[comp.theory] IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing

hal@UTDALLAS.EDU (Hal Sudborough) (10/16/90)

Second IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Colony Parke Hotel, Dallas, Texas
December 9-13, 1990

                            Advance Program

Tutorials on Sunday and Thursday ( see end of schedule for details )

                           Technical Program

Note: l = long paper (22 min.), s = short paper (12 min.)

Monday, December 10, 8:30-10:00 AM

Welcoming Remarks, Behrooz Shirazi, UT-Arlington

Keynote Speech: Developing Complex, Distributed, Real-Time Systems
Raymond T. Yeh, SYSCORP International

This Talk will discuss a new process and integrated system
to support the development of real-time embedded systems.  The alternative
process will allow overlapping development phases with concurrent
activities to deal with frequent requirements changes and use prototypes
as key mechanisms to access high risk factors.  An integrated environment
to support this process will be discussed.  The cornerstones of such
a system engineering environment includes flexible graphic user interface,
specification compiler, reuse at various levels, and rapid prototyping
at different levels of design.

Monday, December 10, 10:00-10:30 AM
Break, Poster Presentation I

Monday, December 10, 10:30 AM-12:00 N

North Ballroom: Algorithms I
Chair: Ioannis Tollis, UT-Dallas

l: A Fast NC Algorithm to Recognize P4-Sparse Graphs
R. Lin, SUNY at Geneseo and S. Olariu, Old Dominion Univ.
l: The Maximum Weight Perfect Matching Problem for
Complete Weighted Graphs in PC
Constantine Osiakwan and S.G. Akl, Queen's University
l: Energy Complexity of Optical Computations
Akhilesh Tyagi and John Reif, Univ. of North Carolina
s: LR-Heap: A Concurrent Implementation of Priority Queues
Rassul Ayani, The Royal Institute of Technology
s: Parallel Algorithms for Optimal Ranking of Trees
Y. Liang, S.K. Dhall, and S. Lakshmivarahan, University of Oklahoma

South Ballroom: Task Scheduling I
Chair: Gideon Frieder, Syracuse University

l: Decentralized Decision Making in Adaptive Task Sharing
Hemant G. Rotithor and S.S. Pyo, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
l: Dynamic-Level Scheduling for Heterogeneous Processor Networks
Gilbert C. Sih and Edward A. Lee, University of California, Berkeley
l: Deterministic Load Balancing in Computer Networks
Xiaotie Deng, Stanford Univ., Hai-Ning Liu, and Bing
Xiao, Univ. of California at San Diego
s: Dynamic Load-Balancing on a Parallel Inference System
Zhiyong Liu and Jia-Huai You, University of Alberta
s: Algorithms for End-to-End Scheduling to Meet Deadlines
Riccardo Bettati and Jane W.S. Liu, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign

West Ballroom: Networks I
Chair: S. Lakshmivarahan, University of Oklahoma

l: Composite Routing Protocols
Anish Arora, Mohamed Gouda, and Ted Herman, University of Texas at Austin
l: Topology of Efficiently Controllable Banyan Multistage Networks
Abdou Youssef and Bruce Arden, George Washington Univ.
l: Subcube Recognition, Allocation/deallocation and Relocation in Hypercubes
Mee-yee Chan and Shiang-jen Lee
s: An Average-Case Algorithm for Routing Permutations
on a MESH Interconnection Network
Jop F. Sibeyn, University of Utrecht
s: A Simulation-Based Comparison of Interconnection Networks
M.T. Raghunath and Abhiram G. Ranade, University of California, Berkeley

Monday, December 10, 12:00-1:30 PM
Lunch Break

Monday, December 10, 1:30-3:00 PM

North Ballroom, Panel I
Supercomputer Technology Trends
Organizer, Moderator: Steve Wallach, Convex Computers Inc.

