[comp.music] Request for info: Risset book, spectral composition

cornicel@elbereth.rutgers.edu (Cornicello) (10/26/89)

I have been looking, rather unsuccessfully, for a book published in
1968 by Jean-Claude Risset, "An Introductory Catologue of Computer
Synthesized Sounds." I am willing to pay for a copy of this, but I
would much rather try to get a copy on Inter-Library Loan (I'm at
Rutgers and have not had much success with that here. It seems that
copies of this book cannot be located). If anyone has any information
as to a possible location where I could buy or borrow a copy of this
outstanding work, please post or email me this info.

The Other Request:

I have been recently getting into the music emanating from France,
i.e. Murail and Grisey. I am basically aware of their concept, which
is to use the spectre produced by acoustic instruments as the basis
for the harmonic aspect of thier pieces (I think), but I am not
totally aware of the entire process. I would like to know if anyone
has seen any articles relating to this topic, or knows of any sources
one could go to in reference to this. 

Thank you......

|     "Klingon wessels approaching, Kepten!"	     |
|     "Dammit Jim, if those men die, they'll	     |
|	never live again!!!"			     |
|    Anthony Cornicello - Society for Silly Quotes   |
|      	cornicel@rutgers.elbereth.edu  		     |