Thomas.Newton%cmu-cs-a@sri-unix.UUCP (01/27/84)
The counseling center where my father works has an IBM-PC with a hard disk and a printer running the SIGI interactive guidance system. The state has money available for buying equipment to help the handicapped, and the counseling center would like to get a speech board for the benefit of blind students. At the minimum, the speech board should be able to echo each character typed on the keyboard. Preferably, it should be able to recall the last (word, sentence, phrase) entered and be able to read aloud the contents of the screen. (The software to accomplish these tasks should come with the board, since the counseling center has no programmers on its staff). I remember seeing a terminal from Maryland Computer Systems at an ACM conference a couple of years ago that had similar capabilities, but it cost $5000. Any help would be appreciated. Please mail replies directly to me, since I do not receive either Info-IBMPC or Info-Micro. Thomas.Newton@CMU-CS-Spice