[comp.theory] MFCS'91 Conference

dts@cs.ed.ac.uk (Don Sannella) (04/25/91)

			 Information Bulletin
		  Sixteenth International Symposium
			9 -- 13 September 1991
		       Kazimierz Dolny, Poland



9.00 -- 9.45       Registration
9.45 -- 10.00      Opening

10.00 -- 11.00     Invited lecture (chair: A. Tarlecki)
     10.00   J.-L. Lassez (Yorktown Heights)
             Elimination of negation in term algebras

11.00 -- 11.30     Coffee break

11.30 -- 13.00     Contributions (chair: B. Rovan)
     11.30   D. Kesner (Orsay)
             Pattern matching in order-sorted languages
     12.00   G. Dowek (Rocquencourt)
             Second order pattern matching is decidable in type systems of the
     12.30   D. Niwinski (Warsaw)
	     On the cardinality of sets of infinite trees recognizable by
	     finite automata

13.00 -- 15.00     Lunch

15.00 -- 16.30     Contributions (chair: D. Sannella)
     15.00   A. Poigne (St. Augustin)
             Once more on order-sorted algebras
     15.30   E. Astesiano, M. Cerioli (Genova)
             Partial higher-order specifications
     16.00   G. Costa, G. Reggio (Genova)
             Abstract dynamic data types: a temporal logic approach

16.30 -- 17.00     Coffee break

17.00 -- 18.30     Contributions (chair: J. Winkowski)
    17.00    G. Hansel, D. Krob (Mont Saint-Aignan), Ch. Michaux (Mons)
             On length distributions of rational languages
    17.30    V. Diekert (Munich), P. Gastin (Paris), A. Petit (Orsay)
             Recognizable complex trace languages
    18.00    Y. Roos, P. A. Wacrenier (Lille)
             Composition of two semi commutations

19.00	           Dinner

20.00	           Concert and Welcome Drink


9.00 -- 11.00      Invited lectures (chair: A. Blikle)
    9.00     G. Mints (Tallin)
             title to be announced
    10.00    A. Salwicki (Warsaw)
             On a hierarchy of file types and their theories

11.00 -- 11.30     Coffee break

11.30 -- 13.00     Contributions (chair: K. Jantke)
    11.30    F. Alessi, F. Barbanera (Torino)
             Strong conjunction and intersection types
    12.00    L.Egidi (Torino), F.Honsell (Udine), S.Ronchi della Rocca (Torino)
             The lazy call-by-value lambda-calculus
    12.30    R. Pino Perez (Lille)
             A strict partial combinatory algebra which models partial lambda

13.00 -- 15.00     Lunch

15.00 -- 16.30     Contributions (chair: K. Apt)
    15.00    S. Bonnier (Linkoping)
             Unification in incompletely specified theories: a case study
    15.30    H. Leiss (Munich), F. Henglein (Copenhagen)
             A decidable case of the semi-unification problem
    16.00    P. Ruzicka (Bratislava)
             An efficient decision algorithm for the uniform semi-unification

16.30 -- 17.00      Coffee break

17.00 -- 18.30      Contributions (chair: Y. Gurevich)
    17.00    J. Hromkovic, B. Monien (Paderborn)
             The bisection problem for graphs of degree 4 (configuring
	     transputer systems)
    17.30    D. Kavadias, L. M. Kirousis, P. Spirakis (Patras)
             The complexity of the reliable connectivity problem
    18.00    Ch. Meinel, S. Waack (Berlin)
             Upper and lower bounds for certain graph-accessibility problems on
	     bounded alternating omega-branching programs

19.30	Conference banquet


9.00 -- 10.30       Contributions (chair: R. Cori)
    9.00     P. Jokinen, E. Ukkonen (Helsinki)
             Two algorithms for approximate string matching in static texts
    9.30     J. Karhumaki (Turku), W. Rytter, S. Jarominek (Warsaw)
             Efficient constructions of test sets for regular and context-free
    10.00    A. Cerny (Bratislava)
             Generating words by cellular automata

