[net.micro] New MAILING-LIST: INFO-HZ100



To whom it may concern,

The INFO-HZ100 mailing list is now a reality.

INFO-HZ100 is a forum for discussion concerning topics related to
the Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of professional desktop
computers.   Messages are collected into digests and distributed
as the volume of mail dictates.

Periodically, useful knowledge and items generated from the digests
and other random sources will be edited into a newsletter for
distribution to both network and non-network interested groups.

Any comments, suggestions, help, knowledge, software, ideas, file space,
etc., would be greatly appreciated.

Future plans are to have a library of Z-100 software, and digest &
newsletter archives.

All requests to this list should be directed to:

Submissions to the digest should be directed to:

Coordinator: Dave Gubbins (Gern)  <GUBBINS@RADC-TOPS20>
