[comp.theory] postdoctoral fellowships at Max Planck Institute for Computer

mpi@MPII01003.CS.UNI-SB.DE (Christoph Storb) (04/27/91)

                    P O S T - D O C T O R A L

                      F E L L O W S H I P S

                             at the

              M A X   P L A N C K   I N S T I T U T E


                   C O M P U T E R   S C I E N C E

The Max Planck Institute for Computer Science is a research institute
located on the campus of the Universitaet des Saarlandes
in Saarbruecken, Germany.

The institute was founded in 1990 and consists, at present,
of two research units: Algorithms and Complexity, and Logic of
Programming. Research groups for Distributed Systems and Computer
Architecture will be added in 1992.

The institute now offers eight post-doctoral fellowships. A fellowship
is awarded for a period of one or two years and amounts to about
DM 35 000 per year, taxfree.

Further information can be obtained from Christoph Storb
(mpi@cs.uni-sb.de). Applications (including curriculum vitae,
list of publications, research plan, and intended period of stay)
should be sent to one of the directors of the institute.

Prof Dr. Harald Ganzinger                     Prof. Dr. Kurt Mehlhorn

MPI fuer Informatik
Im Stadtwald
W-6600 Saarbruecken