(Vicki Carlton) (04/03/91)
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue on Fault-Tolerant Computing Papers are solicited for a Special Issue of IEEE Transac- tions on Computers (IEEETC) on fault-tolerant computing. The Special Issue is scheduled for May 1992. Topics of interest in fault-tolerant computing include, but are not limited to, the following: o Computer Architecture o Software o Operating Systems and Compilers o Memory and Disk Management o Parallel and Distributed Computing o Theory of Fault Tolerance and Dependability o Performance and Dependability Modeling and Evaluation o VLSI, ULSI, WSI and the Impact of Device Technology o Error Detection, Correction, and Recovery Methods o Fault Modeling, Testing, and Diagnosis o Measurements and Experimental Evaluation A signed IEEE copyright transfer form and seven copies of the complete paper should be received no later than July 1, 1991. All papers should conform to the usual IEEETC submission require- ments (see "Information for Authors" on the inside back cover of the Transactions). Based on the record of past special issues of IEEETC on fault-tolerant computing and page count restrictions, it is expected that publication in the special issue will be highly selective. Authors are encouraged to submit high- quality innovative research contributions that will not require major revisions. Papers should be limited to 5000 words or less. Submissions should be sent to the guest editor. Guest Editor: Prof. W. Kent Fuchs Coordinated Science Laboratory 1101 W. Springfield Ave. University of Illinois Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-9731