First Announcement and Call for Papers International Conference on Manufacturing Automation ----------------------------------------------------- August 10, 11 & 12, 1992 University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Hong Kong SPONSORS -------- . ASM Assembly Automation Ltd. . Cathay Pacific . Chen Hsong Machinery Co. Ltd. . Digital Equipment (HK) Ltd. . SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering . Motorola Semiconductors Hong Kong Ltd. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE -------------------- Chairman: N.W.M. Ko (HKU) Deputy Chairman: S.T. Tan (HKU) A. Asundi (HKU) K.W. Chan (HKU) E. Cheung (City Poly, HK) P.C.Chiu (HKU) W.S. Lau (HK Poly, HK) J.N. Ness (HKU) W.S. Sze (HKU) T.N. Wong (HKU) M.F. Yuen (HKU) INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ---------------------------------- C. Andrew (UK) B.G. Batchelor (UK) A.S. Carrie (UK) K. Case (UK) T.C. Chang (USA) R.M.H. Cheng (Canada) B.J. Davis (UK) J.P. Duncan (Canada) F.J.A.M. van Houten (Holland) M.R. Kamal (Canada) T.L. Kunii (Japan) C.S.G. Lee (USA) Y.T. Lee (UK) G.C.I. Lin (Australia) G.D. Mallinson (N Zealand) G. Menges (Germany) A.Y.C. Nee (Singapore) A. de Pennington(UK) L. Pun (France) G. Renner (Hungary) A.A.G. Requicha (USA) T.H.E. Richards (UK) P. Sackett (UK) G. Spur (Germany) J. Sun (China) H.B. Voelcker (USA) R.H. Weston (UK) J.R. Woodwark (UK) J.H. Wu (China) Y.L. Xiong (China) AIMS AND THEMES --------------- This conference aims at providing a forum for exchange of ideas between researchers in the areas of manufacturing automation with a view to fostering a better link between industry and academia. The conference would bring together international experts to Hong Kong to promote greater research intrerests in the following areas: . Geometric Modelling . CAM, Process Planning . Production Management, MRP . CIM, FMS, Automated Assembly . Robotics . Computer-Aided Design . Computer-Aided Engineering . CAD/CAM Integration and Database . Knowledge-Based Systems . Design Theory . Artificial Intelligence . Machine Vision . Automated Visual Inspection WORKING LANGAUGE ---------------- The working language of the Conference is English which will be used for printed materials, presentation and discussion. VENUE ----- University of Hong Kong DEADLINES AND KEY DATES ----------------------- We would like you to note the following dates. Submission of abstract 30th June, 1991. Acceptance of paper notified 31st October, 1991. Submission of manuscript for proceedings 29th February, 1992. The abstract should be about 300 words. It should include the title, the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, address, telephone, Telex or Fax. In case of more than one author, the name of the author who is responsible for the preparation of the final version of the paper should be indicated. Authors are requested to send 3 copies of their abstracts of papers to: Dr. S.T. Tan Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Hong Kong Pokfulam Road Hong Kong Tel. No.: (852) 8592618 Fax No.: (852) 8585415 E-mail address: HKUCON@HKUCC.BITNET PROCEEDINGS ----------- The Conference Proceedings will be published and made available to delegates at the Conference. Manuscript preparation details will be sent by 31st October 1991 to authors of accepted papers who will be required to submit by 29th February 1992 a manuscript in typed form for inclusion in the Proceedings. ACCOMMODATION ------------- Accommodation for delegates will be available at hotels in Hong Kong. The next circular will include full details and a booking form. OFFICIAL CARRIER ---------------- Cathay Pacific ---------------------- REGISTRATION FORM --------------------------- REGISTRATION FEES Please enter amount here Authors US$220 .................................... Delegates US$220 .................................... Research Students US$120 .................................... Accompanying Persons US$80 .................................... Total US$ Registration fee will include a copy of the Proceedings, lunches, tea or coffee and a banquet. Name _________________________ Address _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ E-mail address _______________ Fax _______________ (Please tick) [ ] I intend to participate in the Conference [ ] I intend to submit an abstract of a paper [ ] I wish to receive further information on the Conference Signature: _____________ Date: _____________ ---------------- END - REGISTRATION FORM --------------------------- Dr. S. T. Tan Secretariat International Conference on Manufacturing Automation University of Hong Kong Department of Mechanical Engineering Pokfulam Road Hong Kong Email address: HKUCON@HKUCC.BITNET (BITNET) HKUCON@HKUCC.HKU.HK HKUCON%HKUCC.HKU.HK@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU