[comp.music] Research Digest Vol. 4, #73

daemon@bartok.Eng.Sun.COM (11/26/89)

Music-Research Digest       Sun, 26 Nov 89       Volume 4 : Issue  73 

Today's Topics:
                     Info on workstations wanted
              newsletter no. 28 of the ICTM Study Group

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Date: 26 NOV 89 11:30 CET
Subject: Info on workstations wanted

Dr. Hans Strasburger                    Computer Music Studio
Inst. f. Med. Psychologie               c/o EDV, Univ. Salzburg
Goethestr. 31                           Hellbrunnerstr. 34
D-8000 Muenchen 2                       A-5020 Salzburg
F R G                                   Austria
email: u7f01aa @ dm0lrz01.bitnet
For our studio upgrade we are looking for a new - workstation or
mini - platform for B. Vercoe's CSound music synthesis compiler.
Who knows of portations and groups with similar interests?


Date: Fri, 17 Nov 89 10:46:08 GMT
From: Schaffrath <JMP100@EARN.DE0HRZ1A>
Subject: newsletter no. 28 of the ICTM Study Group
To: Stephen Page <SDPAGE@UK.AC.OX.PRG>

                                                  Essen, November 9, 1989

   STG-meeting in Marseille: 28th Sept. - 2nd October

   The 1990 STG-meeting has been prepared by Bernard Bel. One of the
   topics suggested  is the  automatic transformation  of individual
   music-codes, and one of the more specific suggestions consists of
   transformations from and into MIDI-standard-files.

   The meeting is also  supposed to host some members of  the STG on
   Analysis.  So  we hope  to read some  more suggestions  from this
   side.  But everyone is invited, of course.

   It is  of great importance  for Bernard to  get at least  a rough
   idea of the estimated number of participants.  So we ask our rea-
   ders to inform him immediately if they intend to come. Everything
   else can wait. Those connected to e-mail should write to


   Everyone else is kindly requested to  write the one sentence,  "I
   wish to participate  in the 1990 meeting of the  STG on Computer-
   aided Research" (Sept. 28 to Oct. 2) to:

   Bernard Bel, GRTC,  CNRS,  31 chemin J.  Aguier,  13402 Marseille
   Cedex 9, FRANCE

   Bernard has  timed the meeting  so that the  Analysis-members can
   join directly  from their meeting in  Spain and so  that everyone
   can take part in the following conference (see below). Some of it
   will deal with socio-anthropological  aspects of contemporary mu-
   sic, and the interaction between contemporary music and traditio-
   nal music systems.  Prof.  John Blacking and Dr.  Jim Kippen have
   been invited to chair panel discussions on these topics.

   Second International Conference:
   "Musical Structures and Information Technology"
   - Analysis and Composition -
   3 - 6 October 1990
   Bastide de La Magalone, Marseille (France)

   ICTM STUDY GROUP:          INFO * 28 *                       p. 2

   Co-sponsored by:
   Laboratoire Musique et Informatique de Marseille (MIM)
   Centre de Recherche en Sciences de la Musique a
   l'Universite de Provence (CRSM)
   CPMA  Sud-Musiques
   Major areas (may be extended):
   1. Theory and methodology of musical analysis and
   composition (representation of the thought processes of the
   analyst and the composer, etc.)
   2. Modelling and formalising analysis and composition
   (transcription, symbolic or logic representations, grammars
   and automata, representations of sound, structure, time,
   3. Computer-aided composition and analysis
   4. Expertise (analytical and compositional expertise,
   procedural or rule-based approaches, expert systems,
   machine learning, parallel distributed processes,
   connectionist models, etc.)
   5. Music and Humanities (cognitive psychology,
   perception, memorization, anthropological approaches,
   semiotics, etc.)
   Performance of musical works:
   Priority will be given to musical works based on
   compositional concepts related to one of the major areas of
   the Conference.  Technical facilities available for
   performance include electroacoustic equipment, a chamber
   music orchestra and SYTER (interactive real-time
   Official languages:
   French and English.  Simultaneous translation facilities will
   be made available to speakers and to participants.
   Important dates:
   15 Nov. 1989: extended abstracts of papers (approx. 600
   words) or information about musical works (compositional
   concepts and technical requirements for its performance)
   should be submitted.
   15 Jan. 1990: notification of acceptance or rejection.
   15 May 1990: final versions of papers.
   Contact addresses as above:
   tel. (033) 91 50 03 75
   Scientific Committe:
   Jean Paul ALLOUCHE (France)
   Mira BALABAN (Israel)
   Mario BARONI (Italy)
   Francois BAYLE (France)
   Bernard BEL (France)
   Lelio CAMILLERI (Italy)
   Helene CHARNASSE (France)
   Marc CHEMILLIER (France)
   Francois DELALANDE (France)