10.30 -- 11.00      Coffee break

11.00 -- 12.30      Contributions (chair: J. Gruska)
    11.00    K. V. Shvachko (Pereslavl-Zalessky)
             Different mofications of pointer machines and their computational
    11.30    Nguyen Huong Lam, Do Long Van (Bordeaux)
             On strict codes
    12.00    Tao Jiang (Hamilton), O. H. Ibarra, Hui Wang (Santa Barbara)
             Some results concerning 2-D on-line tessallation acceptors and 2-D
	     alternating finite automata

12.30 -- 14.00       Lunch

14.00                Excursion


9.00 -- 11.00        Invited lectures (chair: C. Jones)
    9.00     M. Nielsen (Aarhus)
             Models for concurrency
    10.00    A. Pnueli (Rehovot)
             title to be announced

11.00 -- 11.30       Coffee break

11.30 -- 13.00       Contributions (chair: G. Mirkowska)
    11.30    B. Paech (Munich)
             Extending temporal logic by explicit concurrency
    12.00    M. A. Nait Abdallah (London, Canada)
             Syntax and semantics of a monotonic framework for non-monotonic
    12.30    B. Konikowska (Warsaw)
             Two over three: a two valued logic for software specification and
	     validation over a three valued predicate calculus

13.00 -- 15.00        Lunch

15.00 -- 16.30        Contributions (chair: R. De Nicola)
    15.00    A. Kiehn, M. Hennessy (Brighton), I. Castellani, G. Boudol
             Observing localities
    15.30    U. Montanari, V. Sassone (Pisa)
             CCS dynamic bisimulation is progressing
    16.00    R. Gorrieri, C. Laneve (Pisa)
             Split- and ST-semantics for CCS

16.30 -- 17.00        Coffee break

17.00 -- 18.30        Contributions (chair: V. Pratt)
    17.00    P. Degano, R. Gorrieri (Pisa)
             Atomic refinement in process description languages
    17.30    Padmanabhan Krishnan (Aarhus)
             A model for real-time systems
    18.00    B. P. Hilken, D. E. Rydeheard (Manchester)
             Comprehension and type classes

19.30 	              Farewell Party


9.00 -- 10.00         Invited lecture (chair: M. Broy)
    9.00     P. Lescanne (Nancy)
             Rewrite orderings and termination of rewrite systems

10.00 -- 11.00        Contributions (chair: M. Broy)
    10.00    P. Inverardi (Pisa), M. Nesi (Cambridge)
             Infinite normal forms for non-linear term rewriting systems
    10.30    E. Kounalis, D. Lugiez (Nancy), L. Pottier (Sophia-Antipolis)
             A solution of the complement problem in associative-commutative

11.00 -- 11.30         Coffee break

11.30 -- 13.00         Contributions (chair: J. Barzdin)
    11.30    R. R. Howell (Kansas), P. Jancar (Ostrava), L. E. Rosier (Austin)
             Single-path Petri nets
    12.00    E. Domenjoud (Nancy)
             Solving systems of linear diophantine equations: an algebraic
    12.30    C. Leopold (Berlin)
             Maintaining dictionaries in a hierarchical memory

13.00 -- 15.00         Lunch

15.00 -- 16.30         Open session


MFCS'91 is the sixteenth in the series of MFCS symposia organized alternatively
in Poland and Czechoslovakia since 1972.  The purpose of the series is to
encourage high-quality research in all branches of Theoretical Computer Science
and to bring together specialists working actively in the area.  Throughout the
years, MFCS served this purpose well, and we hope it will do so in the future.

Principal areas of interest of the symposium include:
	software specification and development, parallel and distributed
	computing, semantics and logics of programs, algorithms, complexity and
	computability theory (this is not an exclusive list).

The scientific programme of the symposium will include 6 invited lectures by
distinguished scientists and 38 presentations selected by the Programme
Committee out of the total 109 submitted papers strictly on the basis of the
scientific merit of the submissions.

MFCS'91 is organized by the Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy
of Sciences in cooperation with the Institute of Informatics of Warsaw
University and the Polish Information Processing Society.