South Ballroom, Operating Systems I
Chair: Milan Milenkovic, IBM

l: Execution Replay on Distributed Memory Architectures
Eric Leu, Andre Schiper, and Abdelwahab Zramdini,
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
l: Divide and Conquer for Distributed Mutual Exclusion
K.V.S. Ramarao, SBC Technology Resources Inc. and
K. Brahmadathan, Univ. of Wyoming
s: The ServOS Kernel: A Special-Purpose OS Kernel for Server Machines
Stefan Schleipfer, InterFace Computer GmbH
s: A Correct Two-Phase Deadlock Detection Algorithm
for Distributed Systems
Ajay D. Kshemkalyani and Mukesh Singhal, Ohio State University
s: Barrier Synchronization over Multistage Interconnection Networks
Craig A. Lee, The Aerospace Corporation

West Ballroom, Databases
Chair: Margaret Eich, Southern Methodist University

l: A New Paradigm for High Availability & Efficiency in Replicated
Distributed Databases
Peter Triantafillou and David Taylor, University of Waterloo
l: Parallel Join Processing Using Non-clustered Indexes for a
Shared Memory Multiprocessor
Edward Omiecinski and Ron Shonkwiler, Georgia Institute of Technology
s: Main Memory Database Recovery Algorithms and Their Performance
Vijay Kumar and Albert Burger, University of Missouri-Kansas City
s: A Crash Recovery Algorithm Based on Multiple Logs
that Exploits Parallelism
Akhil Kumar, Cornell University
s: A Transaction Definition Based on Message Passing
Francisco Mariategui and Margaret H. Eich, Southern Methodist Univ.

Monday, December 10, 3:00-3:30 PM
Break, Poster Presentation II

Monday, December 10, 3:30-5:00 PM

North Ballroom: Architecture I
Chair: Krishna Kavi, UT-Arlington

l: Design of Optimal Systolic Arrays: A Systematic Approach
M.O. Esonu, A.J. Al-Khalili, Concordia Univ., and S. Hariri, Syracuse Univ.
l: A Broadcast/reduce Architecture for High-speed Data Compression
Roland Zito-wolf, Brandeis Univ.
l: Multiple Instruction Streams in a Highly Pipelined Processor
Mitsuhisa Sato, Shuichi Ichikawa, Research Development
Corporation of Japan (JRDC), and Eiichi Goto, Univ. of Tokyo
s: High-Speed Propagation of Link Status Routing Control Information
Douglas Comer, Purdue Univ., and Rajendra Yavatkar, Univ. of Kentucky
s: Deterministic Simulation of PRAMs on Hypercube Networks Without
Look-up Tables
Todd Heywood, Arif Ghafoor, and Jim K. Chan, Syracuse University

South Ballroom, Fault Tolerance I
Chair: Bill Carroll, UT-Arlington

l: Evaluation & Improvement of Fault Coverage for Verification
& Validation of Protocols
Y.-N. Shen and Fabrizio Lombardi, Texas A&M University
l: Distributed, Dynamic, & Efficient Testing of Large Scale Multiple
Processor Systems
Seyed H. Hosseini and N. Jamal, Univ. of Wisconsin--Milwaukee
l: Fault Tolerant Distributed Computing Using Atomic Send-Receive Checkpoints
Zbigniew M. Wojcik and Barbara E. Wojcik, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio
s: An Effective Fault-Tolerant Technique for Circular Butterfly
Parallel Systems
Nian-Feng Tzeng, University of Southwestern Louisiana
s: Real-Time Tasks Redundancy Management
Anne-Marie Deplanche, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Mecaniq.

West Ballroom, Algorithms II
Chair: Vijaya Ramachandran, UT-Austin

l: Parallel Execution of Lanczos Algorithm in a CAM Systolic Ring
C. Ko, Rutgers University
l: Optimistic Regulation of Concurrency
Arch D. Robison, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
l: An Asymptotically 100% Efficient Parallel Implementation
of the 	Nonsymmetric QR Algorithm
Duncan G. Hudson, iii and Robert A. Van de Geijn, Univ. of Texas at Austin
s: Integer Sorting on a Mesh-connected Array of Processors
Danny Krizanc, Univ. of Rochester
s: Time Complexity of a Heuristic Algorithm for the
k-Center Problem with Usage Weights
Qingzhow Wang and Kam-Hoi Cheng, University of Houston

Monday, December 10, 6:00-9:00 PM
Social Hour, Cash Bar, 6:00-7:00 PM
Symposium Dinner, 7:00-9:00 PM

