[comp.theory] Theory positions

srt@duke.cs.duke.edu (Stephen R. Tate) (10/09/90)

As promised, I have compiled a list of available theory positions from
responses I received by E-mail.  Unfortunately, the response was less
than overwhelming, so the best bet would still probably be the CACM
ads.  My sincere thanks to those who responded, and if I get more
responses I will post an updated list.


Cornell University          Contact:  Prof. Juris Hartmanis
1 or possibly 2 theory positions      Computer Science Department
                                      Upson Hall
				      Cornell University
				      Ithaca, NY  14853-7501


Indiana University          Contact:  See December or January CACM ad
At least 2 positions 
   (not necessarily just theory)


Wichita State University   Contact:  Dr. Raj Sunderraman
At least 2 positions		     Chairperson of CS Faculty Search Committee
   (not necessarily theory)	     Computer Science Department
				     Campus Box 83
				     The Wichita State University
				     Wichita, KS  67208


UC Riverside                Contact:  ???
Theory is not top priority, but
   still possible.


In addition to these, I have a listing of contact (both academic and
industry) in Singapore.  It is rather long, so I won't post it here, but
can send it by E-mail to anyone who is interested.

Steve Tate                         srt@duke.cs.duke.edu
Dept. of Computer Science
Duke University
Durham, NC  27706