ladner@CS.WASHINGTON.EDU (Richard Ladner) (05/09/91)
Please replace the previous program with this one. The one major important change is that the cost for late registration for students was in error. PRELIMINARY PROGRAM TENTH ANNUAL ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS SYMPOSIUM PRINCIPLES OF DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING PODC '91 August 19-21, 1991 Montreal, Quebec, Canada VERSION - May 6 Organized by: Conference Chair: Luigi Logrippo, University of Ottawa (LMLSL@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA) Program Chair: Richard Ladner, University of Washington (LADNER@CS.WASHINGTON.EDU) Treasurer: Hasan Ural, University of Ottawa Local Arrangements William Collins, Ottawa-Carleton Research and Registration: Institute Program Committee: Allen Emerson, University of Texas at Austin Norman Hutchinson, University of British Columbia Richard Ladner, University of Washington Nancy Lynch, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Yoram Moses, Weizmann Institute Charles Rackoff, University of Toronto Michael Saks, University of California at San Diego Baruch Schieber, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center William Weihl, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Jeannette Wing, Carnegie Mellon University Lenore Zuck, Yale University Sponsored by: ACM Special Interest Group for Automata and Computability Theory (SIGACT) ACM Special Interest Group for Operating Systems (SIGOPS) With support from: Bell Canada Bell-Northern Research Communications Canada - Canadian Workplace Automation Centre IBM - Yorktown Heights and Almaden Research Centers Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Ottawa Carleton Research Institute Telecommunications Research Institute of Ontario University of Ottawa USA Office of Naval Research ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, August 18 Registration: 17:00 - 20:00 Reception: 18:00 - 21:00 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, August 19 Invited Lecture: 09:00 - 10:00 Michael J. Fischer, Yale University Coffee break: 10:00 - 10:30 Session 1: Chaired by Michael Saks 10:30 - 12:00 Randomized Wait-Free Concurrent Objects Maurice Herlihy (DEC, Cambridge Research Laboratory) Efficient Parallel Algorithms on Restartable Fail-stop Processors Paris C. Kanellakis (Brown U.), Alex A. Shvartsman (Brown U. and DEC) Resiliency of Interactive Distributed Tasks Benny Chor, Lee-Bath Nelson (The Technion, Israel) Lunch (on your own): 12:00 - 13:30 Session 2: Chaired by Baruch Schieber 13:30 - 15:00 How to Withstand Mobile Virus Attacks Rafail Ostrovsky (MIT), Moti Yung (IBM Watson Research Center) On the Value of Information in Distributed Decision-Making Christos H. Papadimitriou (U. of California at San Diego) Mihalis Yannakakis (AT&T Bell Laboratories) Distributed Move-To-Front Lists and Small Space Time-Stamp Systems Michael Saks, Fotios Zaharoglou (U. of California at San Diego) Coffee break: 15:00 - 15:30 Session 3: Chaired by Yoram Moses 15:30 - 17:00 Optimal Coteries Christos Papadimitriou (U. of California at San Diego) Martha Sideri (Computer Technology Institute, Patras, Greece) Compact Deterministic Distributed Dictionaries Karni Gilon, David Peleg (The Weizmann Institute) A Theory of Relaxed Atomicity Eliezer Levy, Henry F. Korth, Abraham Silberschatz (U. of Texas at Austin) Cocktails and banquet: 18:30 - 22:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Tuesday, August 20 Session 4: Chaired by Nancy Lynch 08:30 - 10:00 Real-Time Sequence Transmission Problem Da-Wei Wang, Lenore Zuck (Yale U.) Consensus in the Presence of Timing Uncertainty: Omission and Byzantine Failures Stephen Ponzio (MIT) The Benefits of Relaxing Punctuality Rajeev Alur, Thomas Feder, Thomas A. Henzinger (Stanford U.) Coffee break: 10:00 - 10:30 Session 5: Chaired by Lenore Zuck 10:30 - 12:00 Broadcast with Partial Knowledge Baruch Awerbuch (MIT), Israel Cidon (IBM Watson Research Center and The Technion), Shay Kutten (IBM Watson Research Center), Yishay Mansour (Harvard University), David Peleg (The Weizmann Institute) Greedy Packet Scheduling on Shortest Paths Yishay Mansour (Harvard University), Boaz Patt-Shamir (MIT) Efficient Deadlock-Free Routing Baruch Awerbuch (MIT), Shay Kutten (IBM Watson Research Center), David Peleg (The Weizmann Institute) Lunch (at the Hotel): 12:00 - 14:00 Luncheon speaker: Ragui Kamal (Bell-Northern Research) Distributed Computing at BNR Session 6: Chaired by Allen Emerson 14:00 - 15:30 Knowlege in Shared Memory Systems Michael Merritt, Gadi Taubenfeld (AT&T Bell Laboratories) A Semantics for a Logic Authentication Martin Abadi (DEC, Systems Research Center), Mark R. Tuttle (DEC, Cambridge Research Laboratory) A Predicate Transformer Approach to Knowledge and Knowledge-based Protocols Beverly Sanders (ETH Zurich) Coffee break: 15:30 - 16:00 Session 7: Chaired by William Weihl 16:00 - 17:30 Exploiting Locality in Maintaining Potential Causality Sigurd Meldal, Sriram Sankar, James Vera (Stanford U.) Replay, Recovery, Replication and Snapshots of Nondeterministic Concurrent Programs Haim Gaifman (Hebrew U.), Michael J. Maher (IBM Watson Research Center), Ehud Shapiro (The Weizmann Institute) Inconsistency and Contamination Ajei Gopal, Sam Toueg (Cornell U.) An Industrial Perspective: 20:00 - 20:30 The "Ubiquitous Computer": An Application of Distributed Computing Richard Ellis (Bell Canada) ACM - Business Meeting and Rump Session: 20:30 - 22:30 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, August 21 Session 8: Chaired by Baruch Schieber 09:00 - 10:30 On a Random Walk Problem Arising in Self-Stabilizing Token Management Prasad Tetali (Courant Institute), Peter Winkler (Bellcore) Resource Bounds for Self-Stabilizing Message Driven Protocols Shlomi Dolev, Amos Israeli, Shlomo Moran (The Technion) Bootstrap Network Resynchronization Yehuda Afek (Tel-Aviv University), Eli Gafni (U.C.L.A. and Tel-Aviv U.) Coffee break: 10:30 - 11:00 Session 9: Chaired by William Weihl 11:00 - 12:30 Message-Optimal Protocols for Byzantine Agreement Vassos Hadzilacos (U. of Toronto), Joseph Y. Halpern (IBM Almaden Research Center) Unreliable Failure Detectors for Asynchronous Systems Tushar Deepak Chandra, Sam Toueg (Cornell U.) Using Process Groups to Implement Failure Detection in Asynchronous Environments Aleta M. Ricciardi, Kenneth P. Birman (Cornell U.