[comp.theory] A permutation problem named "Traveling Stars"

john@cpss11.cps.msu.edu (Hyun Duk John) (03/25/91)

Dear Sirs :

Have you ever seen the problem stated below ?
If so, please give me the information.
Your help would be much appreciated.

Mar. 24, 1991  >>> Hyun-Duk John <<<

**************** START of the Problem **************************

	<< Problem : Traveling Stars >>

A network routing problem can be simplified and/or modified to
more generalized problems. Here, one of the generalized
version of the network routing problem named ``Traveling Stars''
is described. The famous problem ``8-puzzle'' can be viewed as an
instance of the traveling stars problem.  The problem can also
be viewed as a permutation problem. Only decision problems are
described here, but algorithms are of interest too.

== Problem

   -. Given an undirected graph G = (V,E) and m stars, where m <= |V|.
   -. A star occupies a vertex and can be moved to an adjacent
      vertex one by one. (Only one star can be moved at a time)
   -. No two stars can share a vertex at any moment.
   -. Initially, each star i is located in its starting vertex 
      s(i), and is destined to its terminal vertex t(i).

   -. Questions : 
	1. Can all the stars be moved from their starting vertices to 
	   terminal vertices ?
	2. Is there a way of moving stars from their starting vertices 
	   to terminal vertices in less than or equal to k steps ?
	   (A movement of a single star from a vertex to its adjacent 
	   vertex is called a step.)

	<< A Formal Expression of the Problem >>

== For more formal approach, we define some terminologies.

   -. A `state' is a sequence of vertices (v-1,v-2,...,v-m) such that
      for all i <> j, v-i <> v-j.
   -. A `transition' is an ordered pair of states (W,X) where
	W = (w-1,w-2,...,w-m) and 
	X = (x-1,x-2,...,x-m), in which there exists one and only one
	i, such that for all j <> i, w-j = x-j and (w-i,x-i) is in E.
   -. A `move' of size k is a sequence of states
	(W-0,W-1,W-2,...,W-k) where every pair 
	(W-i,W-(i+1)) is a transition.
	We denote the move as [W-0,W-k].

== Instance :

   -. Undirected graph G = (V,E).
   -. Two states S and T of size m.
   -. An integer k.

== Question :

   -. Is there a move [S,T] ? 
   -. Is there a move [S,T] of size <= k ? 

*********************** END ********************************