[comp.theory] Graduate program with Assistantship info needed

take@strg.sony.co.jp (Kunihiko Take) (04/11/91)

This is my second time to post this article.
Last time I posted this with wrong subject. Hence I'm afraid some people
misunderstood by seeing only its subject.
Sorry for people who read entire article last time.

I'm posting this article for my friend, who is currently attending an
institute in the United States.
If you have any info, please reply to me. I'll gather info, and give him.


Dear folks.

I am an international student from Japan. Now I'm studying computer science
at an institute in the United States, toward PhD degree.

I've been applying for assistantship for the fall 1991. Although usually
not so many number of assistantship are granted, I was expecting it because
I am a PhD student, and this would be my second year.

But recently when I talked with the chairperson of the department, he said
no offer would be made next fall, and it's because only fewer graduate 
student with TA graduate this spring than they expected.

Now I'm seeking part time job either on/off campus. I like the university
where I'm studying now. But, without financial support, it would be
impossible for me to continue my study.
Therefore, I'm also seeking graduate program in computer science with
assistantship in other university.

If you know any university which is still accepting an application for both
admission and assistantship, please respond to Mr. Take, whose Email
address is 


Below I list my educational background, and so on.

* Educational background

	Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering
		(received from a university in Japan)

	Title of dissertation for Master's degree is
	"Applications of approximate reasoning to expert systems"

	Started PhD program since last Fall.

* Job experience

	worked for a computer company (subsidiary of U.S. company)
	for three years as an LSI design engineer.

	participated three projects.

	Experienced, logic & circuit design, logic & circuit simulation,
	manual layout and its verification, timing verification,
	process migration, and engineering check.

* Research interest

	Non standard logic
		(Fuzzy, temporal, modal logic)

	LSI design and verification.
Kunihiko Take