[comp.theory] FSTTCS -91 CALL FOR PAPERS

victor@WATSON.IBM.COM (04/03/91)

                                    CALL FOR PAPERS

                                Eleventh Conference on
                          Foundations of Software Technology
                            & Theoretical Computer Science
                     India International Centre, New Delhi, India
                                 17 - 19 December 1991

           Conference Advisory Committee       FST&TCS Conference have been
                                               organised since 1981, to
           D Bjorner (Denmark)                 provide a forum for presenting
           A Chandra (IBM Research)            original research results, in
           S Crespi Reghizzi (Milan)           Theoretical aspects of
           Z Galil (Columbia)                  Computer Science and Theore-
           D Gries (Cornell)                   tical Foundations of Software
           M Joseph (Warwick)                  Technology. Authors are
           A Joshi (Pennsylvania)              invited to submit papers in
           R Kannan (CMU)                      the following and related
           U Montanari (Pisa)                  areas:
           R Narasimhan (TIFR)
           M Nivat (Paris)                     Theory of Computation
           R Parikh (New York)                 Automata and Formal Languages
           S Rao Kosaraju (John Hopkins)       Algorithms and Complexity
           S Sahni (Minnesota)                 Formal Semantics, Specificat-
           W A Wulf (Virginia)                  ions and Proof Theory
                                               Data Base Theory
                                               Mathematical Aspects of
                                               Programming Languages
                                               Functional and Logic
                                               Programming Methodology
                                               Distributed Computing
                                               Software Technology

                                              Papers should be atmost 20
           Technical Programme Committee      pages (5000 words) long. The
                                              covering letter should
           S. Biswas (IIT Kanpur)             indicate the address (and
           P. Jalote (IIT Kanpur)             author, in case of multiple
           S. Kapoor (IIT Delhi)              authors) for all further
           H. Karnick (IIT Kanpur)            correspondence. The names of
           K. Krithivasan (IIT Madras)        the authors and their
           K. Lodaya (IIMSc. Madras)          affiliation should only appear
           S.N. Maheshwari (IIT Delhi)        on the cover page of the  paper.

           K. V. Nori (TRDDC, Pune)            It should be possible to
           R.K. Shyamasundar (TIFR Bombay)     remove this page and send the
           Y.N. Srikant (IISc. Bangalore)      papers to reviewers to
           V. Vazirani (IIT Delhi)             facilitate blind refereeing.
           C.E.VeniMadhavan (IISc. Bangalore)  Please also give the CR class-
           G. Venkatesh (IIT Bombay)           ification numbers on the cover
                                               page. When citing papers
           Conference Chair                    submitted elsewhere, but not
           K.V. Nori (TRDDC, Pune)             published at the time of
                                               submission to this conference,
           Programme Committee Chair           the similarities, and more
           S. Biswas (IIT Kanpur)              importantly the differences
                   shakti!uunet!iitk!sb)       between such works must be
           Organization Committee Chair        clearly brought out. Six copies
           S. Arun Kumar (IIT Delhi)           of each paper should be sent to:

           Local Arrangements Chair           S. Biswas
           H. Saran (IIT Delhi)               FST&TCS 11
                                              Dept. of Computer Science
                                              and Engineering
                                              Indian Institute of Technology
                                              KANPUR 208 016, INDIA
                                              Phone: (0512) 244518/214151
                                              Telex: 0325-296, 0326-392



           Last date for paper submission           May 15, 1991
           Notification of Acceptance to authors    August 1, 1991
           Final Camera-ready copy due on           September 5, 1991