[comp.theory] Call for papers: Structure in Complexity Theory Conference

royer@top.cis.syr.edu (Jim Royer) (09/05/90)

                               CALL FOR PAPERS
                           Sixth Annual Conference

                           June 30 -- July 3, 1991

                            University of Chicago
                           Chicago, Illinois  USA

The conference seeks original research papers or technical expositions in all
areas of complexity theory. Topics of interest include but are not limited to
the following:

  Structure of complexity classes      Structural aspects of learning theory 
  Properties of complete sets          Kolmogorov complexity 
  Resource-bounded reducibilities      Random and interactive proof systems
  Theory of relativizations            Cryptographic complexity
  Independence results                 Theory of parallel complexity classes
  Applications of recursion theory     Circuit complexity 
  Applications of finite model theory

Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the
conference.  Authors can anticipate 15, 30, or 45 minutes for presenting
research papers, and 45 minutes for presenting technical expository papers.
Time allocations for presentations will be determined by the program
committee. Short papers that contain important results are as welcome as
complete developments.  Some members of the program committee may present
research talks or technical expository talks providing perspective on their
current research programs.  Expanded times will be allocated for informal
rump sessions.

To submit a paper, send 10 copies of an extended abstract or a full draft
paper to the program committee chair:

               Neil Immerman  
               Department of Computer and Information Science
               University of Massachusetts, Amherst 
               Amherst, Massachusetts  01003, U.S.A

To be guaranteed consideration, papers must be received by January 23, 1991.
Notifications of acceptance or rejection will be mailed by March 12, 1991.
Final papers prepared in special format for camera copying are due April
15, 1991. Conference Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer 

Authors who wish to submit a paper to both ACM STOC and to this Conference
and who find the deadlines difficult may send Structures a conditional
submission with a brief explanatory note. If the paper is accepted at STOC,
it will be automatically withdrawn from Structures consideration. Joint
submissions to other conferences are not permitted.

Beginning this year the Structures conference proceedings will include short
research abstracts in the style of the American Mathematical Society's
ABSTRACTS.  The abstract submission deadline is April 1, 1991.  Details
on how to submit abstracts will be available by mid-October.  (See MORE

The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee
for Mathematical Foundations of Computing in cooperation with ACM SIGACT and

                              PROGRAM COMMITTEE

     Jose Balcazar        Neil Immerman              Paul Vitanyi
     Alan Borodin         Christos Papadimitriou     Christopher Wilson
     William Gasarch      Walter Ruzzo     

  Stephen R. Mahaney                    Stuart Kurtz 
  Department of Computer Science        Department of Computer Science  
  University of Arizona                 University of Chicago 
  Tucson, AZ 85721, U.S.A.              Chicago, IL 60637, U.S.A

MORE INFORMATION. To receive a bulletin on the latest information on the
Structures conference, send electronic mail to structures@top.cis.syr.edu or
contact the conference publicity chair: James Royer; Department of Computer
and Information Science; Syracuse University; Syracuse, NY 13244, U.S.A.
E-mail: royer@top.cis.syr.edu.