Tuesday, December 11, 8:30-10:00 AM

North Ballroom, VLSI Design
Chair: A.R. Hurson, Penn State University

l: A Parallel Architecture for Data Compression
Selwyn Henriques and N. Ranganathan, University of South Florida
l: Allowing Overlaps Makes Switchbox Layouts Nice
Michael Kaufmann, Univ. des Saarlandes
s: Multi-Level VLSI Simulator For General Purpose Parallel Machines
E. Aposporidis and F. Lohnert, Daimler-Benz AG
s: Parallel Algorithms for Slicing Floorplan Designs
Cheng-hsi Chen and Ioannis G. Tollis, Univ. of Texas at Dallas
s: A Parallel Distributed Processing Approach to VLSI Global Routing
John Provence, Southern Methodist Univ., and S. Naganathan, Texas Instruments

South Ballroom, Algorithms III
Chair, S.K. Dhall, University of Oklahoma

l: Convergence/response Tradeoffs in Concurrent Systems
Mohamed G. Gouda and Michael Evangelist, Univ. of Texas at Austin
l: An Optimal Parallel Minimax Tree Algorithm
David G. Kirkpatrick and Teresa Przytycka, Univ. of British Columbia
l: Approximation Algorithms for the Bandwidth Minimization Problem
for Caterpillar Graphs
James Haralambides, Fillia Makedon, and B. Monien, Univ. of Texas at Dallas
s: Analysis of Parallel Algorithms Using Continuous Job Profiles
Mason L. Weems, Nasr Ullah, Mario J. Gonzalez, jr, Univ. of Texas at Austin
s: Packing Flexible Rectangles into a Two Dimensional Bin
Jiahuang Ji, University of Houston

West Ballroom, Architecture II
Chair: Akshay K. Deshpande, AT&T

l: An Adaptive Cache Coherence Scheme for Hierarchical Shared-Memory
Qing Yang, G. Thangadurai, Univ. of Rhode Island, and Laxmi N. Bhuyan,
Texas A&M Univ.
l: Distributed Input/Output Processing in Data-Driven Multiprocessors
Paraskevas Evripidou, Southern Methodist Univ., and Jean-Luc Gaudiot,
Univ. of Southern California
s: Design of a Highly Parallel IEEE Standard Floating Point Unit: The Cyrix
83D87 Coprocessor
David W. Matula, Southern Methodist Univ.
s: A Universal On-line Bit-Serial Cell for Parallel Expression Evaluation
Soren Peter Johansen, Odense Universitet
s: European Declarative System (EDS) Machine
Kam-fai Wong, ECRC Gmbh

Tuesday, December 11, 10:00-10:30 AM
Break, Poster Presentation III

Tuesday, December 11, 10:30 AM-12:00 N

North Ballroom, Potpourri
Chair, John Feo, Lawrence Livermore Lab.

s: Parallel Join Algorithms for Nested Relations on Shared-Memory
Vinay Deshpande, P.-A. Larson, Univ. of Waterloo, and T.P. Martin,
Queen's University
s: A High Performance Hybrid Architecture for Concurrent Query Execution
Kien A. Hua, Chiang Lee, IBM- Mid-Hudson Laboratories,
and Jih- Kwon Peir, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
s: Type Inference and the Algebra of Qualified Relations
David Eichmann, West Virginia University
s: The Application of Parallel Processing to the Simplified Marker and
Cell Method
David B. Johnson, Peter E. Raad, and Randall E. Rausch, Southern Methodist
s: Systolizing Compilation
Michael Barnett, Univ. of Texas at Austin
s: Design of the PRAM Network
Jonathan Sandberg, Princeton Univ.
s: Modeling Distributed Termination with Pre-defined Partial
Termination Ordering
T. Elrad, N.K. Kumar, and J.R. Kenevan, Illinois Institute of Technology

South Ballroom, Task Scheduling II
Chair: Girish Pathak, Xerox

l: Scheduling in Operation-Oriented Paradigm
A. Sayed Muhammed Sajeev, Massey University
l: Optimal Partitioning of Random Workloads in Homogeneous
Multiprocessor and Distributed Systems
Emile K. Haddad, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & St. Univ.
l: Scheduling Tasks with AND/OR Precedence Constraints
Donald W. Gillies and Jane W.-S. Liu, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
s: Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel Program Execution on a
Message-passing Supercomputer
Jian Xu
s: Scheduling Precedence Graphs to Minimize Total System Time in
Partitionable Parallel Architectures
Hyeong-Ah Choi and B. Narahari, George Washington Univ.

