REGISTRATION FORM Last Date for Advance Registration : 30 November 1990 NAME : ________________________________________________ Affiliation : ________________________________________________ Address : ________________________________________________ City : ________ State : ________ PIN/ZIP : _____ Country : _______________ Draft # : _______________ Mail to : Y. N. Srikant FST & TCS 10 C/o Indian Institute of Science C. V. Raman Avenue Bangalore 560 012 India (Duplicate if required) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Venue Hotel Westend is centrally located about 10 kms from the airport and within 5 kms of most of the hotels and the railway station. Weather December is a pleasant month in Bangalore with temperatures ranging from 10o C at night to 25o in the afternoon. Transport Autorickshaw (three-wheeler) can be shared by two to three passengers. Bus available, but crowded. Hotels Around $50 a day : Windsor Manor, Taj, Holiday Inn, Ashok, Westend. Around $25 a day : Harsha, Cauvery, Chalukya, Bangalore Intl. Around $15 a day : Gautam, Kanishka, Rajmahal, Maurya, Woodlands. Around $8 a day : Ajantha, Brindavan, Motimahal. PROGRAMME DECEMBER 17, 1990 0800-0900 Registration 0900-0930 Inaugural Remarks : Prof. R. Narsimhan 0930-1030 Session 1 : Invited Lecture : JEAN-LOUIS LASSEZ Chair : R. K. Shyamsundar (TIFR, Bombay) REASONING ABOUT LINEAR CONSTRAINTS USING PARAMETRIC QUERIES Tien Huynh, Leo Joskowicz, Catherine Lassez, Jean-Louis Lassez (IBM T. J. Watson Res. Centre, USA) 1030-1100 Coffee break 1100-1300 Session 2 : LOGIC Chair : G. Venkatesh, (IIT, Bombay) o Discriminant Circumscription Li Yan Yuan, Jia-Huai You (University of Alberta, Canada) o Complexity of Algebraic Specifications Ramesh Subrahmanyam (University of Pennsylvania, USA) o A New Method for Undecidability Proofs of First Order Theories Ralf Treinen (Universitat des Saarlandes, FRG) o Generating Plans in Linear Logic M. Masseron, C. Tollu, J. Vauzeilles (C.N.R.S. and Universite Paris-Nord, France) 1300-1400 Lunch 1400-1530 Session 3 : AUTOMATA AND FORMAL LANGUAGES Chair: Kamala Krithivasan, (IIT, Madras) o Automata-Theoretic Techniques for Image Generation and Compression Karel Culik II, Simant Dube (University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA) o Recognizable Infinite Tree Sets and their Complexity A. Saoudi (Universite Paris VII, France) D. E. Muller and P. E. Schupp (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) o The Expressibility of Nondeterministic Auxiliary Stack Automata and its Relation to Treesize Bounded Alternating Auxiliary Pushdown Automata V. Vinay (IISC, Bangalore) V. Chandru (Purdue University, USA) 1530-1600 Coffee break 1600-1700 Session 4 : THEORY OF PROGRAMMING Chair: K. V. Nori, TRDDC, Pune o Towards Constructive Program Derivation in VDM C. P. Lewington (British Telecom Research Labs, England) o A New Method for Proving Termination of AC-Rewrite Systems G. Sivakumar (University of Delaware, USA) Deepak Kapur (SUNY at Albany, USA) Hantao Zhang (The University of Iowa, USA) DECEMBER 18, 1990 0900-1030 Session 5 : PARALLEL ALGORITHMS Chair : Y. N. Srikant (IISc., Bangalore) o Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Optical Computing with the DFT Primitive Akhilesh Tyagi (University of North Carolina, USA) John Reif (Duke University, USA) o The Power of Collision : Randomized Parallel Algorithms for Chaining and Integer Sorting Rajeev Raman (University of Rochester, USA) o Fast Parallel Algorithms for Cographs Stephan Olariu (Old Dominion University, USA) R. Lin (SUNY, Geneseo, USA) 1030-1100 Coffee break 1100-1300 PARALLEL ALGORITHMS,.....(continued) o Optimally Representing Euclidean Space Discretely for Analogically Simulating Physical Phenomena John Case, D.S. Rajan, A. M. Shende (University of Delaware, USA) o Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Testing Isomorphism of Trees and Outerplanar Graphs Andrzej Lingas, Christos Levcopoulos, Ola Petersson (Lund Univ., Sweden) Wojciech Rytter (Warsaw University, Poland) o Randomized Parallel Selection Rajasekaran Sanguthevar (University of Pennsylvania, USA) o A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Finding a Maximal Bipartite Set David Pearson, Vijay Vazirani Cornell University, USA) 1300-1400 Lunch 1400-1600 SESSION