[comp.theory] Accepted Papers for SODA -1991

aggarwa@IBM.COM (Alok Aggarwal) (10/03/90)

          ACCEPTED    PAPERS     FOR     SODA - 1991

      Dynamic Expression Trees and Their Applications

Robert F. Cohen and Roberto Tamassia, Brown Univ.

        Efficient 2-Dimensional Approximate Matching of
Non-rectangular Figures

Amihood Amir and Martin Farach, Univ. of Maryland

        Approximating the Number of Solutions of a GF[2] Polynomial

Marek Karpinski, Univ. of Bonn, Germany and International
Computer Science Inst., Berkeley; and Michael Luby,
International Computer Science Inst.

        A Fast Algorithm for Connecting Grid Points to the Boundary
With Nonintersecting Straight Lines

Yitzhak Birk and Jeffrey B. Lotspiech, IBM Research Division,
Almaden Research Center

        A Strongly Polynomial Minimum Mean Cut Cancelling Algorithm
for Submodular Flow

S. Thomas McCormick, Univ. of British Columbia

        Maintaining the Minimal Distance of a Point Set in
Polylogarithmic Time

Michiel Smid, Universitat des Saarlandes, Germany

        Parallel Complexity of Tridiagonal Symmetric Eigenvalue

Dario Bini, Universita di Pisa;
Victor Pan, Columbia Univ. and Lehman College, CUNY

        Space-efficient Ray-shooting and Intersection Searching:
Algorithms, Dynamization, and Applications

Siu Wing Cheng and Ravi Janardan, Univ. of Minnesota

        Approximation Algorithms for Planar Traveling Salesman Tours
and Minimum-Length Triangulations

Kenneth L. Clarkson, AT&T Bell Labs.

        Routing Through a Dense Channel With Minimum Total Wire

Michael Formann, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany; Dorothea
Wagner, Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany; and Frank
Wagner, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany

        Finding Stabbing Lines in 3-Dimensional Space

M. Pellegrini, Courant Institute;
P. Shor, AT&T Bell Labs.

        The First Classical Ramsey Number for Hypergraphs Is

Brendan D. McKay, Australian National University;
Stanislaw P. Radziszowski, Rochester Inst. of Technology

        Optimal Algorithms for Partitioning Trees

Greg N. Frederickson, Purdue Univ.

        An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for the Row Minima of a
Totally Monotone Matrix

Mikhail J. Atallah, Purdue Univ.;
S. Rao Kosaraju, Johns Hopkins Univ.

        Tight Bounds on the Complexity of the Boyer-Moore String
Matching Algorithm

Richard Cole, Courant Institute

        On Finding Minimal Two-Connected Subgraphs

Pierre Kelsen and Vijaya Ramachandran, Univ. of
Texas, Austin

        Edge Coloring Planar Graphs with Two Outerplanar

Lenwood S. Heath, Virginia Polytechnic Inst.

        Recognizing Strong Connectivity in Periodic Graphs
and Its Relation to Integer Programaming

Muralidharan Kodialam and James B. Orlin, MIT

        Optimal Time Randomized Consensus - Making Resilient
Algorithms Fast in Practice

Michael Saks, Univ. of California, San Diego; Nir Shavit,
IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center;
Heather Woll, Univ. of California, San Diego

        On Partitions and Presortedness of Sequences

Jingsen Chen and Svante Carlsson, Lund University, Sweden

        Complexity Results and Algorithms
for  {<,<=,=}-Constrained Scheduling

Bonnie Berger and Lenore Cowen, MIT

        The Fourth Moment Method

Bonnie Berger, MIT

        The Canadian Traveller Problem

Amotz Bar-Noy and Baruch Schieber, IBM Research Division,
T. W. Watson Research Center

        On-Line Weighted Matching

Bala Kalyanasundaram and Kirk Pruhs, Univ. of Pittsburgh

        Offline Maintenance of Planar Configurations

John Hershberger, Digital Equipment Corp. Systems
Research Center; Subhash Suri, Bell Communications Research

        A New Lower Bound Technique and its Application

Prakash Ramanan, Univ, of California, Santa Barbara

        Lower Bounds for On-Line Tree Embeddings

Panfeng Liu and David Greenberg, Yale Univ.;
Sandeep Bhatt, California Institute of Technology

        On-Line Caching as Cache Size Varies

Neal E. Young, Princeton Univ.

        On the Parallel Complexity of Evaluating Game-Trees

Andrei Z. Broder and Anna R. Karlin, Digital Equipment
Corp. Systems Research Center; Prabhakar Raghavan,
IBM Research Division, T. J. Watson Research Center;
Eli Upfal, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center

        Efficient Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for Computing
Recovery Points in Trees and Paths

Marek Chrobak, Univ. of California, Riverside; David
Eppstein, Xerox PARC and Univ. of California, Irvine;
Giuseppe F. Italiano, Columbia Univ. and Universita di
Roma; Moti Yung, IBM Research Division,
T. J. Watson Research Center

        Time-Work Tradeoffs for Parallel Graph Algorithms

Thomas H. Spencer, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.

