[comp.theory] ALCOM Summer School

karenkm@daimi.aau.dk (Karen K. M|ller) (05/14/91)

                    ALCOM Summer School on

           Monday 19 August - Friday 23 August 1991
                  Computer Science Department
                       Aarhus University

The Summer  School is devoted to  new and novel  techniques for
the design of efficient algorithms.   The Summer School is held
as part of the ESPRIT Basic  Research Action on "ALgorithms and
COMplexity"  (Action 3075,  Project ALCOM).  The Summer  School
will consist of tutorials and  research presentations on recent
research in the following areas:

   On-line/Dynamic Algorithms, Local Search Algorithms,
   Randomized Algorithms, Parallel Algorithms, and
   Distributed Algorithms

The invited lecturers include:
     Alan Gibbons           Warwick University
     Anna Karlin            DEC-SRC
     Roberto Tamassio       Brown University
     Christos Papadimitriou University of California, San Diego
     Shmuel Zaks            Technion, Haifa

Organizers  are:   Erik Meineche  Schmidt (Aarhus  University),
Sven  Skyum  (Aarhus University),   Kurt Mehlhorn  (Max  Planck
Institute,  Saarbrucken), and  Jan van  Leeuwen (University  of

The  Summer School  is  intended for  all  participants in  the
ALCOM project,  and Ph.D.  students and  research staff  in the
area of algorithms and complexity  theory from other interested

Registration  fee including  lecture  notes, accommodation  and
lunches is  2500 Dkr.    A limited  number of  scholarships for
students  from EC  and  Scandinavian  countries are  available.
Registration must take place before June  30, and as the number
of places will be limited, early registration is recommended.

For further information and a  registration form, contact Karen
K. M|ller
(email:  karenkm@daimi.aau.dk).