(Arne Skou) (01/15/91)
C A L L F O R P A P E R S (NEW DEADLINE) WORKSHOP ON COMPUTER-AIDED VERIFICATION Aalborg University, Denmark JULY 1-4, 1991 OBJECTIVE This workshop is the third in a series dedicated to bringing together researchers and practitioners interested in the development and use of methods, tools and theories for automatic verification of (finite) state systems. The goal of the workshop is to compare the various verification methods for (finite) state systems, and tools supporting them as assistants of the application designer. Emphasis will be not only on new research results but also on the applications of existing results to real verification problems. Special sessions for demonstration of verification tools will be planned. A balanced participation of researchers and practitioners is expected. The workshop has official recognition from IFIP WG10.2 (Hardware Description Languages). SCOPE Papers are solicited on the following topics: - Verification and validation tools for hardware and software (hardware controllers, communications protocols, real-time systems, etc.) - Verification methods by theorem proving, model checking, automata based methods - Verification theories and their applicability This list is not exhaustive, and papers in related areas that fit with the intentions of the workshop will also be considered. STEERING COMMITTEE E.M. Clarke R.P Kurshan Carnegie--Mellon Univ. AT&T Bell Laboratories Comp.Sc. Dept. Room 2C-353 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Murray Hill, NJ 07974 U.S.A. U.S.A. K.G. Larsen (Prg.Chair) A. Pnueli Aalborg University Weizmann Inst. Dept. of Math. and Comp.Sc. Rehovot Frederik Bajersvej 7 Israel 9220 Aalborg Denmark J. Sifakis LGI--IMAG BP 53X 38041 Grenoble cedex France SUBMITTING PAPERS An author may submit a paper by mailing 4 copies of a preliminary version to any of the steering committee members or the program chairman. The preliminary version is limited to a length of 12 double spaced typed pages. It should provide sufficient detail so that the program committee can assess the merits of the contribution. The deadline for the submission of the preliminary version is February 15, 1991. Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 1, 1991. The final versions of accepted and invited papers will be published after the workshop. PROGRAM COMMITTEE Gregor Bochmann (U. Montreal) Robert Brayton (U. California, Berkeley) Ed Brinksma (Twente U.) Randy Bryant (Carnegie Mellon) Rance Cleaveland (N.C. State) Olivier Coudert (Bull) Costas Courcoubetis (U. Crete) David Cohen (Bell Core) Werner Damm (U. Oldenburg) David Dill (Stanford U.) Allen Emerson (U. Texax, Austin) Masahiro Fujita (Fujutsu) Orna Grumberg (Technion) Hiromi Hiraishi (Kyoto U.) Gerard Holtzmann (AT&T Bell Labs) Bengt Jonsson (SICS) Kurt Keutzer (AT&T Bell Labs) Harry Lewis (Harvard) Michael Lightner (U.Colorado) George Milne (U. Strathclyde) Willem deRoever (Kiel U.) Prasad Sistla (GTE Labs) Colin Stirling (Edinburgh U.) P.A. Subrahmanyam (At&T Bell Labs) Pierre Wolper (U. Liege) Michael Yoeli (Technion)