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Location: All Symposium events will take place at Le Chateau Champlain Hotel, in the heart of downtown Montreal. Transportation: There are two airports in Montreal. If you arrive directly from Europe you are likely to arrive at the Mirabel airport, about 61 km NW of downtown. If you arrive from North America you are likely to arrive at Dorval, which is in the outskirts of the city. Access to the hotel from the two airports is assured by regularly scheduled buses, with costs varying from $12.00 to $7.50 one way. Air Canada is the official carrier for PODC '91. Call 1-800-361-7585 from anywhere in Canada or the USA, and quote CV91-0731. You should be able to get discounts from about 15% to as much as 50% for travel in Canada and to/from the USA, depending on various conditions and limitations. Car rental discounts are also available. Climate: Average temperatures in Montreal during August are: daytime 24 C, night 15 C. Humid weather is possible. There are 11 rainy days on average during August. Attractions: Montreal is a cosmopolitan city of almost 3 million, the largest francophone city in the world after Paris (however English is also spoken currently in the downtown area). It is situated on an island in the St. Lawrence River, near the confluence with the Ottawa River. It is one of the major cultural and commercial centres in North America, with many attractions. Due to the size of the area, a car is an asset for sightseeing, however many places of interest are within a short distance of the hotel. The hotel is very close to the shopping districts of Boulevard Rene Levesque and St. Catherine Street, and on top of the huge underground shopping complex of Place Ville Marie and Place Bonaventure. It is possible to walk to Old Montreal, and sit by a typical cafe or restaurant, in small cobblestoned alleys and squares near the historic Port of Montreal. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Advance Registration: Please use a copy of this form to pre-register. Advance registration closes July 18. Registration after July 18 is subject to a late fee. You may pay by credit card, by cheque, or by money order in Canadian or USA dollars made payable to the Ottawa-Carleton Research Institute. The form below should be sent by mail or fax to: Kathy Mahoney Ottawa-Carleton Research Institute 340 March Road, 4th Floor Kanata, Ontario K2K 2E4 Canada Telephone: (613) 592-8160 Facsimile: (613) 592-8163 The regular registration fee includes a reception on Sunday evening, the banquet on Monday evening, luncheon on Tuesday, coffee breaks, and a copy of the proceedings. The student registration fee includes everything except the banquet. Requests for refunds will be honoured until July 18. --------------------------------- ACM - PODC'91 Registration Form Surname______________________________________________________ Given name___________________________________________________ Affiliation__________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Postal Code_____________________ Country_________________ Phone number____________________ Facsimile_______________ Vegetarian?_____________________ Kosher?_________________ (for banquet only) Advance Registration Late Registration -------------------- ----------------- US$ CAN$ US$ CAN$ --- --- --- --- ACM/SIG Members 250 290 330 380 Non-Members 305 350 385 445 Full-time Students 85 100 170 195 Additional banquet tickets $52 US, $60 CAN Total Enclosed________________US _____________________CAN Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)_____________ Card Number_____________________ Expiry Date_____________ --------------------------------- Hotel Reservation: A block of rooms has been reserved for the PODC '91 participants at Le Chateau Champlain Hotel. If you wish to reserve one of these rooms, please complete the form below and return to: ACM PODC'91 Chateau Champlain 1, Place du Canada Montreal, Quebec H3B 4C9 Chateau Champlain can be reached by phone from the USA at 1-800-828-7447, from Ontario or Quebec at 1-800-268-9420, from the rest of Canada at 1-800-268-9411, and from elsewhere at 1-514-878-9000, or by facsimile at 1-514-878-6761. Please mention that you are part of ACM PODC. Reservations must be received by July 18. Accomodations should be confirmed with a cheque for the first night deposit, or any major credit card. The conference rate at Chateau Champlain is $115 Cdn single or double ($123.05 including taxes). Please do not delay your hotel reservation, as Montreal is the site of many conventions and other events in the month of August. ---------------------------------- ACM PODC'91 Hotel Reservation Form Surname______________________________________________________ Given name___________________________________________________ Affiliation__________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Postal Code_____________________ Country_________________ Phone number____________________ Facsimile_______________ Arrival date/time____________________________________________ Departure date/time__________________________________________ Single or double_____________________________________________ Deposit enclosed______________US _____________________CAN or Credit Card_______________________________________________ Card number_____________________ Expiry date_____________ Signature____________________________________________________ ------------------------ Protocols & Software Engg. Research Group Computer Science Dept. University of Ottawa Ottawa, Ont. Canada K1N 6N5 Fax: (613)-564-9486 Phone: (613)-564-5450