IN HONOUR OF PROF. R. NARASIMHAN, TIFR, BOMBAY INVITED IMAGE UNDERSTANDING : PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE LECTURES : PROF. A. ROZENFELD (Univ. of Maryland, USA) TOWARDS A THEORY OF COMMONSENSE VISUAL REASONING PROF. B. CHANDRASEKARAN (The Ohio State Univ. USA) NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING, COMPLEXITY THEORY & LOGIC PROF. R. SANGAL (I I T, Kanpur, India) 1600-1630 Coffee break 1630-1800 CONTRIBUTIONS OF PROF. R. NARASIMHAN TO COMPUTER SCIENCE RESEARCH INVOLVEMENT IN INDIA R. K. SHYAMSUNDER (TIFR, Bombay), S. RAMANI, (NCST, Bombay) K. V. NORI, (TRDDC, Pune) 1930 Dinner SPEAKERS : Dr. P. P. Gupta, Chairman & M.D., CMC, Delhi Mr. F. C. Kohli, Director-in-Charge, TCS, Bombay Maj. Gen. A. Balasubrahmanian, Consultant, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Delhi DECEMBER 19, 1990 0900-1000 Session 6 : Invited Lecture : S. R. KOSARAJU Chair : C. E. VeniMadhavan (IISc, Bangalore) ON THE PARALLEL EVALUATION OF CLASSES OF CIRCUITS S. Rao Kosaraju (The Johns Hopkins University, USA) 1000-1030 Coffee break 1030-1200 Session 7 : GEOMETRIC ALGORITHMS Chair : S. N. Maheshwari, (IIT, Delhi) o Voronoi Diagrams of Moving Points in the Plane R. C. T. Lee, Jyh-Jong Fu (National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC) o Efficient Algorithms for Identifying All Maximal Isothetic Empty Rectangles in VLSI Layout Design Bhargab B Bhattacharya, Subhas C. Nandy and Sibabrata Ray (Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta) o On Some Largest Empty Orthoconvex Polygons in a Point Set Amitava Datta and G.D.S. Ramkumar (IIT, Madras) 1200-1300 Session 8 : CONCURRENCY Chair : P. S. Thiagarajan (SPIC Science Foundation, Madras) o Defining Process Fairness for Non-Interleaving Concurrency Marta Z. Kwiatkowska (University of Leicester, UK) o Observational Logics and Concurrency Models Gian Luigi Ferrari (Universita Degli Studi di Pisa, Italy) Rocco De Nicola (IEI - CNR, Pisa, Italy) 1300-1400 Lunch 1400-1530 Session 9 : DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING Chair : G. P. Bhattacharjee (IIT, Kharagpur) o Distributed Reset Anish Arora, Mohamed Gouda (The University of Texas at Austin, USA) o Refinement and Composition of Transition-based Rely- Guarantee Specifications with Auxiliary Variables Hans Henrik Lovengreen, Peter Gronning, Thomas Qvist Nielsen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark) o Efficient Algorithms for Crash Recovery in Distributed Systems Tony T-Y Juang and S. Venkatesan (University of Texas at Dallas, USA) 1530-1600 Coffee break 1600-1700 Session 10 : SEMANTICS Chair : S. Biswas (IIT, Kanpur) o A Non-Standard Inductive Semantics Gianna Reggio (University of Genova, Italy) o Relating Full Abstraction Results for Different Programming Languages Kurt Sieber (Universitat des Saarlandes, W. Germany) REGISTRATION INFORMATION Important Advance registration is recommended. Completed registration forms should be sent to reach the address given below before November 30, 1990. Registration Rs.650 per person upto November 30, Rs.750 per person after November 30; includes a copy of the conference proceedings, refreshments and lunch. Rs.200 for full- time students; includes refreshments and lunch. Payment By bank draft enclosed with the registration form in favour of "Foundations of Software Technology and Theoritical Computer Science 10" Indian Limited travel grants are available to Participants full time students, teachers, research workers in educational institutions. Those seeking travel support must write a covering letter indicating their need. Foreign Should inform their intention to register Participants in advance. All foreign participants are advised to pay their fee at the conference. Allow plenty of time for the visa formalities. Please make your travel arrangements early as flights to India are packed at this time of the year. Also, please note that currency exchange will not be possible at the Conference venue. FST & TCS 10 Conference Secretariat Address : Tata Research Development and Design Centre 1, Mangaldas Road Pune 411 001 INDIA Gram : TATARESDEV Telex : 0145-464 Tel : (212)669809 Communication for Registration : Prof. Y. N. Srikant FST/TCS 10 C/o Indian Institute of Science C. V. Raman Avenue Bangalore 560 012 India