[comp.theory] Call for Papers, HICSS-25, I/O Bottleneck Mini-track

chas@sauron.Columbia.NCR.COM (Charles.Gimarc) (05/23/91)


                       CALL  FOR  PAPERS  AND  REFEREES

                                 HICSS - 25

                    Kauai, Hawaii      January 7-10, 1992

                Architecture Track, I/O Bottleneck Mini-Track

     Breaking the I/O Bottleneck:  Implications to Computer Architecture

   The Architecture Track of the 25th Hawaii International Conference on
Systems Sciences (HICSS-25) promises to be an exciting international forum
for advances in many areas of computer architecture.  A mini-track, dealing
explicitly with issues related to the "I/O Bottleneck" is being organized.

   Over the past decade, tremendous advances in the rate at which CPUs
manipulate data have been achieved.  During this time, processing rates
of microprocessor based systems have increased over two orders of magnitude.
With this increase of processing power has also come increases in the volume
of data to be manipulated.  The parts of computer systems responsible for 
supplying and accepting data have not seen comparable performance increases.
This is due to many factors, including applications with requirements for
much more data, the need to interface with many different standards, and the
fact that I/O devices often have mechanical limitations.  

   This mini-track will explore the following topics:

       *  Implications to system performance as external I/O requirements 
          and CPU data requirements increase.

       *  Developments in I/O subsystems that increase system performance.

       *  The storage management revolution.  Developments in system
          architecture such as intelligent data pathing and storage classes that 
          can mitigate effects of I/O rates on system performance.

       *  Emerging technologies that may widen or narrow the bottleneck.

       *  Application requirements, such as multimedia and imaging, that will
          widen or narrow the bottleneck.

   The I/O Bottleneck mini-track will include three paper sessions and
opportunity for discussion of relevant issues.  Authors are invited to
submit papers describing promising original research, research in progress,
and the results of theoretical or experimental projects dealing with any of
the topics listed above.

   Referees are also needed to participate through the review of submissions
to help ensure the quality of the submissions.

   HICSS-25 is an annual conference sponsored by the University of Hawaii in
cooperation with ACM, IEEE Computer Society, and the Pacific Research
Institute for Information Systems and Management (PRIISM).  A conference
proceedings, containing all accepted papers will be published.  


Schedule:       Deadline for Manuscript, 6 Copies:      June 5, 1991
                Acceptance Notification:                August 30, 1991
                Final Revision Deadline, Camera Ready:  October 1, 1991

Author Information:
      *  Typed manuscript of 22-25 double spaced pages, including figures.
      *  Papers cannot have been previously presented, published, or
         currently submitted for publication.
      *  Submit 6 copies of the manuscript.
      *  Title page includes:  Author names
                               Author affiliations
                               Author address, surface and e-mail
                               Abstract of <300 words
Send Submissions, Questions, and Referee Volunteer information to either:

    Chas Gimarc                      or      Joe Balazs
    NCR Corporation                          NCR Corporation
    3325 Platt Springs Rd.                   3325 Platt Springs Rd.
    West Columbia, South Carolina            West Columbia, SC
    USA   29170                              USA    29170
    chas.gimarc@columbiasc.ncr.com           joe.balazs@columbiasc.ncr.com
    (803) 791-6668                           (803) 739-7412
    (803) 791-6998  (Fax)