[comp.theory] Unity references

wgd@ukc.ac.uk (W.G.Day) (04/24/91)

Here is the list of Unity references that I received.  Sorry that
this is so late.  Thank you very much to those who replied.  Here
are all of the published references.  I have formated them all out
in the same (hopefully) neat style.

There is of course the book:

  author =	"K. Mani Chandy and Jayadev Misra",
  title =	"Parallel Program Design: A Foundation",
  publisher =	"Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.",
  address =	"Reading, Massachusetts",
  year =	1988

and a series called Notes On Unity which contain are more recent work.
Some of these contain extensions and improvements to the theory others
are program derivations.  Mail Jayadev Misra's secretary, Nancy Lawler
at nel@cs.utexas.edu for more details.

  author =	"K. M. Chandy and J. Misra",
  title =	"An Example of Stepwise Refinement of Distributed Programs:
		 Quiescence Detection",
  journal =	"ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems",
  volume =	8,
  number =	3,
  pages =	{326--343},
  month =	July,
  year =	1986

  author =	"K. M. Chandy and J. Misra",
  title =	"Proofs of Distributed Algorithms: An Exercise",
  booktitle =	"Developments in Concurrency and Communication",
  editor =	"C.A.R. Hoare",
  chapter =	11,
  pages =	{305--332},
  year =	1990,
  publisher =	"Addison-Wesley",
  address =     "Reading, Massachusetts"

  author =	"K. M. Chandy",
  title =	"Concurrent Programming for the Masses (1984 Invited Address)",
  booktitle =	"Proceedings of the 4th ACM Symposium on
		 the Principles of Distributed Computing",
  pages =	{1--12},
  month =       aug,
  year =	1985

  author   =	"K. M. Chandy",
  title =	"Mathematics of Program Construction Applied to Analog
		 Neural Networks",
  booktitle =	"Proceedings of the Conference on the Mathematics of
		 Program Construction, Groningen",
  editor =	"J. L. A. van de Snepscheut",
  pages =	{21--35},
  month =	jun,
  year =	1989,
  publisher =	"Springer-Verlag",
  address =	"New York"

  author =	"J. Misra",
  title =	"A Foundation of Parallel Programming",
  booktitle =	"Proceedings of the International Summer School on 
		 Constructive Methods in Computing Science",
  month =	aug,
  year =	1988

  author =	"J. Misra",
  title =	"Specifications of concurrently accessed data",
  booktitle =	"Mathematics of program construction",
  pages =	{90--114},
  year =	1989,
  comment =	"weitere Inferenzregeln fuer unless"

  author =	"J. Misra",
  title =	"Specifications of Concurrently Accessed Data",
  booktitle =	"Proceedings of the Conference on the Mathematics of
		 Program Construction, Groningen",
  editor =	"J. L. A. van de Snepscheut",
  pages =	{91--114},
  month =	jun,
  year =	1989,
  publisher =	"Springer-Verlag",
  address =	"New York"

  author =	"J. Misra",
  title =	"A Simple Proof of a Simple Consensus Algorithm",
  booktitle =	"Beauty is Our Business",
  chapter =	35,
  pages =	{312--318},
  year =	1990,
  publisher =	"Springer-Verlag",
  address =	"New York",
  source =      "hcc book"

  author =	"J. R. Rao",
  title =	"Reasoning about Probabilistic Algorithms",
  booktitle =	"Proceedings of the Ninth Annual ACM Symposium on the
		 Principles of Distributed Computing",
  year =	1990,
  organization = ACM

  author =	"M. G. Staskauskas",
  title	=	"The Formal Specification and Design of a
		 Distributed Electronic Funds Transfer System",
  journal =	IEEETC,
  volume =	37,
  number =	12,
  pages	=	{1515--1528},
  month	=	dec,
  year =	1988

  author =	"E. Knapp",
  title	 =	"An Exercise in the Formal Derivation of Parallel Programs:
		 Maximum Flows in Graphs",
  journal =	"ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems",
  volume =	12,
  number =	2,
  pages =	{203--223},
  month =	apr,
  year =	1990,
  comment =	"Gute knappe Einfuehrung in UNITY; Argumentation ueber weakest

  author =	"E. Knapp",
  title =	"Derivation of Parallel Programs: Two Examples",
  institution =	UT,
  month =	oct,
  year =	1988,
  number =	{TR-90-33}

  author =	"E. Knapp",
  title =	"A Comparison of {\em led-from} and {\em leads-to}",
  institution =	UT,
  month =	oct,
  year =	1988,
  number =	{TR-88-35}

  author =	"E. Knapp",
  title =	"A Predicate Transformer for Progress",
  journal =	ipl,
  volume =	33,
  pages =	{323--330},
  year =	1989

  author =	"C. S. Jutla and E. Knapp and J. R. Rao",
  title =	"A Predicate Transformer Approach
		 to Semantics of Parallel Programs",
  booktitle =	"8th Annual" # PODC,
  pages =	{249--263},
  year =	1989

  author =	"R. Gerth and A. Pnueli",
  title =	"The Roots of {UNITY}",
  booktitle =	"Proceedings Fifth International Workshop
		 on Software Specification and Design",
  month =	may,
  year =	1989,
  address =	"Pittsburgh, Penn."

