[comp.music] comp.music

msp@psueclb.BITNET (01/15/88)

I really could use some info on getting some music software for an apple iic.
To get good sound you need a sound card.  Since there are no slots in an Apple
IIc cards are unusable.  Clicking the speaker sounds rotten and is very limited.
I don`t want to invest in another computer like an Apple iie or a laser 128
just to get a sound card and what the hell is that damn noise from behind the
wall over there?  There, it stopped.  Wait, never mind.  It's now pulsing on
and off.  Well, looks like high time to turn up my walkman.  Anyway, how 'bout
them Saints?  I'm a novice at this bitnet thing and newsnet and working on a
mainframe in general so however you need to go about it, post a message here if
you know anything about music software on the IIc.

                                          Mark Pfaff

P.S. If it helps, I'm logged in on the VAX at Penn State University in State
College, PA 16801.