West Ballroom, Graphics/Image Processing
Chair: Robert Bechtel, Merit Technology

l: Termination Condition for a Parallel Shape Coding
Zbigniew M. Wojcik and Barbara E. Wojcik, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio
l: Binary Representation and Surface Interpolation of the Grey Level
Image by Relaxation Neural Network Models
Noboru Sonehara,  Advanced Telecom. Research Inst. Intl.
l: A Parallel Distributed Algorithm for Feature Extraction and Display
Robert J. Schalkoff and M.S. Mousavi, Clemson University
s: Recognition and Restoration of Periodic Patterns with Recurrent
Neural Network
Ryotaro Kamimura, Tokai University
s: Efficient Parallel Execution of Neighborhood Operations on an SIMD
De-lei Lee, York Univ., and Wayne A. Davis, Univ. of Alberta

Tuesday, December 11, 12:00-1:30 PM
Lunch Break

Tuesday, December 11, 1:30-3:00 PM

North Ballroom, Panel II
Resolved: RPC is a Mediocre Distributed Programming Facility
Organizer and Moderator: E. Douglas Jensen, Concurrent Computer Corp.

South Ballroom, Artificial Intelligence
Chair: Said Bettayeb, Louisiana State University

l: Accelerated Learning on the Connection Machine
Diane J. Cook and Lawrence B. Holder, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
l: Forward Chaining Parallel Inference
Michael C. Rowe, Jay Labhart, Robert Bechtel, Merit Technology Inc.,
Steve Matney, and Steve Carrow, Naval Research Laboratory
l: Parallel Execution on Production Systems
Fu-Chiung Cheng, Huei-Huang Chen, and Jiin-Hwai Perng, Tatung Inst.
of Technology
s: Extended Restricted And-Parallelism Execution Model
Si-En Chang, Mark L. Manwaring, Washington State Univ., and Y. Paul
Chiang, Texas Instruments
s: Parallel Path Planning in the Presence of Obstacles
Erwin Prabler and Evangelos Milios, Research Institute for Applied
Knowledge Processing

West Ballroom, Algorithms IV
Chair: Kam-Hoi Cheng, University of Houston

l: An Efficient Algorithm for Multi-process Shared Events
Vijay Kumar Garg and Sandeep Ajmani, Univ. of Texas at Austin
l: An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Solving Set Recurrence
Equations and Applications
Oscar H. Ibarra, Tao Jiang, and Hui Wang, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara
l: Parallel Algorithms for Determining K-width-connectivity in Binary Images
Frank Dehne and Susanne E. Hambrusch, Purdue Univ.
s: Parallel Dynamic Programming
Venkatraman Viswanathan, Shou-Hsuan Stephen Huang, and Hongfei Liu,
Univ. of Houston
s: Parallel Bin Packing Using First-fit and K-delayed Best-fit
Azer Bestavros and William McKeeman, Harvard University

Tuesday, December 11, 3:00-3:30 PM
Break, Poster Presentation IV

Tuesday, December 11, 3:30-5:00 PM

North Ballroom, Panel III
Future Trends in High Performance Arithmetic: Chips, Boards, and
Organizer and Moderator: David Matula, Southern Methodist University

South Ballroom, Fault Tolerance II
Chair: Nian-Feng Tzeng, University of Southwestern Louisiana

l: Randomized Fault-Detecting Leader Election in a Bi-Directional Ring
Neal R. Wagner, University of Texas at San Antonio
l: Multi-Failure Fault-Tolerance of Embedded Loops on Hypercubes: Issues
and Performance Study
C.T. Liang and W.S. Tsai, University of Minnesota
s: On the Testability of Array Structures for FFT Computation
Fabrizio Lombardi, Texas A&M Univ. and J. Muzio, Univ. of Victoria
s: A Software Approach to Fault Detection on Systolic Shared Register Machines
Richard Hughey and Daniel Lopresti, Brown University
s: Self-Testing and Self-Reconfiguration Architecture for 2-D WSI Arrays
Hussam Y. Abujbara and Sami A. Al-Arian, University of South Florida

West Ballroom, Networks II
Chair: Laxmi Bhuyan, Texas A&M University

l: A Topological Property of Hypercubes: Node Disjoint Paths
Seshu Madhavapeddy and I. Hal Sudborough, Univ. of Texas at Dallas
l: Embedding of Cycles and Grids in Star Graphs
Jung-Sing Jwo, S. Lakshmivarahan, and S.K. Dhall, University of Oklahoma
s: Improving Multistage Interconnection Network Performance Under
Uniform and Hot-Spot Traffics
Jih-Kwon Peir, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and Yann-Hang Lee, Univ.
of Florida
s: Computer Network Reliability Evaluation from Application's Point of view
Anup Kumar, Univ. of Louisville, and Dharma P. Agrawal, North Carolina
State Univ.
s: Efficient Routing and Conflict Resolution in F and IADM Networks
K.C. Anand, Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research, Dharma P. Agrawal, and
Nita M. Kini, North Carolina State Univ.

