[comp.theory] Faculty Position

jlutz@DOYLE.RUTGERS.EDU (11/17/90)

                   IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY

   The Department of Computer Science seeks faculty position
candidates at Assistant or Associate Professor level with
research interests in Theoretical Computer Science or
Software Engineering, or who might complement research in
Parallel and Distributed Computing or Database Systems.  A
Ph.D. in Computer Science or a related field is required,
with evidence of strong research accomplishment or
potential.  Interest and ability in teaching graduates and
undergraduates are necessary.

   We provide teaching loads of three courses per year and a
high quality graduate program to support research.  Summer
research support and reduced teaching load may be available
for junior faculty.  The Department supports an integrated
network of research and teaching computing resources which
is connected to Internet and a campus-wide "Athena-like"

   Applicants should send a resume, including names of three
references, to: Faculty Search Committee, Department of
Computer Science, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
The deadline for application is January 31, 1991 or until
position is filled.

   ISU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.