	K.Apt, Amsterdam/Austin		K.Jantke, Leipzig
	J.Barzdin, Riga			C.Jones, Manchester
	A.Blikle, Warsaw		G.Mirkowska, Warsaw
	M.Broy, Munich			V.Pratt, Stanford
	R.Cori, Bordeaux		B.Rovan, Bratislava
	R.De Nicola, Pisa		D.Sannella, Edinburgh
	J.Gruska, Bratislava		A.Tarlecki, Warsaw (chairman)
	Y.Gurevich, Ann Arbor		J.Winkowski, Warsaw


	P.Chrzastowski-Wachtel (co-chairman)
	K.Diks				W.Penczek
	L.Holenderski                   A.Szalas
	S.Jarominek                     A.Tarlecki (co-chairman)


	Institute of Computer Science         	phone:  ++48-22-20 28 73
	Polish Academy of Sciences                      (secr.) 20 38 88
	P.O.Box 22, PKiN,                       fax:    ++48-22-20 01 14
	00-901 Warsaw, Poland.                  telex:  813556 COAN PL


The symposium will be held in the hotel/recreation center ``Dom Prasy'' in
Kazimierz Dolny.

	``Dom Prasy''
	ul. Malachowskiego 17
	24-120 Kazimierz Dolny                   tel. (831) 10163

Kazimierz Dolny (on some maps Kazimierz n/Wisla) is a charming small town
beautifully situated on the right bank of the Wisla (Vistula) river some 150 km
south of Warsaw. Its origins date back to the 14th century, with the period of
greatest prosperity in the 15th -- 17th centuries.  Renaissance architecture,
rare in this part of Europe, fully harmonising with the rich natural terrain,
creates the unique atmosphere of this picturesque town and its surroundings.
The view of the Vistula from a nearby hill is truly unforgetable!


The nearest international airport is Warszawa (Warsaw) with numerous
international connections from all over the world.

From Warsaw, you can reach Kazimierz Dolny by taking a train from
Warszawa-Centralna Railway Station to Pulawy, and then a taxi or bus from
Pulawy to Kazimierz (about 13km). By car, there are two routes from Warsaw.
Either find and follow the signs for Pulawy directly (a shorter, but worse
road) or follow the signs for Lublin and then turn to Pulawy in Kurow. You
should have no trouble finding the signs for Kazimierz Dolny in Pulawy.

There will be special conference buses on Sunday 8th September, leaving at 5pm
from Warsaw for the conference site. The buses, clearly marked with the MFCS
sign, will be waiting by the east entrance to the Palace of Culture and
Science (PKiN), the skyscraper situated in the center of Warsaw, near
Warszawa-Centralna Railway Station. Please mark the appropriate box on the
registration form if you plan to take the conference bus.

To get to PKiN from the international airport, take bus 175.

Bus transportation will be arranged from Kazimierz to Warsaw on the afternoon
of Friday 13th September, and on the morning of Saturday 14th September.


A valid passport and (for citizens of many countries) a Polish entry visa are
required to enter Poland. Visas are issued by Polish consulates and embassies
throughout the world. There should be no problem with this, but as processing
visa applications may sometimes take a few weeks, please apply as soon as
possible. No Polish visas are issued at the Polish border. There is no daily
minimum currency exchange required at present.


All participants will be lodged in double rooms in the ``Dom Prasy''
hotel/recreation center. Depending on the number of participants, some rooms
may be available for single occupancy, at the extra cost of $50 payable (in
cash) at the beginning of the conference.

Meals will be served at the conference site, beginning with supper on Sunday
8th September, and finishing with breakfast on Saturday 14th September. Please
indicate any special dietary requirements clearly on the registration form.  We
will try to take them into account, within the limited possibilities available.


The basic inclusive price for the entire conference is $280 per person
(2 650 000 Polish zloty at the current exchange rate). This covers
accommodation and meals, all materials, the excursion, refreshments between
sessions, a welcome drink, the conference banquet and a farewell party.

Participants and/or institutions with limited funds may apply for a reduction
of this price up to 50%. Because of the limited financial resources provided by
the sponsors, the applications for the fee reduction will be considered

The price for accompanying persons is $150 (1 420 000 Polish zloty at the
current exchange rate) and it does not include the conference materials.

Fees are subject to a 20% surcharge if received after the 30th June deadline.


Those wishing to participate in the MFCS'91 symposium should pay the inclusive
conference fee by bank transfer, complete the enclosed registration form and
mail it to the organisers together with a copy of the receipt confirming
payment of the conference fee. It should reach the conference office not
later than 30th June 1991. Receipt of registration will be confirmed.

The number of participants is limited and the Organising Committee reserves the
right to refuse registration after 30th June. Please remember also that
payments reaching us after this date are subject to a 20% surcharge.


Please transfer payments to the following account:

        Account name:    Instytut Podstaw Informatyki PAN, MFCS'91
        Bank:            BPH w Krakowie XIV O/Warszawa,
        Account number for payments in US dollars:      320007-2408-151-4787
        Account number for payments in Polish zloty:    320007-2408


If registration is cancelled before 1st August 1991, 80% of the payment will be
refunded. After this date, no refunds are possible. Participants cancelling
their participation after 1st August but before 1st September 1991 will receive
the symposium materials by mail.


The proceedings of the symposium will be published by Springer-Verlag in their
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Each registered participant will
receive a copy. Additional copies may be ordered direct from Springer-Verlag.


An overhead projector (25*25cm) and a blackboard will be available. Please make
your transparencies sufficiently readable.  The language of the symposium is
English.  No translation facilities will be provided.


Poland is a beautiful country, and we certainly advocate a few days in Warsaw,
a trip to the Mazurian Lake District, a visit to Cracow or Gdansk, or a hiking
tour in the Tatra Mountains before or after the conference. However, the
conference organisers are not able to directly help you with this. If you need
an extra hotel reservation, advance ticket booking etc., contact a travel
agent. For example:
                                            phone:  ++48-22-26 23 56
        ``Almatur'' Travel Agency                   or:     26 35 07    
        ul. Kopernika 15                    fax:    ++48-22-26 23 53
        00-359 Warszawa, Poland.            telex:  0813474


All participants and accompanying persons are invited to take part in the
following activities:

Concert and Welcome Drink:   Monday 9th September, 8pm.
Conference Banquet:          Tuesday 10th September, 7.30pm.
Excursion:                   Wednesday 11th September, in the afternoon.
Farewell Party:              Thursday 12th September, 7.30pm.



16th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
MFCS'91, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 9 -- 13 September 1991.

Please complete and return this form together with proof of payment
to reach us not later than 30th June 1991 to the following address:
        Institute of Computer Science            phone: ++48-22-20 28 73
        Polish Academy of Sciences                      (secr.) 20 38 88
        P.O.Box 22, PKiN,                        fax:   ++48-22-20 01 14
        00-901 Warsaw, Poland.                   telex:	813556 COAN PL

Family name: .........................................................

First name(s): .......................................................

Address:    ..........................................................

Phone: .........................        Fax: .........................
Telex: .........................        e-mail: ......................

Names of accompanying persons: .......................................

Date of arrival: .........................

     __ by air to Warsaw            approximate time ................
     __ by train to Pulawy          approximate time ................
     __ by car to Kazimierz         approximate time ................

     __ I intend to take the conference bus from Warsaw to Kazimierz

Date of departure: .........................

Name of preferred roommate in shared accommodation: .......................

     __ If possible, I would like to have a single room
        (extra $50 payable during the conference) 

Special dietary requirements (vegetarian etc.) ............................


Symposium fee $280 (2 650 000 zl)               ................
Fee for .... accompanying persons
        ....* $150 (1 420 000 zl)               ................

                                  Total         ................

Please attach a copy of the receipt from your bank confirming that the payment
has been transferred to:

    Account name:    Instytut Podstaw Informatyki PAN, MFCS'91
    Bank:            BPH w Krakowie XIV O/Warszawa,
    Account number for payments in US dollars:       320007-2408-151-4787
				in Polish zloty:     320007-2408

  ................		 	     ................
	Date					Signature