Wednesday, December 12, 8:30-10:00 AM

North Ballroom, Task Scheduling III
Chair: James Abello, Texas A&M University

l: A Semi Distributed Load Balancing Scheme for Large
Multicomputer Systems
Ishfaq Ahmad and Arif Ghafoor, Syracuse University
l: Analysis and Synthesis of Generalized Task Graphs
Krishna Kant, Pennsylvania State University
l: An Optimal Algorithm for Guaranteeing Sporadic Tasks in Hard
Real-time Systems
M. Silly, H. Chetto, and N. Elyounsi, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Mecaniq.
s: Self Scheduling and Execution Threads
R.S. Francis and A.N. Pears, Latrobe Univ.
s: Average Response Time Minimization in Star-connected Computer Networks
G.R. Dattatreya and R. Venkatesh, Univ. of Texas at Dallas

South Ballroom, Languages/Compilers
Chair: Rischiyur Nikhil, MIT

l: A Strict Monolithic Array Constructor
Guang R. Gao, Robert Kim Yates, McGill University, Jack B. Dennis,
MIT, and R. Mullin, Univ. of Vermont
l: The Complexity of Processing Tree Queries in Distributed Databases
Chihping Wang, University of California at Riverside
s: SISAL 1.2: High-Performance Applicative Computing
David Cann, John T. Feo, and Thomas M. DeBoni, Lawrence Livermore Lab.
s: Multiprocessor Common Lisp on TOP-1
Tomoyuki Tanaka and Shigeru Uzuhara, IBM, Tokyo Research Laboratory
s: Multiple Concurrency Control Policies in an Object-Oriented
Programming System
Gail E. Kaiser, Wenwey Hseush, Steven S. Popovich, and Shyhtsun F. Wu,
Columbia University

West Ballroom, Algorithms V
Chair: Eliezer Dekel, UT-Dallas

l: LU Factorization on CM2
Shan Jiang, Syracuse University
l: Using Universe Knowledge and Arithmetic to Get Faster Parallel Algorithms
Vassilis J. Tsotras, B. Gopinath, and George W. Hart, Columbia Univ.
s: An Improved Parallel Algorithm for Constructing Voronoi Diagram on a
Mesh-Connected Computer
Chang-sung Jeong, Pohang Institute of Science & Tech.
s: Synthesis of Simple Distributed Detection Networks
Nageswara Rao, Old Dominion University
s: Multi-version Memory: Software Cache Management for
Concurrent B-trees
William E. Weihl and Paul Wang, MIT

Wednesday, December 12, 10:00-10:30 AM
Break, Poster Presentation V

Wednesday, December 12, 10:30 AM-12:00 N

North Ballroom, Operating Systems II
Chair: Mary Lou Soffa, University of Pittsburgh

l: RDS: A Primitive for the Maintenance of Replicated Data Objects
Marek Rusinkiewicz, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, and Roshan Thomas, Univ. of
l: A General RPC for Model-Level Heterogeneous RPC Interoperability
Alex Stoyenko, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
l: Solving the Processor Identity Problem in O(n) Space
Lloyd Lim and Arvin Park, Univ. of California, Davis
s: Efficient Caching of Temporary Files
Ignacio Valdes and Jehan-F. Paris, University of Houston
s: Variations on the Drinking Philosophers Algorithms
S.E. Chern, R.T. Jacob, and I.P. Page, Univ. of Texas at Dallas

South Ballroom, Fault Tolerance III
Chair: Prasenjit Biswas, Texas Instruments

l: On the Fault Diagnosis of a VLSI Cellular Array
Tsair-Chin Lin, Cadence Design Systems, Inc., and Hsing Mei, Univ. of
Texas at Arlington
l: Transparent Structurization of Parallel Processes for Backward Recovery
A.B. Romanonsky and I.V. Sturtz, Leningrad Polytechnical Institute
l: fault-tolerant Computing on Trees
Ajit Agrawal, Brown Univ.
s: Recovery with Limited Replay: Fault-tolerant Processes in Linda
Srikanth Kambhatla and Jonathan Walpole, Oregon Graduate Institute
s: Fault Tolerant Distributed Shared Memory Algorithms
Michael Stumm and Songnian Zhou, Univ. of Toronto

