[comp.theory] CGTA

victor@WATSON.IBM.COM (Jorg-Rudiger Sack) (04/16/91)

        A N N O U N C I N G     T H E    F I RS T   I S S U E  O F

          COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY: Theory and Applications (CGTA)

We announce the first issue of the new journal on Computational Geometry
called Computational Geometry: theory and applications and published by
Elsevier Sciences (North Holland).The journal will be published in six
issues of about 60 pages each starting in/before July.
The high frequency of six issues will reduce publication delays.
Enclosed you find: Titles of some forthcoming papers; order information;
journal description (as sent last year).


Pankaj K. Agarwal and Micha Sharir
    " Off-line Dynamic Maintenance of the Width of a Planar Point Set "

Mikhail J. Atallah and Danny Z. Chen
    " Parallel Rectilinear Shortest Paths with Rectangular Obstacles "

David Avis, Paul ErdM-~Zs and Janos Pach
    " Distinct Distances Determined by Subsets of a Point Set in Space "

Mark de Berg
    " On Rectilinear Link Distance "

Simeon Ntafos
    " Watchman Routes Under Limited Visibility "

Mark Overmars and Micha Sharir
    " Merging Visibility Maps  "

Raimund Seidel
    " A Simple and Fast Incremental Randomized Algorithm for Computing
      Trapezoidal Decompositions and for Triangulating Polygons"

Thomas Shermer
    " Computing Bushy and Thin Triangulations "

COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY: Theory and Applications  ISSN 0925-7721
1991: Volume 1 (6 issues). Price: US $166.50 /  Dfl.280.00
   (postage/handling included)
SPECIAL PERSONAL SUBSCRIPTION: If your institute/organization already
has a subscription to this journal, then you may be entitled to a second
personal subscription at less than half the normal price. For 1991 this
reduced price is US $59.50 / Dfl. 100.00. Please mention the name of your
institute / organization when applying.

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       Madison Square Station, New York, NY 10159


JOURNAL DESCRIPTION (previously circulated):

PUBLISHING HOUSE: Elsevier Science Publishers (North Holland)

                  JM-~Zrg-R. Sack                  Jorge Urrutia
                  School of Computer Science    Dept of Computer Science
                  Carleton University           University of Ottawa
                  Ottawa, Ont.                  Ottawa, Ont.
                  Canada K1S 5B6                Canda K1N 6N5
                  1-613-788-4361                1-613-564-5447
                  1-613-788-4334 (fax)          1-613-564-9486 (fax)
                  journal@carleton.ca (e-mail)  jorge@UOTCSI2.bitnet

HONORARY EDITOR:    Paul ErdM-~Zs and Franco Preparata


Akl, Selim                    (Queen's University)
Atallah, Mikhail              (Purdue University)
Avis, David                   (McGill University)
Boissonnat, J.D.              (INRIA)
Chazelle, Bernard             (Princeton University)
Clarkson, Kenneth             (AT&T Bell Laboratories)
Devroye, Luc                  (McGill University)
Dobkin, David                 (Princeton University)
Edelsbrunner, Herbert         (University of Illinois)
Goodman, Jacob                (City College, CUNY)
Graham, Ronald                (AT&T Bell Laboratories)
Guibas, Leonidas              (Digital Syst. Research Ctr.)
Imai, H.                      (Tokyo University)
Kirkpatrick, D.G.             (University of British Columbia)
Lee, D.T.                     (Northwestern Univ)
Magnenat Thalmann, Nadia      (UniversitM-~N de MontrM-~Nal/GenM-~Ove)
Mehlhorn, Kurt                (UniversitM-~Jt des Saarlandes)
Overmars, Mark                (Utrecht University)
Pach, Janos                   (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Pollack, Richard              (Courant Institute, NYU)
Seidel, Raimund               (University of California at Berkeley)
Sharir, Micha                 (Tel Aviv)
Spirakis, Paul G.             (Computer Technology Institute, Patras)
Suri, Subhash                 (Bell Communications Research)
Toussaint, Godfried           (McGill University)
Welzl, Emo                    (Freie UniversitM-~Jt Berlin)
Yao, Frances                  (Xerox Corporation)
Yap, Chee                     (Courant Institute, NYU)
Zaks, Joseph                  (University of Haifa)

Throughout history, geometry has been a central discipline in
mathematics. Its development over the centuries has been fueled
by its interaction with areas such as physics, engineering,
architecture and art. Computers have offered new perspectives,
directions and demands on research in geometry. This created a
new discipline in computer science: computational geometry which
assumed a definite shape in the mid-1970s. It is concerned with
the design and analysis of algorithms for solving geometric problems.
Like geometry, computational geometry is influenced by the traditional
areas of science, as well as by new areas of research such as
pattern recognition, robotics, computer graphics, computer vision,
CAD-CAM, VLSI-design, etc. The success of computational geometry has
resulted in the need for a new forum where novel ideas and results
can be presented. The new journal COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY provides this.

Aims and Scope
COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY is a forum for research in theoretical
and applied aspects of computational geometry. The journal publishes
fundamental research in all areas of the subject, as well as disseminating
information on the applications, techniques, and use of computational

The journal publishes articles on:
(1) Design and analysis of geometric algorithms
(2) All aspects of computational geometry including
        * numerical
        * graph theoretical
        * combinatorial
(3) Computational geometry solutions to fundamental problems arising in
        * computer graphics
        * pattern recognition
        * robotics
        * image processing
        * CAD-CAM, VLSI design
        * geographic information systems

COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY also contains a special section containing
open problems and concise reports on implementations of computational
geometry tools.

If you wish to submit your paper to COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY, please
send six copies of your paper to one of the Editors-In-Chief. Please
include an abstract and a list of keywords (maximum 5). Authors will
receive 50 reprints per contribution free of charge, as well as 30%
on all book publications of Elsevier Science Publishers.

The Guide for Authors' from the Publishers gives full details regarding
the submission of papers. Copies of the Guide are available from
this address:
      Elsevier Science Publishers
      -North Holland-
      Mathematics and Computer Science Section
      attn.: Marijcke Haccou
      P.O.Box 103
      1000 AC Amsterdam
      The Netherdam
      Telephone (020) 5862 602
      Fax (020) 5862 618