[comp.theory] SPAA/91 CALL FOR PAPERS

rsnbrg@ELYS.CS.UMASS.EDU (08/14/90)

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{\Large {\bf CALL FOR PAPERS}}

{\large {\bf 1991 3rd ANNUAL ACM SYMPOSIUM ON \\
JULY 21-24, 1991 \\
Hilton Head, South Carolina

The Third Annual ACM {\bf Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and
Architectures} ({\bf SPAA}), sponsored by the ACM Special Interest
Groups for Automata and Computability Theory (SIGACT) and Computer
Architecture (SIGARCH), will be held in Hilton Head, S.C., on July
21-24, 1991.

{\bf SCOPE}: Papers presenting original, fundamental advances in
parallel algorithms and architectures---either analytical or
experimental, either theoretical or practical---are sought.  A major
goal of {\bf SPAA} is to foster communication and cooperation between
those studying parallel algorithms and those studying parallel
architectures.  Therefore, specially sought are papers that expose and
study conceptual advances in parallel architectures, or that describe
algorithmic work that enhances or exploits features of architectures.

{\bf SUBMISSIONS}: Authors are invited to submit fifteen copies of a
detailed abstract (as described below), {\em sent to arrive by
February 19, 1991}, to:
Arnold L. Rosenberg, SPAA 91 Program Chair \\
Dept. of Computer and Information Science (COINS) \\
University of Massachusetts \\
Amherst, MA 01003, USA
Simultaneous submission of the same research to SPAA and to another
conference with proceedings is not allowed.  Contact authors should
supply an e-mail address if available.

{\bf ABSTRACT FORMAT}: Abstracts should describe the problem studied
and the results achieved, focussing on significance and comparison
with previous work, at a level understandable to a nonspecialist.  A
technical exposition directed to the specialist should follow.

{\bf ABSTRACT LENGTH}: The abstract---excluding cover page, figures,
and references---{\em should not exceed 10 35-line pages} (roughly
4500 words in total).  More details may be supplied in a clearly
marked appendix, that will be read at the discretion of the Program
Committee.  {\em Abstracts deviating significantly from these
guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.}

{\bf SUBMISSION DEADLINE}: In order to accommodate the SIGACT and
SIGARCH communities, the Program Committee is working under a very
tight schedule.  Therefore: {\em Any abstract received after February
19, 1991, risks rejection without consideration of its merits.}

{\bf NOTIFICATION}: Authors will be notified of acceptance or
rejection by a letter mailed on or before April 9, 1991.  A final copy
of each accepted paper, prepared according to ACM guidelines, must be
received by the Program Chair by May 14, 1991.  It is expected that
every accepted paper will be presented at the Symposium.

{\bf Conference Chair} & {\bf Local Arrangements Chair} \\
Tom Leighton           & Bill Aiello \\
MIT                    & Bell Communications Research \\
Mathematics Department & 435 South Street \\
Cambridge, MA 02139    & Morristown, NJ 07960
\multicolumn{3}{c}{{\bf Program Committee}}           \\
Richard Anderson & Sandeep Bhatt   & Richard Cole     \\
Jim Goodman      & Mary Jane Irwin & Lennart Johnsson \\
Tom Knight       & H. T. Kung      & Thomas Lengauer  \\
Fabrizio Luccio  & Yale Patt       & Patrice Quinton  \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Arnold Rosenberg \ \ \ Marc Snir}


rsnbrg@ELYS.CS.UMASS.EDU (01/08/91)



			   July 21-24, 1991
		     Hilton Head, South Carolina

The Third Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and
Architectures (SPAA), sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Groups for
Automata and Computability Theory (SIGACT) and Computer Architecture
(SIGARCH), will be held in Hilton Head, S.C., on July 21-24, 1991.

SCOPE: Papers presenting original, fundamental advances in parallel
algorithms and architectures---either analytical or experimental,
either theoretical or practical---are sought.  A major goal of SPAA is
to foster communication and cooperation between those studying
parallel algorithms and those studying parallel architectures.
Therefore, specially sought are papers that expose and study
conceptual advances in parallel architectures, or that describe
algorithmic work that enhances or exploits features of architectures.

SUBMISSIONS: Authors are invited to submit fifteen copies of a
detailed abstract (as described below), sent to arrive by February 19,
1991, to:

	      Arnold L. Rosenberg, SPAA 91 Program Chair
	  Dept. of Computer and Information Science (COINS)
		     University of Massachusetts
			Amherst, MA 01003, USA

Simultaneous submission of the same research to SPAA and to another
conference with proceedings is not allowed.  Contact authors should
supply an e-mail address if available.

ABSTRACT FORMAT: Abstracts should describe the problem studied and the
results achieved, focussing on significance and comparison with
previous work, at a level understandable to a nonspecialist.  A
technical exposition directed to the specialist should follow.

ABSTRACT LENGTH: The abstract---excluding cover page, figures, and
references---should not exceed 10 35-line pages (roughly 4500 words in
total).  More details may be supplied in a clearly marked appendix,
that will be read at the discretion of the Program Committee.
Abstracts deviating significantly from these guidelines risk rejection
without consideration of their merits.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: In order to accommodate the SIGACT and SIGARCH
communities, the Program Committee is working under a very tight
schedule.  Therefore: Any abstract received after February 19, 1991,
risks rejection without consideration of its merits.

NOTIFICATION: Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by a
letter mailed on or before April 9, 1991.  A final copy of each
accepted paper, prepared according to ACM guidelines, must be received
by the Program Chair by May 14, 1991.  It is expected that every
accepted paper will be presented at the Symposium.

     Tom Leighton                      Bill Aiello
	 MIT                    Bell Communications Research

   Richard Anderson  Sandeep Bhatt     Richard Cole  Jim Goodman
   Mary Jane Irwin   Lennart Johnsson  Tom Knight    H. T. Kung
   Thomas Lengauer   Fabrizio Luccio   Yale Patt     Patrice Quinton
	   Arnold Rosenberg	 	     Marc Snir