[comp.theory] Workshop on deontic logic in computer science

roelw@cs.vu.nl (Wieringa j Roel) (12/10/90)


      Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11-13 december, 1991

The workshop will focus on the interdisciplinary exchange of
ideas,  where  computer  science and artificial intelligence
form the  connecting  links  between  the  different  areas.
Deontic logic has been used in research environments to for-
malize legal arguments in expert systems, to represent  nor-
mative  knowledge,  to specify advanced computer information
systems, and to specify electronic contracting arrangements.
These  applications  generated new ideas for the solution of
long-standing paradoxes of deontic logic, as well  as  posed
new  questions  to  fundamental  research  in deontic logic.
Papers are sollicited on applications of  deontic  logic  as
well as on foundational issues.

Topics on which submissions are invited include, but are not
limited to

* Proof theory of               * System specification in
  deontic systems                 deontic logic
* Application of deontic logic  * Formal analysis of legal
  to legal expert systems          texts
* Formal analysis of ethical    * Philosophical foundations
* Office systems as deontic     * Resolution of deontic 
  systems                         paradoxes
* Electronic contracting        * Access authorization
* Deontic logic and             * Representation of 
  speech acts                     normative knowledge

The workshop is open to invitees and to authors of  accepted
papers.   Authors can demonstrate programs during as well as
after lectures.  For information on available  hardware  and
software,  contact the organizing chairperson, Dr. R.J. Wie-
ringa,  at  the  correspondence  address  listed  below,  or
through email at roelw@cs.vu.nl.

Authors are invited to submit five copies of their papers in
English,  double-spaced, not exceeding 5000 words, including
a 10-line abstract and a list of keywords, addressed to  the
program  chairperson,  Prof.  Dr.  J.-J.Ch.  Meyer,  at  the
correspondence address listed below.

                      Invited speakers

                   Prof. Dr. H.-N. Castaneda,
          Department of Philosophy, Indiana University, U.S.A.

                      Prof. Dr. T. Maibaum,
         Department of Computing, Imperial College, London, U.K.

                     Prof. Dr. H. von Wright,
               Suomen Akatemia, Helsinki, Finland

        Program committee (as of october 29th, 1990)

J.-J. Ch. Meyer (Chair) (Vrije Univ.)     R. Hilpinen (Univ. of Turku)
L. Aqvist (Uppsala Univ.)                 N.H. Minsky (Rutgers Univ.)
P. van Emde Boas (Univ. of Amsterdam)     M. Sadler (Hewlett Packard)
P.B. Brouwer (Univ. of Leiden)            A. Soeteman (Vrije Univ.)
J. Fiadeiro (INESC)                       R.J. Wieringa (Vrije Univ.)
J. Hage (Univ. of Limburg)                A.H. de Wild (Tilburg Univ.)

                    Organizing Committee

R.J. Wieringa (Chair), Dept. of Math. and Comp. Science, Vrije Univ.
J.-J. Ch. Meyer, Dept. of Math. and Comp. Science, Vrije Univ.
A. Soeteman, Department of Law, Vrije Universiteit.

                  Important dates:
 Papers due:                   1st June, 1991
 Notification of acceptance:   12th August, 1991
 Camera ready version due:     11th October, 1991
 Workshop dates:               11-13 December, 1991

Correspondence address:
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Vrije Universiteit
De Boelelaan 1081A
1081HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

roelw@cs.vu.nl (Wieringa j Roel) (01/18/91)

                  CALL FOR PAPERS

      Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11-13 december, 1991

The workshop will focus on the interdisciplinary exchange of
ideas,  where  computer  science and artificial intelligence
form the  connecting  links  between  the  different  areas.
Deontic logic has been used in research environments to for-
malize legal arguments in expert systems, to represent  nor-
mative  knowledge,  to specify advanced computer information
systems, and to specify electronic contracting arrangements.
These  applications  generated new ideas for the solution of
long-standing paradoxes of deontic logic, as well  as  posed
new  questions  to  fundamental  research  in deontic logic.
Papers are sollicited on applications of  deontic  logic  as
well as on foundational issues.

Topics on which submissions are invited include, but are not
limited to

* Proof theory of               * System specification in
  deontic systems                 deontic logic
* Application of deontic logic  * Formal analysis of legal
  to legal expert systems          texts
* Formal analysis of ethical    * Philosophical foundations
* Office systems as deontic     * Resolution of deontic 
  systems                         paradoxes
* Electronic contracting        * Access authorization
* Deontic logic and             * Representation of 
  speech acts                     normative knowledge

The workshop is open to invitees and to authors of  accepted
papers.   Authors can demonstrate programs during as well as
after lectures.  For information on available  hardware  and
software,  contact the organizing chairperson, Dr. R.J. Wie-
ringa,  at  the  correspondence  address  listed  below,  or
through email at roelw@cs.vu.nl.

Authors are invited to submit five copies of their papers in
English,  double-spaced, not exceeding 5000 words, including
a 10-line abstract and a list of keywords, addressed to  the
program  chairperson,  Prof.  Dr.  J.-J.Ch.  Meyer,  at  the
correspondence address listed below.

                      Invited speakers

                   Prof. Dr. H.-N. Castaneda,
          Department of Philosophy, Indiana University, U.S.A.

                      Prof. Dr. T. Maibaum,
         Department of Computing, Imperial College, London, U.K.

                     Prof. Dr. H. von Wright,
               Suomen Akatemia, Helsinki, Finland

                     Program committee

J.-J. Ch. Meyer (Chair) (Vrije Univ.)     R.M. Lee (Un. Texas)
L. Aqvist (Uppsala Univ.)                 N.H. Minsky (Rutgers Univ.)
P. van Emde Boas (Univ. of Amsterdam)     M. Sadler (Hewlett Packard)
P.B. Brouwer (Univ. of Leiden)            A. Soeteman (Vrije Univ.)
J. Fiadeiro (INESC)                       R.J. Wieringa (Vrije Univ.)
J. Hage (Univ. of Limburg)                A.H. de Wild (Tilburg Univ.)
R. Hilpinen (Univ. of Turku)

                    Organizing Committee

R.J. Wieringa (Chair), Dept. of Math. and Comp. Science, Vrije Univ.
J.-J. Ch. Meyer, Dept. of Math. and Comp. Science, Vrije Univ.
A. Soeteman, Department of Law, Vrije Universiteit.

                  Important dates:
 Papers due:                   1st June, 1991
 Notification of acceptance:   12th August, 1991
 Camera ready version due:     11th October, 1991
 Workshop dates:               11-13 December, 1991

Correspondence address:
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Vrije Universiteit
De Boelelaan 1081A
1081HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands