[comp.theory] SODA '92 call for papers

victor@WATSON.IBM.COM (Greg Frederickson) (04/25/91)

Third Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
Sponsored by ACM-SIGACT and SIAM Activity Group on
Discrete Mathematics

January 27-29, 1992, Clarion Hotel, Orlando, Florida

Call for Papers and Registration Information


Third Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms

The third annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
(SODA), jointly sponsored by ACM-SIGACT and the SIAM Activity
Group on Discrete Mathematics, will be held January 27-29,
1992 in Orlando, Florida.

This conference is designed for computer scientists, engineers,
and mathematicians interested in the use, design, and analysis
of algorithms, with special emphasis on questions of efficiency.
Papers about algorithms (sequential, parallel, distributed,
randomized, etc.) in all areas of application are invited.
Papers dealing with new algorithmic applications are especially

Although SODA is not intended to focus on any particular
application area or algorithm type, it will emphasize a particular
mode of analysis. Papers are solicited that, by mathematical or
experimental analysis, address the ways in which resource usage
grows with increasing problem size for realistic machine models,
with "resource" interpreted broadly to include, for instance,
"nearness to optimality" as well as such traditional measures as
running time, storage, number of processors, and amount of
communication. Mathematical analysis may be worst-case or
probabilistic. (Lower bound results are appropriate if they apply
to real algorithmic problems.) Experimental papers can address a
variety of issues, but special consideration will be given to those
that put theoretical results into practical perspective or suggest
new avenues for theoretical investigation.

Areas of Application (Partial)

Combinatorial Optimization
Geometry and Graphics
Numerical and Scientific Computing
Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Algebra and Number Theory
Symbolic Computation
Mathematical Programming
Artificial Intelligence
Data Structures


Program Committee

Greg Frederickson, Chair
Purdue University

Ron Graham
AT&T Bell Laboratories

Dorit S. Hochbaum
University of California, Berkeley

Ellis Johnson
Georgia Institute of Technology and
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

S. Rao Kosaraju
Johns Hopkins University

Michael Luby
International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley

Nimrod Megiddo
IBM Almaden Research Center and
Tel Aviv University, Israel

Baruch Schieber
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

Pravin Vaidya
University of Illinois, Urbana

Frances Yao
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center


Invited Speakers

Martin Grotschel
Institut fur Mathematik, Universitat Augsburg, Germany

Joel H. Spencer
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University

Robert E. Tarjan
Department of Computer Science, Princeton University, and
NEC Research Institute, Inc., Princeton


Papers will be selected for presentation based on extended
abstracts. Authors wishing to submit a paper should send eleven
copies of an extended abstract (not a full paper) by
July 12, 1991 to:

                Conference Coordinator
                3600 University City Science Center
                Philadelphia, PA  19104-2688, U.S.A.

Abstracts received after the July 12 deadline (or postmarked
after July 5 and sent airmail) WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Authors
will be notified of acceptance or rejection by September 30, 1991.
A camera-ready copy of each accepted paper will be due by
November 8, 1991. Such copy may be either on special SIAM forms
(model pages), which will be sent to the authors, or typeset onto
7 x 10 inch pages according to a specified format. Macros for
preparing your paper in TeX or LaTeX are available and should be
used if at all possible. If you are interested in using TeX,
please indicate such in your letter of submission. Authors who
do not need model pages should make note of that fact in their
letter of submission.

Abstract Format. Abstracts should begin with a succinct statement
of the problems that are considered in the paper, the main results
achieved, an explanation of the significance of the work, and a
comparison to past research. This material should be easily
understood by nonspecialists. Technical development, directed
toward the specialist, should follow as appropriate. The entire
extended abstract must not exceed 10 double-spaced typed pages
(about 12,000 bytes). Abstracts that deviate significantly from
these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their

Meeting Format. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to
present their work at the symposium in a 20 to 30-minute talk.
In addition, there will be three one-hour invited presentations
on topics of general interest.


Please return this card to:

3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 U.S.A.
Telephone: (215) 382-9800    Fax: (215) 386-7999
E-mail: siamconfs@wharton.upenn.edu

Third Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms

January 27-29, 1992, Clarion Hotel, Orlando, Florida


Advance registration material will be available in late
October 1991. To ensure that you receive your registration
material and preliminary program, complete this reply card
and return it to SIAM.

[ ] I am interested in attending SODA.
Please send me registration materials when they become available
in October.

I attended SODA 90 [ ];  SODA 91 [ ].

[ ] I am a member of   ACM     SIAM     Other

Please print

        First                           Middle Initial          Last
State                                        Zip



Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104-9889 U.S.A.

Telephone:  (215) 382-9800
      Fax:  (215) 386-7999
   E-Mail:  siamconfs@wharton.upenn.edu