raghu@ricotta.cs.wisc.edu (Raghu Ramakrishnan) (08/15/90)
CALL FOR PAPERS Tenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) Denver, Colorado, May 29-31, 1991 The conference will cover new developments in the fundamental aspects of database and knowledge-base systems. Original research papers in the theory, design, specification, or implementation of database and knowledge-base systems are solicited. Some suggested, although not exclusive, topics of interest are: complex objects, concurrency control, data models, database programming languages and persistent programming, data structures, deductive databases, distributed databases, incomplete information, knowledge representation, nonmonotonic reasoning, object-oriented databases, performance evaluation, physical and logical design, query languages, query optimization, spatial and temporal data, and transaction management. The PODS conference will be held jointly with the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. Papers will be presented in parallel with the SIGMOD papers, but there will be separate PODS and SIGMOD Proceeedings. The program committees for the two conferences are also separate and authors must decide to which conference they will submit. In general, very theoretical papers are more appropriate for PODS and very applied ones for SIGMOD. The same paper (or different versions of the same paper) may NOT be submitted to PODS and SIGMOD simultaneously. PROGRAM COMMITTEE Serge Abiteboul Jean-Louis Lassez Amr El Abbadi David Maier Christos Faloutsos Alberto O. Mendelzon Phokion G. Kolaitis Raghu Ramakrishnan Henry F. Korth Jeffrey D. Ullman You are invited to submit eleven copies of a detailed abstract (not a complete paper) to the program chair: Alberto O. Mendelzon - PODS 91 Computer Systems Research Institute 10 King's College Road University of Toronto Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4 mendel@db.toronto.edu (416) 978-2952, FAX (416) 978-4765 Submissions should be no longer than the equivalent of ten pages of 12-point type with 14-point vertical spacing (or ten pages of double-spaced typewritten text). Deviations from these guidelines may affect the program committee's evaluation of the paper. Whenever possible, the electronic mail address of the contact author should be given on the title page. The deadline for submission of abstracts is DECEMBER 7, 1990. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by February 20, 1991. The accepted papers, typed on special forms, will be due at the above address by March 18, 1991. All authors of accepted papers will be expected to sign copyright release forms, and one author of each accepted paper will be expected to present the paper at the conference. Proceedings will be distributed at the conference, and will be subsequently available for purchase through the ACM. General Chair Daniel J. Rosenkrantz Dept. of Computer Science State University of NY at Albany Albany, New York 12222 USA djr@cs.albany.edu Local Arrangements Chair Karen Smith IBM P.O. Box 1900, GS6/004F Boulder, Colorado 80302 USA
raghu@CS.WISC.EDU (Raghu Ramakrishnan) (08/25/90)
CALL FOR PAPERS Tenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) Denver, Colorado, May 29-31, 1991 The conference will cover new developments in the fundamental aspects of database and knowledge-base systems. Original research papers in the theory, design, specification, or implementation of database and knowledge-base systems are solicited. Some suggested, although not exclusive, topics of interest are: complex objects, concurrency control, data models, database programming languages and persistent programming, data structures, deductive databases, distributed databases, incomplete information, knowledge representation, nonmonotonic reasoning, object-oriented databases, performance evaluation, physical and logical design, query languages, query optimization, spatial and temporal data, and transaction management. The PODS conference will be held jointly with the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. Papers will be presented in parallel with the SIGMOD papers, but there will be separate PODS and SIGMOD Proceeedings. The program committees for the two conferences are also separate and authors must decide to which conference they will submit. In general, very theoretical papers are more appropriate for PODS and very applied ones for SIGMOD. The same paper (or different versions of the same paper) may NOT be submitted to PODS and SIGMOD simultaneously. PROGRAM COMMITTEE Serge Abiteboul Jean-Louis Lassez Amr El Abbadi David Maier Christos Faloutsos Alberto O. Mendelzon Phokion G. Kolaitis Raghu Ramakrishnan Henry F. Korth Jeffrey D. Ullman You are invited to submit eleven copies of a detailed abstract (not a complete paper) to the program chair: Alberto O. Mendelzon - PODS 91 Computer Systems Research Institute 10 King's College Road University of Toronto Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4 mendel@db.toronto.edu (416) 978-2952, FAX (416) 978-4765 Submissions should be no longer than the equivalent of ten pages of 12-point type with 14-point vertical spacing (or ten pages of double-spaced typewritten text). Deviations from these guidelines may affect the program committee's evaluation of the paper. Whenever possible, the electronic mail address of the contact author should be given on the title page. The deadline for submission of abstracts is DECEMBER 7, 1990. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by February 20, 1991. The accepted papers, typed on special forms, will be due at the above address by March 18, 1991. All authors of accepted papers will be expected to sign copyright release forms, and one author of each accepted paper will be expected to present the paper at the conference. Proceedings will be distributed at the conference, and will be subsequently available for purchase through the ACM. General Chair Daniel J. Rosenkrantz Dept. of Computer Science State University of NY at Albany Albany, New York 12222 USA djr@cs.albany.edu Local Arrangements Chair Karen Smith IBM P.O. Box 1900, GS6/004F Boulder, Colorado 80302 USA