        Bounded Space On-Line Bin Packing:  Best is Better than

J. Csirik, Bolyai Inst., Hungary; David S. Johnson,
AT&T Bell Labs.

        Upward Planar Drawing of Single Source Acyclic Digraphs

Michael Hutton and Anna Lubiw, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada

        Density Graphs and Separators

Gary L. Miller, Carnegie Mellon Univ. and Univ. of
Southern California; Stephen A. Vavasis, Cornell Univ.

        Triangulating Three-Colored Graphs

Sampath K. Kannan and Tandy J. Warnow, Univ. of
California, Berkeley

        Adaptive Heuristics for Binary Search Trees and Constant
Linkage Cost

Tony W. Lai and Derick Wood, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada

        Matching Points into Noise Regions: Combinatorial Bounds
and Algorithms

Esther M. Arkin, Cornell Univ.; Klara Kedem, Tel Aviv
Univ.; Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Cornell Univ.;
Josef Sprinzak and Michael Werman, Hebrew University

        Improved Approximation Algorithms for Shop Scheduling

David B. Shmoys, Cornell Univ.; Clifford Stein and
Joel Wein, MIT

        Randomized Competitive Algorithms for the List Update

Sandra Irani, Univ. of California, Berkeley;
Nick Reingold and Jeffery Westbrook, Yale Univ.;
Daniel Sleator, Carnegie Mellon Univ.

        A Sublinear Randomized Parallel Algorithm for the Maximum
Clique Problem in Perfect Graphs

Farid Alizadeh, Univ. of Minnesota

        Decomposing Graphs Into Regions of Small Diameter

Nathan Linial, Hebrew Univ.;
Michael Saks, Univ. of California, San Diego

        On the Complexity of Some Flow Problems

Edith Cohen, Stanford Univ. and IBM Almaden Division,
Almaden Research Center;
Nimrod Megiddo, IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center and
Tel Aviv Univ.

        Ultra-Fast Expected Time Parallel Algorithms

Philip D. MacKenzie and Quentin F. Stout, Univ. of Michigan

        Persistence, Amortization and Randomization

Paul F. Dietz and Rajeev Raman, Univ. of Rochester

        An O(n^2) Time Algorithm for the 2-Chain Cover Problem
and Related Problems

Tze-heng Ma and Jeremy Spinrad, Vanderbilt Univ.

        Learning the Fourier Spectrum of Probabilistic Lists and

William Aiello and Milena Mihail, Bell Communications
Research, Morristown

        Circular Hulls and Orbiforms of Simple Polygons

V. Chandru, Purdue Univ.;
R. Venkataraman, Indian Inst. of Science

        Computing a Face in an Arrangement of Line Segments

Bernard Chazelle, Princeton Univ.; Herbert Edelsbrunner,
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana; Leonidas J. Guibas, Digital
Equipment Corp. Systems Research Center, MIT
and Stanford Univ.; Micha Sharir,
Tel Aviv Univ., and Courant; Jack Snoeyink,
Stanford Univ.

        Tight Bounds on the Number of Minimum-Mean Cycle

Tomasz Radzik and Andrew V. Goldberg, Stanford Univ.

        Fast Hashing on PRAM

Joseph Gil, Hebrew Univ.; Yossi Matias,
Tel-Aviv Univ.

        Planar Geometric Location Problems and Maintaining the
Width of a Planar Set

Pankaj K. Agarwal, DIMACS and Rutgers Univ.; Micha Sharir,
Tel-Aviv Univ. and Courant

        Fully Persistent Lists with Catenation

James R. Driscoll, Dartmouth College; Daniel D. K. Sleator,
Carnegie Mellon Univ.; Robert E. Tarjan, Princeton Univ.

        The Aquarium Keeper's Problem

Jurek Czyzowicz, Universite du Quebec a Hull; Peter
Egyed and Hazel Everett, McGill Univ., Canada; David
Rappaport, Queen's Univ., Canada; Thomas Shermer, Simon
Fraser Univ. Canada; Diane Souvaine, Rutgers Univ.;
Godfried Toussaint, McGill Univ., Canada; Jorge
Urrutia, Univ. of Ottawa

        The Analysis of Multidimensional Searching in Quad-Trees

Philippe Flajolet, INRIA, France; Gaston Gonnet,
Eidgen Tech Hochschule, Switzerland; Claude Puech, ENS,
France; Mike Robson, Australian National Univ.