  author =	"R. Gerth and A. Pnueli",
  title =	"{Rooting {\sf UNITY}}",
  journal =	"ACM Software Engineering Notes",
  month =	apr,
  number =	4,
  volume =	14,
  year =	1989,
  comment =	"Z832 TK liefern formale Semantik fuer UNITY"

Other work includes:

  author =	"Beverly Sanders",
  title	 =	"Eliminating the Substitution Axiom from {UNITY} Logic",
  institution =	{ETH Z\"{u}rich, Departement Informatik},
  number =	128,
  month	=	may,
  year =	1990

  author =	"D. M. Goldschlag",
  title =	"Mechanically verifying concurrent programs
		 with the Boyer-Moore prover",
  journal =	"IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering",
  volume =	16,
  number =	9,
  pages =	{1005--1023},
  month =	sep,
  year =	1990

  author =	"A. Mester" ,
  title =	"entwurf verteilter Programme mit UNITY",
  school =	{Universit\"at Dortmund, Fachbereich Informatik},
  month =	jan,
  year =	1991

  author =	"P. J. A. Lentfert and A. H. Uittenbogaard and
		 S. D. Swierstra and G. Tel",
  title =	"Distributed Hierarchical Routing",
  institution =	"Utrecht University",
  month =	march,
  year =	1989,
  number =	{RUU-CS-89-5}

Here are three which have been built on a Unity-like foundation.

  author =	"G. C. Roman and H. C. Cunningham",
  title =	"Mixed Programming Metaphors in a Shared
		 Dataspace Model of Concurrency",
  journal =	"IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering",
  volume =	16,
  number =	12,
  pages =	{1361--1373},
  month =	dec,
  year =	1990

  author =	"H. C. Cunningham and G.-C. Roman",
  title =	"A UNITY-style Programming Logic for Shared Dataspace Programs",
  journal =	"IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems",
  volume =	1,
  number =	3,
  pages =	{365-376},
  month =	jul,
  year =	1990

  author =	"G. C. Roman and H. C. Cunningham",
  title =	"The Synchronic Group: A Concurrent Programming Concept
		 and Its Proof Logic",
  booktitle =	"Proceedings of the 10th International Conference
		 on Distributed Computing Systems",
  publisher =	IEEE,
  month =	may,
  year =	1990

patrick@cs.ruu.nl (P.J.A. Lentfert) (04/25/91)


In article <7420@harrier.ukc.ac.uk>, W.G.Day (wgd@ukc.ac.uk)  writes:

>  Here is the list of Unity references that I received.  Sorry that
>  this is so late.  Thank you very much to those who replied.  Here
>  are all of the published references.  I have formated them all out
>  in the same (hopefully) neat style.
>  :
>  :
>  @techreport{,
>   author =	  "P. J. A. Lentfert and A. H. Uittenbogaard and
>    	           S. D. Swierstra and G. Tel",
>   title =	  "Distributed Hierarchical Routing",
>   institution = "Utrecht University",
>   month =	   march,
>   year =	  1989,
>   number =	  {RUU-CS-89-5}
>  }

However, in this report I have not used UNITY. The report should be:

 author =       "P.J.A. Lentfert, S.D. Swierstra and A. H. Uittenbogaard",
 title =        "Distributed Incremental Maximum Finding in Hierarchicaly
                 Divided Graphs",
 institution =  "Utrecht University",
 month =        September,
 year =	        1990,
 number =       {RUU-CS-90-30}

Patrick Lentfert                                  | patrick@cs.ruu.nl
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Utrecht  | phone: +31 30 534094
p.o. box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands | fax:   +31 30 513791

wsinrobg@rw6.urc.tue.nl (Rob Gerth) (04/25/91)

In article <7420@harrier.ukc.ac.uk> wgd@ukc.ac.uk (W.G.Day) writes:
>Here is the list of Unity references that I received.  Sorry that
>this is so late.  Thank you very much to those who replied.  Here
>are all of the published references.  I have formated them all out
>in the same (hopefully) neat style.
		< stuff deleted >
The following refs are not correct

 author =	"R. Gerth and A. Pnueli",
 title =	"The Roots of {UNITY}",
 booktitle =	"Proceedings Fifth International Workshop
		 on Software Specification and Design",
 month =	may,
 year =	1989,
 address =	"Pittsburgh, Penn."

 author =	"R. Gerth and A. Pnueli",
 title =	"{Rooting {\sf UNITY}}",
 journal =	"ACM Software Engineering Notes",
 month =	apr,
 number =	4,
 volume =	14,
 year =	1989,
 comment =	"Z832 TK liefern formale Semantik fuer UNITY"

The title entry of the first one shoud read

   title =	"{Rooting {\sf UNITY}}",

The second ref does not exist (well, I didnt actually check but I cut back on
the boozing and am reasonably sure that we didnt submit it ;-)).
# internet:     robg@win.tue.nl         | Rob Gerth, Dept. of C.S.            #
# EUT:		HG 8.85			| Eindhoven University of Technology  #
# voice:	31+(0)40-474389/4124	| 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands  #