[comp.theory] First International Conference on parallel and distributed

wolfson@HUDSON.CS.COLUMBIA.EDU (Ouri Wolfson) (12/05/90)


		     First International Conference on
		  (Issues, Architectures, and Algorithms)

		   December 4-6, 1991 in Southern Florida

A New International Conference representing the merger of:
	International Workshop on Database Machines (IWDM)
	International Conference on Databases, Parallel Architectures,
		and Their Applications (PARBASE)
	International Symposium on
		Distributed and Parallel Database Systems (DPDS)

Sponsored by:
	IEEE Computer Society
	Florida International University

The scope of this conference covers any parallel or distributed system
for symbolic manipulation, particularly for data and knowledge
intensive applications. Specific aspects of such parallel or
distributed data systems include, but are not limited to, the theory
and the practice of:

* Parallel Computers
* Special Purpose Architectures
* Storage System Architectures
* Hardware Support for Data and Knowledge Management
* Knowledge-Base Architectures
* Parallel Algorithms and Their Complexity
* Distributed Databases
* Transaction Management
* Heterogeneous, Federated, and Multidatabase Systems
* Query Processing and Optimization
* Replicated/Interdependent Data
* Management of Interdependent Data
* Data Distribution
* Distributed File Systems
* Distributed and Cooperative Work
* Performance Evaluation
* Reliability
* Distributed Debugging
* Data Integration
* Impact of Parallelism and Distribution on Data Models


Original papers on the above topics are invited.  These should be no
longer than 20 double-spaced pages or 5000 words.  Please submit seven
copies of each full paper to reach the following address by 10 May,

H. V. Jagadish,
3C414A, AT&T Bell Labs
600 Mountain Ave.
Murray Hill, NJ 07974

To promote cross-fertilization between works in progress, short
synopses of substantial projects are also invited.  These should be
4-5 double-spaced pages, or 1000-1500 words, and should contain enough
information for the program committee to understand the scope of the
problem being addressed and evaluate the novelty of the solution being
proposed.  The current status of the project should also be indicated.
Time will be provided in the program to discuss innovative aspects of
selected projects.  Please submit seven copies of each project
synopsis to reach the above address by 10 May, 1990.

In addition, authors should send electronic mail to
jag@research.att.com with the title of the manuscript, authors' names
(without affiliations), and an abstract limited strictly to a length
of 80 words.  (The full manuscript may have as long an abstract as you
wish: but please adhere strictly to the length limit here).  If you
are unable to reach the above electronic address, send electronic mail
to hector@princeton.edu.  If you do not have access to electronic
mail, send the above information with the manuscript on a separate
sheet of paper using a 12-point type.  In any event, this information
should be sent to reach before May 10, 1990.

Conference Chair
Amit Sheth, Bellcore

Steering Committee
Sushil Jajodia (Chair), George Mason University
David DeWitt, University of Wisconsin
Masaru Kitsuregawa, University of Tokyo
Sham Navathe, Georgia Institute of Technology
Napthali Rishe, Florida International University

Program Chairs
Hector Garcia-Molina, Princeton University

H.V. Jagadish, AT&T Bell Laboratories

Program Committee Members (Preliminary)

Rakesh Agrawal, IBM
Peter Apers, Twente U.
David Bell, U. Ulster
Dina Bitton, DB Software
Mike Carey, U. Wisconsin
Stefano Ceri, Politecnico di Milano
Flaviu Cristian, IBM
Susan Davidson, U. Penn.
Doug DeGroot, Texas Instruments
David DeWitt, U. Wisconsin
Amr El Abbadi, U. Calif.
Ahmed Elmagarmid, Purdue U.
Goetz Graefe, U. Colorado
Jim Gray, DEC
Anoop Gupta, Stanford U.
Paula Hawthorn, HP
Randy Katz, U. Calif.
Masaru Kitsuregawa, U. Tokyo
Paul Larson, U. Waterloo
Miron Livny, U. Wisconsin
Nancy Lynch, MIT
Keith Marzullo, Cornell U.
Jack Minker, U. Maryland
Michele Missikoff, IASI-CNR
C. Mohan, IBM
Jerry Popek, U. Calif.
Sakti Pramanik, Michigan State U.
Calton Pu, Columbia U.
Krithi Ramamritham, U. Massachusetts
Andreas Reuter, U. Stuttgart
Avi Silberschatz, U. Texas
Mike Stonebraker, U. Calif.
Stanley Su, U. Florida
Evan Tick, U. Oregon
Patrick Valduriez, INRIA
Ouri Wolfson, Columbia U.
Philip Yu, IBM

Tutorial Chair
Arie Segev, University of California, Berkeley

Panel Coordinator
Wei Sun, Florida International University

M. Tamer Ozsu, University of Alberta and GTE Laboratories

Gene Wuu, Bellcore

Local Arrangements
Luis Cova, Florida International University

Mark Weiss, Florida International University

Asian Coordinator
Kyu-Young Whang, KAIST, Korea
Yasushi Kiyoki, University of Tsukuba, Japan

European Coordinator
Erich Neuhold, IPSI-GMD, Germany.

Important Dates
May 10, 1991 		Papers Due
August 1, 1991		Notice to Authors
September 13, 1991	Camera Ready Copy
December 4, 1991	Tutorials
December 5-6, 1991	Conference