West Ballroom, Architecture III
Chair: Paraskevas Evripidou, Southern Methodist University

l: Datarol: A Massively Parallel Machine Architecture for Functional Languages
Makoto Amamiya and Rin-ichiro Taniguchi, Kyushu University
l: A Virtual Bus Architecture for Dynamic Parallel Processing
K.C. Lee
s: Rapid Design of Testable, High-Performance/ Capacity Associative Memories
A.R. Hurson and P.M. Miller, Pennsylvania State University
s: Restructuring Wafers for Maximum Yield, and Some Applications of WSI
Dinesh Bhatia, Univ. of Texas at Dallas
s: Context Streams - A Theoretical Basis For a Generic Form of 	MIMD Pipelining
Timothy Lees, Univ. of Edinburgh

Wednesday, December 12, 12:00-1:30 PM
Lunch Break

Wednesday, December 12, 1:30-3:00 PM

North Ballroom, Modeling and Performance Evaluation
Chair: Makoto Amamiya, Kyushu University

l: Performance Analysis of Hierarchically Structured Multiple Bus
Multiprocessor System
A.K. Ramani, N.R. Gore, Devi Ahilya Univ., A.K. Shah, and P.K. Chande,
S.G.S. Inst. of Technology and Science
l: A Comprehensive Modeling for Performance Evaluation of Regular
Interconnection Network
Calvin C.-Y. Chen and Hee Yong Houn, University of North Texas
s: A Decomposition Approach for Analysis of Parallel Processing Systems
Krishna M. Kavi, Srinivasan R. Kuthalam, and Akshay K. Deshpande, Univ. of
Texas at Arlington
s: Modeling the Execution of LOTOS Specifications by Cooperating Extended
Finite State Machines
Adriano Valenzano, R. Sisto, Politecnico di Torino, and L. Ciminiera,
Universita di Bari
s: Performance Measurement and Modeling on a Shared Memory Multiprocessor
Through Message Passing
Xiaodong Zhang and Pattabiram Srinivasan, Univ. of Texas at San antonio

South Ballroom, Neural Networks
Chair: Joydeep Ghosh, UT-Austin

l: Modeling the Retinal Horizontal Cell Layer on a Massively Parallel
Processor: A Detailed Neural Network Model
Anthony L. Kimball and Raimond L. Winslow, Univ. of Minnesota
l: A Probabilistic Inference Method with Multiple Evidences and its
Implementation Using a Layered Network
Akimichi Tanaka and Osamu Nakamura, Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp.
s: ConSTrainer: A Generic Toolkit for Connectionist Dataset Selection
Apostolos N. Refenes, University College London
s: Multisensor Fusion Using Neural Networks
Richard L. Holmberg and Joydeep Ghosh, University of Texas at Austin
s: Ariel: A 100 Gigaflops Simulator for Connectionism Research
Gary Frazier, Texas Instruments

Wednesday, December 12, 3:00-3:30 PM

Wednesday, December 12, 3:30-5:00 PM

North Ballroom, Algorithms VI
Chair: Alex Stoyenko, New Jersey Institute of Technology

l: On Computational Limitations of Neural Network Architectures
Achim G. Hoffmann, Technische Universitat Berlin
l: On the Parallelization of Some Finite Difference Techniques
Peter E. Raad and Abraham N. Varghese, Southern Methodist Univ.
s: The Parallel Complexity of Queue Versus Stack Breadth First 	Search
Raymond Greenlaw, Univ. of New Hampshire
s: Mapping Precedence Trees to Hypercubes and Meshes
Stuart Ullman and B. Narahari, George Washington Univ.
s: Near-optimal Heuristics for Schedulings on Task-dependent Machines
Kenneth C.K. Luo, Yuan-chieh Chow, and Richard Newman-Wolfe, Univ. of Florida

