[comp.theory] Call for papers: SIGMOD 91

raghu@ricotta.cs.wisc.edu (Raghu Ramakrishnan) (08/15/90)


			1991 ACM SIGMOD
	International Conference on Management of Data
		    May 29 - May 31, 1991 
		       Denver, Colorado

The 1991 ACM-SIGMOD Conference will bring together researchers, practitioners,
and users to explore the expanding role of database management systems.  The 
conference will provide a forum for original research contributions to 
practical system design, implementation, and evaluation.  The conference will
feature a number of half-day tutorials, panel sessions, videos, and exhibits
of commercially available systems and experimental research prototypes. 
The conference will also offer a program in which vendors will present 
database issues important to industry.

This year, the SIGMOD Conference will be held jointly with the Tenth ACM
SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS).  
There will be one registration process for all attendees.  Papers will be 
presented in parallel with the PODS papers, but there will be separate SIGMOD 
and PODS proceedings. The program committees for the two conferences are also 
separate and authors must decide to which conference they will submit. 
Theoretical papers are appropriate for PODS and applied ones for SIGMOD.  The 
same paper (or different versions of the same paper) may not be submitted to 
SIGMOD and PODS simultaneously.


Major topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Extensible Database Systems 		Object-Oriented Database Systems
Optimization Techniques			Design Databases
Query Languages				Benchmarks
Database Programming Languages		High Performance Systems
Logical & Physical Database Design	Parallel Architectures
Access Methods				Workstation-Based Architectures
Concurrency Control and Recovery	Heterogeneous Database Systems
Distributed Systems 			Interactive Database Interfaces
Integrity & Security Techniques		Advanced Applications


Six copies of a 5000-word manuscript should be submitted by 
December 7, 1990 to: 

		Roger King, Department of Computer Science
		Campus Box 430, University of Colorado
		Boulder, Colorado 80309-0430  USA

We strongly encourage submission of papers from countries outside North 
America.  Request for partial travel funds may be addressed to the European or 
Asian Coordinator.


Each panel or tutorial proposal should include a one-page description of the 
subject matter, the name of the organizer, and, for panels, a list of proposed 
panelists.  Video submissions should be full-length (5 to 20 minutes), 
submitted in VHS-NTSC format (standard VHS format in North America), and
accompanied by a project/system description of 500 to 1,000 words to appear in
the proceedings.  Submissions should be made to Goetz Graefe 
(graefe@boulder.colorado.edu) at the same address given for paper submissions.


There will be a series of sessions focussed on industrial problems, research 
developments, current and near-term problems for industry, and results that 
advance the state of the art or practice in the database area. Presentation 
proposals should include a title, the name of the presenter, and a two-page 
description of the topic and its significance to industry. Submissions should 
be made to:   

		Craig Thompson, Texas Instruments, Inc
		P.O. Box 655474, MS 238
		Dallas TX 75265  USA


Paper, Panel, Tutorial, Video, 
& Industrial Session Submission Deadline: 	December 7, 1990 
Notification of Acceptance:			February 20, 1991
Camera Ready Copies Due:			March 18, 1991

Daniel Moore, U S WEST Advanced Technologies, USA

Roger King, University of Colorado, USA

Rafael Alonso, Princeton University, USA 
Don Batory, Univ. of Texas, Austin, USA 
John Carlis, University of Minnesota, USA
Stefano Ceri, University of Modena, Italy
James Clifford, New York University, USA 
Stravos Christodoulakis, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada
Klaus Dittrich, Universitaet Zuerich, Switzerland 
Johann-Christoph Freytag, Digital, Germany
Goetz Graefe, University of Colorado, USA 
Richard B. Hull, Univ. of Southern California, USA
Yannis E. Ioannidis, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA 
Masaru Kitsuregawa, University of Tokyo, Japan
Peter Lyngbaek, Hewlett Packard Labs, USA
Dennis McCleod, Univ. of Southern California, USA
Song-Chun Moon, KAIST, KOREA
Matthew Morgenstern, SRI International, USA 
Ami Motro, George Mason University, USA 
Jeffrey F. Naughton, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA 
Z. Meral Ozsoyoglu, Case Western Reserve Univ., USA 
Yehoshua Sagiv, Hebrew University & Stanford University, USA 
Hans J. Schek, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
Oded Shmueli, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Sang H. Son, University of Virginia, USA
James Stamos, IBM, USA
Peter M. Stocker, University of East Anglia, UK
Michael Stonebraker, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA
Katsumi Tanaka, University of Kobe, Japan
Patrick Valduriez, INRIA, France 
Victor Vianu, Univ. of California, San Diego, USA
Ralph Watcher, Office of Naval Research, USA
Gio Wiederhold, Stanford University, USA
Ouri Wolfson, Columbia University, USA 
Stanley B. Zdonik, Brown University, USA 
Goetz Graefe, University of Colorado, USA 

Craig Thompson, Texas Instruments, USA 

Jim Bruce, IBM, USA 

Karen Smith, IBM, USA 

To be announced 

James Clifford, New York University, USA 

Pamela Drew, University of Colorado & U S WEST Advanced Technologies, USA 

Bonnell Frost, USA 

Reind van de Riet, Free University, The Netherlands 

Yoshifumi Masunaga, Univ. of Library and Information Science, Japan 

raghu@CS.WISC.EDU (Raghu Ramakrishnan) (08/15/90)


			1991 ACM SIGMOD
	International Conference on Management of Data
		    May 29 - May 31, 1991
		       Denver, Colorado

The 1991 ACM-SIGMOD Conference will bring together researchers, practitioners,
and users to explore the expanding role of database management systems.  The
conference will provide a forum for original research contributions to
practical system design, implementation, and evaluation.  The conference will
feature a number of half-day tutorials, panel sessions, videos, and exhibits
of commercially available systems and experimental research prototypes.
The conference will also offer a program in which vendors will present
database issues important to industry.

