am looking for heuristics for similar problems in tasks scheduling
	for one/multiple processor. Would you know a repertory/collection of
	efficient heuristic for scheduling resolution problems ?

	Than k a million. E-mail: ARPA: jeanb@quebec.drev.dnd.ca

 -- Great Minds Think Alike
jean berger Eng.                       Defence Research Establishment
                                       Command and Control Division