[net.micro] X-Per Systems - Consumer Rip-off?

bill@utastro.UUCP (William H. Jefferys) (01/28/84)

Last August and September there was an ad in Byte concerning
"Base-1", a data base management program costing $19.95 from
an outfit called X-Per Systems.  Well, I thought, why not?
So I ordered it.  Nothing.  Wrote the company.  Nothing.
Have I been ripped off?  Has anyone else had any experience 
(good or bad) with this outfit?  If others have had my experience,
I intend to bring this to the attention of the Pennsylvania
Consumer Protection office, since that is where the company
is located.  Please reply by mail unless your reply is of general 
interest.  Thanks.  

Shades of JRT Pascal?

	Bill Jefferys  8-%
	Astronomy Dept, University of Texas, Austin TX 78712   (USnail)
	{ihnp4,kpno,ctvax}!ut-sally!utastro!bill   (uucp)
	utastro!bill@ut-ngp			   (ARPANET)