[comp.theory] CALL FOR PAPERS : CSI Journal

rkumar@buddha.usc.edu (C.P. Ravikumar) (06/02/91)

The Computer Society of India Journal "Computer Science and Informatics" 
(Editor: Prof. L.M.Patnaik, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - 560 012,
INDIA) proposes to bring out three special issues in the following areas:
1) Neural Computing
2) Algorithmics
3) Parallel and Distributed Computing : Software and Performance Issues
Prospective authors are advised to contact the concerned Guest-Editor.
Following are the "Call for Papers" for the special issues.
  Special Issue of the CSI Journal Computer Science and Informatics
 Parallel and Distributed Computing:  Software and Performance Issues
In  the proposed special issue of "Computer Science and  Informatics", 
it is intended to publish high quality papers in the area of "Parallel 
and Distributed Computing", covering the following topics:
     1.   Operating System Issues
     2.   Parallel Algorithms
     3.   Languages
     4.   Performance Issues.
The  above  list  is only indicative and not  exhaustive.   Papers  on 
related  topics are also welcome.   Interested authors  should  submit 
their  manuscripts in the format indicated in the latest issue of  the 
CSI Journal, Computer Science and Informatics.
Last date for receipt of manuscripts         :   March 31, 1992
Probable date of Publication of the Issue    :   December 1992.
Manuscript  in triplicate in the standard format should be sent to one 
of the Guest Editors at the following addresses:
Dr. P.K. Chande                         Dr. A.K. Ramani
Professor and Head                      Professor
Deptt. of Computer Engg.                School of Computer Science
S.G.S. Institute of Tech. and           Devi Ahilya University
     Science                            Khandwa Road
23, Park Road                           INDORE - 452 003
INDORE - 452 003 
  Special Issue of the CSI Journal Computer Science and Informatics 
In  the proposed special issue of 'Computer Science and  Informatics', 
it  is  intended  to  publish  high quality  papers  in  the  area  of 
'Algorithmics', covering the following topics:
     1.   Graph Algorithms
     2.   Computational Geometry
     3.   Stringology
     4.   Combinatorial Algorithms
     5.   Parallel Algorithms.
The  above  list  is only indicative  and  not  exhaustive.   Original 
results  containing  description of novel  data  structures,  advanced 
mathematical analysis, or new design paradigms are also considered for 
publication.    Each  submission  will  be  given  a  speedy,  careful 
Interested  authors  should  submit their manuscripts  in  the  format 
indicated in the latest issue of the CSI Journal, Computer Science and 
Deadline for submission            :    October 31, 1991
Publication schedule               :    June 1992
Manuscripts in triplicate in the standard format should be sent to the 
Guest Editor at the following address:
               Prof. C. Pandu Rangan
               Department of Computer Science and Engineering
               Indian Institute of Technology
               Madras 600036,  India
  Special Issue of the CSI Journal Computer Science and Informatics 
                           Neural Computing
Neural  Computing  has emerged as an alternative view  of  computation 
which  promises  a new approach to Artificial  Intelligence.   In  the 
proposed  special  issue of Computer Science and  Informatics,  it  is 
intended to publish high quality papers on different aspects of neural 
computing    particularly related to AI.   Some topics of interest are 
the following:
     1.   Neural Architectures.
     2.   Learning Algorithms for Neural Nets.
     3.   Pattern Recognition and Associative Memory.
     4.   Self-organising Maps.
     5.   Probabilistic Machines.
     6.   Neural Computing Applications.
Papers on related topics are also welcome.
Interested  authors  could  submit their  manuscripts  in  the  format 
indicated in the latest issue of the CSI Journal, Computer Science and 
Last date for receipt of manuscripts            :    August 31, 1991
Probable date of Publication of the issue       :    December 1991
Manuscripts in triplicate in the standard format should be sent to the 
Guest Editor at the following address:
               Prof. M.A.L. Thathachar
               Department of Electrical Engineering
               Indian Institute of Science 
               Bangalore 560012  