   ICTM STUDY GROUP:          INFO * 28 *                       p. 3

   Giovanni DE POLI (Italy)
   Roberto DOATI (Italy)
   Marcel FREMIOT (France)
   Pascal GOBIN (France)
   Jim KIPPEN (Canada)
   Otto LASKE (USA)
   Marc LEMAN (Belgium)
   Christoph LISCHKA (FRG)
   Alan MARSDEN (UK)
   Andre MOURET (France)
   Michel PHILIPPOT (France)
   Guy REIBEL (France)
   Andre RIOTTE (Belgium)
   Bernard VECCHIONE (France)
   --> The Proceedings of the First International Conference
   "Musical Structures and Information Technology"
   (Marseille 1988, in French) are available from MIM.

   New Members

   Since the Schladming conference there are more Austrian, Italian,
   German, Russian, Israelian, Portuguese, French,  Mexican and Eng-
   lish readers. We hope to activate them some time soon...

   Paola Pacetti (University "La Sapienza", Roma) has agreed to dis-
   tribute our newsletters to the Italian snail-mail society.  Since
   Italian post has turned out to be simply incredible,  I hope this
   means improvement.  For fast contacts  please ask Lelio Camilleri
   in Firenze who is on e-mail.

   Some news about Asksam

   Since the new version (4.2) handles graphics,  one can also "sto-
   re" Staff-Notation or have it printed together with the results.

   The most attractive  change is a kind of  concatination:  One can
   now search for the same pattern  in different databases one after
   another automatically.  This is more efficient since one does not
   have to wait too long for an  answer but also can browse complete
   results.  We will  therefore try to make  database packages (pro-
   bably according to regions)  not larger  than 1,2 MB,  i.e.  have
   them more portable.   - This means also  that identical paragraph
   labels in different  databases,  such as LIED and  ETHNO,  can be
   used for efficient searches.  These changes are incomplete, howe-
   ver, because one cannot save the results on disk in this case.

   Since the Hypertext functions have become more elaborate,  we are
   checking a way  of further using our  synonym-dictionary for que-
   ries.   The  list of synonyms forms  a separate database  and one
   line within this database functions as a question.  Some problems
   again remain unsolved.  Because the  logic "or"- connectors count
   only one  more word and  not as many as  one would need  for syn-
   onyms, it is necessary to program many synonym requests. The pro-
   gram,  however,  must still be  stored in the respective database

   ICTM STUDY GROUP:          INFO * 28 *                       p. 4

   and does not,  in this kind of "Concatination Mode",  examine any
   of the other  database.  Since we have stored more  than 400 syn-
   onyms, it is simply unpractical to store them in each single, for
   instance regional, database.

   Other disadvantages  can be compensated  by filling in  a certain
   number of empty programs in the beginning of every database.

   Dissertation on changing sound concept in Chinese music

   Udo Will has finished his  Ph.D.  thesis between the Universities
   of Bielefeld and Essen, FRG.  The title is "Destroying the Tiao",
   the subject is mainly Guzheng playing.

   There are some reasons to announce this for our STG:

   1. The aspect of representation:  Will proves that tone- flexions
      in Chinese music  are no ornaments but  semantic and syntactic
      units which are neither fully represented in cypher- or staff-
      notation nor in computer codes. He demonstrates by statistical
      means the use of such flexions can  as well be a signifyer for
      regional as  well as  for piece-bound  styles (so  even within
      Chinese music there is no such thing as World-Music!).

   2. Different tunings can also  signify different regional styles.
      Will examined 12 different  Chinese performers and reconstruc-
      ted scales via sampling methods.  He can plausibly explain We-
      stern influences by this method compared to age and geographic
      origin of the respective performer.


End of Music-Research Digest