[comp.theory] Call for Papers: IEEE SPDP '91

spdp@CS.UTEXAS.EDU (IEEE SPDP 91) (03/16/91)

        The Third IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing
        Dallas, Texas - December 1-5, 1991

        The symposium will provide a forum for the presentation and exchange
        of current work on various topics in parallel and distributed
        processing including, but not limited to, the following areas:

        Computer Architecture	 	Programming Languages
        Operating Systems		Neural Networks
        Interconnection Networks   	Database and Knowledge-base Systems
        Artificial Intelligence		Parallel Algorithms
        VLSI Systems Design		Simulation and Performance Modeling
        Distributed Computing		Image Processing

        Authors are invited to submit complete, original, and previously
        unpublished papers reflecting their current research results. Any
        paper submitted to the Symposium should not be submitted to any other
        conference.  All submitted papers will be refereed for quality and
        originality.  The program committee reserves the right to accept a
        submission as a long, short, or poster presentation paper.  All
        accepted papers will be published in the symposium proceedings.

        Manuscripts should be double spaced, should include an abstract, and
        should be limited to 5000 words (about 20 pages).  The contact authors
        are requested to list e-mail addresses if available.  Please submit 10
        copies of the complete paper to a program chair in your geographical
        area listed below.  Papers should reach a program chair no later than
        May 31, 1991.   Due to timing limitations, this deadline will be
        strictly observed.  Papers received after May 31st will not be
        considered.  Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection of
        their papers by August 9, 1991. Final camera-ready papers are due
        September 9, 1991.

        Tutorials & Panels: Please submit proposals including title, abstract,
        biography, and a list of panel participants by May 31, 1991 to one of
        the program chairs in your geographical area.

        Co-Program Chairs

        North and South America:

        Vijaya Ramachandran               OR    Greg Pfister
        Department of Computer Sciences         IBM Corporation
        The University of Texas at Austin       11400 Burnet Road
        Taylor Hall 2.124                       L45/820, 2812
        Austin, TX 78712-1188                   Austin, TX 78758
        U.S.A.                                  U.S.A.
        (512) 471-9548                          (512)823-1589
        spdp@cs.utexas.edu			pfister@austin.iinus1.ibm.com

        Europe and Africa:

        Ian Watson
        Department of Computer Science
        University of Manchester
        Oxford Rd.
        Manchester M13 9PL
        +44 61 275 6248

        Asia and Australia:

        Makoto Amamiya
        Department of Information Systems
        Graduate School of Engineering Sciences
        Kyushu University
        6-1 Kasuga-koen Kasuga
        Fukuoka, 816

        Conference Officers:

        Chair of Steering Committee:
        Behrooz Shirazi, Univ of Texas-Arlington, USA

        Steering Committee:
        Said Bettayeb, LSU, USA
        Prasenjit Biswas, TI, USA
        Eliezer Dekel, Univ of Texas-Dallas, USA
        Ali R. Hurson, Penn State U, USA
        Krishna Kavi, Univ of Texas-Arlington, USA
        Ioannis Tollis, Univ of Texas-Dallas, USA

        General Chair:
        Sartaj Sahni, Univ of Florida, USA

        Program Committee:
        Hosame Abu-Amara, Texas A&M, USA
        Tadashi Ae, Hiroshima Univ, Japan
        Tilak Agerwala, IBM Corp, USA
        Laxmi Bhuyan, Texas A&M, USA
        Bill Carroll, Univ of Texas-Arlington, USA
        Harvey Cragon, Univ of Texas-Austin, USA
        John Feo, Lawrence Livermore, USA
        Joydeep Ghosh, Univ of Texas-Austin, USA
        Susanne Hambrusch, Purdue Univ, USA
        A(Tony).J.Hey, Southampton Univ, England
        Ray Liuzzi, RADC-AFOSR, USA
        Michael Merritt, AT&T Bell Labs, USA
        Les Miller, Iowa State Univ, USA
        Rikio Onai, NTT, Japan
        Simin Pakzad, Penn State Univ, USA
        Ian Parberry, Univ of North Texas, USA
        Behrooz Parhami, Univ of California-SB, USA
        Girish Pathak, Xerox, USA
        Greg Plaxton, Univ of Texas-Austin
        Donna Quammen, George Mason Univ, USA
        Alejandro Schaffer, Rice Univ, USA
        H.J. Siegel, Purdue Univ, USA
        Barbara Simons, IBM Almaden, USA
        Hal Sudborough, Univ of Texas-Dallas, USA
        Kam-Fai Wong, ECRC GmbH, Germany
        Yoshinori Yamaguchi, ETL, Japan
        Yanjun Zhang, Southern Methodist Univ, USA

        Finances: Randy Chow, CIS, Univ of Florida, USA
        Publicity: Sanjay Ranka, Syracuse, USA
        Local Arrangements: Y. Paul Chiang, Texas Instruments, USA
        Registration: Pearl Wang, George Mason Univ, USA
        Publications:  Sadegh Davari, Univ of Houston-Clear Lake, USA