[comp.music] Research Digest Vol. 4, #75

daemon@bartok.Eng.Sun.COM (12/14/89)

Music-Research Digest       Thu, 14 Dec 89       Volume 4 : Issue  75 

Today's Topics:
                        EthnoFORUM Now Online

*** Send contributions to Music-Research@uk.ac.oxford.prg
*** Send administrative requests to Music-Research-Request

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***     e.g.   Music-Research@prg.oxford.ac.uk
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Date: 7 Dec 89 17:16:00 EST
From: "Dr. Karl Signell; MUSC" <signell@edu.umbc.umbc2>
Subject: EthnoFORUM Now Online
To: guest4 <guest4@ca.yorku.sol>

*                                                             *
*                    EthnoFORUM Now Online                    *
*                                                             *


1  Intro
2  Terms
3  Subscribing  
4  Contributions
6  Credits

1   Intro

EthnoFORUM is a free, global, E-mail forum on ethnomusicology,
restricted to scholars, researchers, and graduate students It is
a meeting place, a library, a publication.

Via E-mail on Bitnet/Earn/NorthNet/Internet networks or gateways
to those networks, EthnoFORUM offers a marketplace of ideas and
information.  A cooperative undertaking, EthnoFORUM's offerings
depend on the ideas and participation of its subscribers.  

It operates in two modes:

      1. Free-for-all discussion, compiled in EthnoFORUM's
electronic periodical, "Ethnomusicology Research Digest."

      2. Database (course syllabi, bibliographies, archive
listings, job offerings, works-in-progress, Ethno E-mail
Directory, etc.), available from EthnoFORUM directly at any

2   Terms

"EthnoFORUM" is our name for the service.  Do not use it in any
E-mail commands.

"LISTSERV" is the general address under which EthnoFORUM
operates.  You send all commands to LISTSERV@UMDD (Bitnet) or
listserv@umdd.umd.edu (Internet).  "Listserv" is also the name
of the computer program under which EthnoFORUM operates.

"UMDD" is the node address at the University of Maryland.  You
might receive mail from a node closer to you.

"umdd.umd.edu" is the node address for Internet users.

"ETHMUS-L" is the address of EthnoFORUM at Listserv.  Please
address messages to ETHMUS-L@UMDD.

"Ethnomusicology Research Digest" (ERD) compiles the EthnoFORUM
message traffic, and is sent to you unless you request NOT to
receive it.

3   Subscribing

The fastest way to subscribe to EthnoFORUM is to fill out the
following application and send it to SIGNELL@UMDD:

*              SUBSCRIPTION APPLICATION                    *
*                      EthnoFORUM                          *

1.  Lastname, Firstname
2.  Email UserID
3.  Nodename (Bitnet)
4.  Nodename (Internet)
5.  Other nodename
6.  Institutional affiliation
7.  Status (Grad student, prof, researcher, admin)
8.  Snailmail address, 1st line
9.  Snailmail, 2nd line
10. Snailmail, 3rd line
11. Snailmail, country
12. Telephone, office
13. Telephone, home
14. Specialty (Bali, Native American, rock, etc.)
15. Professional society membership (SEM, ICTM, AMS, etc.)
16. Membership number for above, from address label.


Fill out this from and send it as an Email message to:

       SIGNELL@UMDD            or

*            end of application                   *

To cancel your subscription, send a text message to
LISTSERV@UMDD with the UNSubscribe command:


**WARNING**  If you close your Email account at the node from
which you subscribe to EthnoFORUM, or are a student whose Email
account expires at the end of each semester, please take care to
cancel your subscription to EthnoFORUM.  This will guard your
good name and help preserve mental health in the Email system. 
Bounced mail wreaks havoc with postmasters, Listserv, and the
Listserv list owner. 

4   Contributions

EthnoFORUM will be as good as we all make it.  Do you have a
paper you have read for which you would welcome responses before
committing it to hard print?  Do you know of a publicly posted
job openings in ethnomusicology at your university?  Do you want
to start a discussion on the biomechanics of tabla playing?  Do
you have a bibliography of Chicago blues you would like to

Once you are a subscriber, you can interact with EthnoFORUM.

Send your file (bibliography, archive listing, etc.) in plain
ASCII form; no databases, WordPerfect, or other binary formats
for the time being, please.  In the "Subject" heading of your
message, enter the word, "File."  Address the file to:


Send your messages for "Ethnomusicology Research Digest" as a
normal E-mail message, addressed to:


...and in the "Subject" header of the message, select one of
these sections:


As discussion develops, we expect new sections.  If
you want to start a new section of ERD, e.g., "Archeo-
organology," "Request for comments," suggest it to the
moderator, Signell.

In summary:

      Digest messages go to ETHMUS-L@UMDD
      Commands such as subscribe or info go to LISTSERV@UMDD    
      Files and comments go to SIGNELL@UMDD

*If you use an IBM CMS system, send all LISTSERV commands on
your command line preceded by TELL LISTSERV:


...for example.

You can get more information about commands and additional
features of LISTSERV in the "General Introduction Guide", which
you can obtain by using the "INFO GENINTRO" command addressed to


Problems, questions, and comments can be sent as a message
to the EthnoFORUM moderator, Karl Signell.  Please do NOT send
EthnoFORUM email to his UMBC address.  Signell's EthnoFORUM
addresses are:

           signell@umdd                (Bitnet), or           
           signell@umdd.umd.edu        (Internet)

His snail-mail address is:
  Dr Karl Signell
  Center for Turkish Music
  Music Deparment
  University of Maryland Baltimore County
  Catonsville MD 21228 USA
You can reach him by voice line at:
  USA (301) 455-2489 or (301) 455-3281

6   Credits

EthnoForum came about with the help, advice, and support of a
community of scholars and technicians.  At the University of
Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), Jozef Pacholczyk, Sam Gordon,
and the patient mainframe doctors encouraged the beginning of an
idea.  Our worldwide email colleagues in ethnomusicology,
especially Helmut Schaffrath, Peter Cooke, Peter Etzkorn, Robert
Garfias, and Fred Lieberman, helped nurture its growth.  UMBC's
sister institution at College Park (UMCP) graciously provided
the mainframe account at UMDD and initial support of $5,000.,
with special help from Jennifer Fajman, Ira Gold, Leon Major,
Robert Griffith, and Richard Wexler.  The UMCP mainframe maven
who continues to guide us through the thickets of LISTSERV is
Richard Hargan.

7 December, 1989
*                                                              *
*                     END OF ETHNOFORUM NOTICE                 *
*                                                              *


End of Music-Research Digest