South Ballroom, Networks III
Chair: Dharma P. Agarwal, NC State University

l: Simulating Parallel Neighboring Communications Among Square 	Meshes
and Square Toruses
Lixin Tao and Eva Ma, Concordia Univ.
l: Compressing Cube-connected Cycles and Butterfly Networks
R. Klasing, R. Luling, and B. Monien
s: Performance Properties of NULL Message Based Distributed Simulation
of Queuing Networks
Devendra Kumar and Saad Harous, Case Western Reserve Univ.
s: On Finding Maximal Subcubes in Residual Hypercubes
M.A. Sridhar and C.S. Raghavendra, Univ. of South Carolina
s: The Embedding Kernel on the IBM Victor Multiprocessor for Program
Mapping and Network Reconfiguration
Eva Ma and Dennis G. Shea, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center


Sunday, December 9, University Park

T1: The Future of Supercomputing - The Next Decade and Beyond
Stephen F. Lundstrom, PARSA

Important multidisciplinary applications are driving
the development of new scientific supercomputing capabilities toward
the teraflop range.  This course will look at the facts of where available
technologies are now, how they are advancing, and how they might be
used to implement the future of fully scaled teraflop computing systems.

Sunday, December 9, White Rock

T2: The Workstation/Server Model of Distributed Computing
Milan Milenkovic, IBM

An in-depth analysis of fundamental concepts and design techniques
of distributed systems, with special emphasis on the workstation/server
model of distributed computing, are presented.  Topics include: algorithms,
fault tolerance, naming, process migration, remote procedure calls,
distributed file systems, server and client design issues (stateful
vs. stateless, client caching).  Illustrations of important points
are drawn from contemporary implementations such as Andrew and Sprite.

Thursday, December 13, University Park

T3: Parallel/Distributed Architectures for Data/Knowledge Based Systems
Ali R. Hurson, Pennsylvania State University

The proliferation of data combined with higher performance
requirements have forced designers of data/knowledge based systems
to look beyond software solutions.  This tutorial overviews some of
the new developments in centralized and distributed environments.  In
addition, it covers the hardware- software implementation of these
issues.  Special attention will be paid to the relational data model
and data/knowledge based machines.  Finally, a survey of current research
and interest in this area will be addressed.

Thursday, December 13, White Rock

T4: Distributed Database Operating Systems:  Architectures and
Issues in Integration
M. Tamer Ozsu, University of Alberta

This tutorial addresses the technical issues that need
to be solved and the architectural models that can be used to better
integrate distributed database managers and distributed operating
systems.  The emphasis is on distributed DBMS requirements for operating
system services.  The technical issues that require further research
are identified.  Various distributed operating system architectural
models are analyzed with respect to their suitability for supporting
distributed DBMS functions.

Hotel Reservations:

        Please place your reservations directly with Colony
	Parke Hotel, 6060 North Centtral Expressway, Dallas, TX  75206,
	Tel: 1-800-527-1808 or, in Texas, call 1-800-441-9258.  You must
  	mention the symposium ( SPDP ) in order to receive the special
	symposium rates ( $54/night - single  or  $64/night - double ).
	Reservations should be made before November 25, 1990.  After this
	date, reservations are subject to room availability.

	A backup hotel has also been arranged, but it is approximately five
	miles away in Richardson, TX.  It is the Hampton Inn.  Call 1-800-
	HAMPTON for a reservation and mention the conference SPDP.  A block
	of approximately 20 rooms has been reserved for the rate of $38/night -
	either single or double.  If you rent a car, the connection is fairly
	easy as the Hampton Inn is also on the same expressway as the
  	Colony Parke Hotel.  It is directly north in Richardson.


	Please send registration and payment to Dr. Sajal Das, Department of
	Computer Science, P.O. Box 13886, University of North Texas, Denton
        Texas, 76203.  Tel:  1-817-565-4256  FAX:  1-817-565-2599

	Symposium or Tutorial Fees ( Advance Registration before Nov. 25 )

	IEEE Members ...................Advance US $140  ( late $170 )
	Non-IEEE Members ...............Advance US $175  ( late $220 )
	Students .......................Advance US $ 60  ( late $75  )

	IEEE number ______________________________

	Student ID No. ___________________________

	Symposium: _______________________________

	Tutorial: ________________________________  which tutorial:________

	Total: ___________________________________

	Last Name __________________________________

	First Name _________________________________

	Organization _______________________________________


	Address   __________________________________________


	City     ___________________________________________

	State/ZipCode/Country ______________________________


	Telephone and E-mail address __________________________________


	Check or Bank Draft Enclosed  _____

	Credit Card:   VISA number _______________________________

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