[comp.theory] kth permutation

quixote@athena.mit.edu (Daniel Tunkelang) (11/15/90)

Perhaps this has been answered here once before, but is there a known lower bound on generating the kth permutation in lexicograhic order of the numbers 1..n.  I.E.  the permutations of 1..3 in order are: (1 2 3), (1 3 2), (2 1 3), (2 3 1), (3 1 2), (3 2 1), so the 4th of these would be (2 3 1).  I don't care whether you want to label these 0 through (n! - 1) or 1 through n!; what I want to know is if the upper bound of O (n log n) that I have found (using rank-ordered trees) to solve this problem is in fa

ct a lower bound.

I am equally curious to know a lower bound for the inverse problem: given n and a permutation, what is the permutation's rank.  I know how to solve both in O (n log n) time, but cannot prove a nontrivial lower bound on either problem.

Please post or reply to quixote@athena.mit.edu.

-- Daniel Tunkelang (quixote@athena.mit.edu)