[net.micro] c64 mach lang subroutines


From:  Robert S. Lenoil <LENOIL@MIT-XX.ARPA>

"The VIC revealed," by Nick Hampshire, fully documents the BASIC ROMs
in the VIC-20.  This includes: full memory map, plus calling procedures
for floating point math routines.  The book has some errors, but overall
is excellent.

What does this have to do with the C64?  The BASICs in the VIC-20 and C64
are IDENTICAL.  Their only difference is that they reside at different
memory locations ($C000 for VIC-20, $A000 for C64).  Therefore, you need
only subtract $2000 from the given VIC-20 addresses to obtain the
equivalent results on the 64.  This book is really worth it.  Enjoy!

Robert Lenoil