This year, the SIGMOD Conference will be held jointly with the Tenth ACM
SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS).
There will be one registration process for all attendees.  Papers will be
presented in parallel with the PODS papers, but there will be separate SIGMOD
and PODS proceedings. The program committees for the two conferences are also
separate and authors must decide to which conference they will submit.
Theoretical papers are appropriate for PODS and applied ones for SIGMOD.  The
same paper (or different versions of the same paper) may not be submitted to
SIGMOD and PODS simultaneously.


Major topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Extensible Database Systems 		Object-Oriented Database Systems
Optimization Techniques			Design Databases
Query Languages				Benchmarks
Database Programming Languages		High Performance Systems
Logical & Physical Database Design	Parallel Architectures
Access Methods				Workstation-Based Architectures
Concurrency Control and Recovery	Heterogeneous Database Systems
Distributed Systems 			Interactive Database Interfaces
Integrity & Security Techniques		Advanced Applications


Six copies of a 5000-word manuscript should be submitted by
December 7, 1990 to:

		Roger King, Department of Computer Science
		Campus Box 430, University of Colorado
		Boulder, Colorado 80309-0430  USA

We strongly encourage submission of papers from countries outside North
America.  Request for partial travel funds may be addressed to the European or
Asian Coordinator.


Each panel or tutorial proposal should include a one-page description of the
subject matter, the name of the organizer, and, for panels, a list of proposed
panelists.  Video submissions should be full-length (5 to 20 minutes),
submitted in VHS-NTSC format (standard VHS format in North America), and
accompanied by a project/system description of 500 to 1,000 words to appear in
the proceedings.  Submissions should be made to Goetz Graefe
(graefe@boulder.colorado.edu) at the same address given for paper submissions.


There will be a series of sessions focussed on industrial problems, research
developments, current and near-term problems for industry, and results that
advance the state of the art or practice in the database area. Presentation
proposals should include a title, the name of the presenter, and a two-page
description of the topic and its significance to industry. Submissions should
be made to:

		Craig Thompson, Texas Instruments, Inc
		P.O. Box 655474, MS 238
		Dallas TX 75265  USA


Paper, Panel, Tutorial, Video,
& Industrial Session Submission Deadline: 	December 7, 1990
Notification of Acceptance:			February 20, 1991
Camera Ready Copies Due:			March 18, 1991

Daniel Moore, U S WEST Advanced Technologies, USA

Roger King, University of Colorado, USA

Rafael Alonso, Princeton University, USA
Don Batory, Univ. of Texas, Austin, USA
John Carlis, University of Minnesota, USA
Stefano Ceri, University of Modena, Italy
James Clifford, New York University, USA
Stravos Christodoulakis, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada
Klaus Dittrich, Universitaet Zuerich, Switzerland
Johann-Christoph Freytag, Digital, Germany
Goetz Graefe, University of Colorado, USA
Richard B. Hull, Univ. of Southern California, USA
Yannis E. Ioannidis, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA
Masaru Kitsuregawa, University of Tokyo, Japan
Peter Lyngbaek, Hewlett Packard Labs, USA
Dennis McCleod, Univ. of Southern California, USA
Song-Chun Moon, KAIST, KOREA
Matthew Morgenstern, SRI International, USA
Ami Motro, George Mason University, USA
Jeffrey F. Naughton, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA
Z. Meral Ozsoyoglu, Case Western Reserve Univ., USA
Yehoshua Sagiv, Hebrew University & Stanford University, USA
Hans J. Schek, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
Oded Shmueli, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Sang H. Son, University of Virginia, USA
James Stamos, IBM, USA
Peter M. Stocker, University of East Anglia, UK
Michael Stonebraker, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA
Katsumi Tanaka, University of Kobe, Japan
Patrick Valduriez, INRIA, France
Victor Vianu, Univ. of California, San Diego, USA
Ralph Watcher, Office of Naval Research, USA
Gio Wiederhold, Standford University, USA
Ouri Wolfson, Columbia University, USA
Stanley B. Zdonik, Brown University, USA

Goetz Graefe, University of Colorado, USA

Craig Thompson, Texas Instruments, USA

Jim Bruce, IBM, USA

Karen Smith, IBM, USA

To be announced

James Clifford, New York University, USA

Pamela Drew, University of Colorado & U S WEST Advanced Technologies, USA

Bonnell Frost, USA

Reind van de Riet, Free University, The Netherlands

Yoshifumi Masunaga, Univ. of Library and Information Science, Japan