[comp.theory] International Conference and Research Center Schloss Dagstuhl

tl@UNI-PADERBORN.DE (Thomas Lengauer) (01/31/91)

This is to announce the

Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fur Informatik

(International Conference and Research Center)

Schloss Dagstuhl, 6648 Wadern, Germany

The International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science
Schloss Dagstuhl has as its aim the stimulation of research in computer
science by the exchange of new ideas and results and the discussion of
future developments.

Following the model of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut
Oberwolfach, the Center regularly organizes scientific workshops on a
high level, the so-called Dagstuhl-Seminars. These seminars are a
meeting-place for top scientists of an internationally approved rank, and
promising young scholars in one specific area of Computer Science from
all over the world. The seminars shall contribute to the exchange of
results, instigate the communication between the scientists and inspire
future research. They allow the researchers to present their new ideas
and to discuss problems and future developments.

The seminars usually last one week. By charging the participants only a
nominal fee for food and lodging, the Center also enables young
researchers and students the participation of seminars.  According to
the concept of the research center, not only lecture and lodging rooms
are available. The participants who, in general, are the only residents
during the week, can make use of several meeting rooms, an extensive
libary, and a well equipped computer room.

Two or three scientists prominent in a special field apply for a
Dagstuhl-Seminar. An independent Scientific Directorate is responsible
for the review of these proposals and for the composition of the list
of participants. This process may also include outside refereeing. The
Center can modify all parts of the seminar: topic, organisers and
participants. The attendance of a seminar is only possible via a
personal invitation by the Center.

In summer 1990 the Center has started its operation in the already
existing accommodations of Schloss Dagstuhl. At present there is room
for 40 guests. After the completion of an extension building expected
in 1994, bedrooms, lecture- and workrooms for about 60 participants
will be available. Furthermore, some apartments for longer research
stays are offered.

Schloss Dagstuhl is situated in a beautiful scenic region in the
southwest of Germany. The center is located near the highways
Saarbrucken-Trier-Koblenz-Bonn and Kaiserslautern-Trier. It can be
reached from Saarbrucken and Kaiserslautern in less than one hour,
from Frankfurt airport by train in about two hours.

The center is financed by the federal states Saarland and
Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate). It was founded as private
limited company on a nonprofit basis. Partners of this company are the
Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI) and the universities of Saarbrucken,
Kaiserslautern, and Karlsruhe.

For additional information please contact:

        Geschaftsstelle des IBFI - Schloss Dagstuhl
        Fachbereich 14 - Informatik
        Universitat des Saarlandes
        D-6600 Saarbrucken 11

Tel.: 0681/302-4396     Fax: 0681/302-4397      e-mail: dagstuhl@dag.uni-sb.de