daemon@bartok.Eng.Sun.COM (12/23/89)
Music-Research Digest Fri, 22 Dec 89 Volume 4 : Issue 77 Today's Topics: composition theory Music competition Standard for sending music over email? *** Send contributions to Music-Research@uk.ac.oxford.prg *** Send administrative requests to Music-Research-Request *** Overseas users should reverse UK addresses and give gateway if necessary *** e.g. Music-Research@prg.oxford.ac.uk *** or Music-Research%prg.oxford.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 14 Dec 89 08:16:06 EST From: laske@edu.bu.cs Subject: composition theory To: music-research <music-research%uk.ac.oxford.prg@uk.ac.nsfnet-relay> December 14, 1989 Dear reader, I am interested in an empirical theory of composition processes, especially those carried with the aid of computers, in whatever form. I believe that "music theory" everywhere is one-sidedly oriented to the listener, i.e., to perception and listening, instead of also accounting for planning, design, knowledge representation by notation or text, as we have in composition. (I am a composer). There are very few theories of composition; I have written on the subject for some time. It would be interesting to know who is doing research on the theory of composition working with living composers (including yourself), and to plan a conference on composition theory in the future. I have built two systems to research composition, OBSERVER (1971-75) and PRECOMP (1987-89), the first dealing with simple (elementary) electro-acoustic composition, the second, with computer- aided composition using an "even list generator." Thank you for your reply regarding your work, address, and published papers. I will send you a list of mine in the near future. Otto Laske 926 Greendale Avenue Needham, MA 02192, USA <Laske@bu-cs.bu.edu> ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Dec 89 10:42:14 EST From: Otto Laske <laske@edu.bu.cs> Subject: Music competition To: music-research@com.sun.eng.bartok NTERNATIONAL NEWCOMP COMPUTER MUSIC COMPETITION COMPOSER JUDGES: JON APPLETON, USA FRANOISE BARRIERE, FRANCE MARC BATTIER, FRANCE HERBERT BRUN, USA JAMES DASHOW, ITALY ERHARD KARKOSCHKA, FRG PAUL LANSKY, USA OTTO LASKE, USA RUDOLF RUZICKA, CSSR BARRY TRUAX, CANADA DEADLINE: 1 MAY 1990 NEWCOMP, the New England Computer Arts Association, Inc., of Boston, Mas sachusetts, is sponsoring an annual international computer music competition. Wo rks submitted should have been completed after January 1, 1988. Prize winners of the two previous comp etitions should not apply. Compositions will be judged by the international jury listed above. Submissions of tapes, and tapes with scores (for 1-2 performers) will be accepted. Due to budget limits regarding concert performance, submission of sco res with more than 2-3 performers is not recommended. Tapes should be half-track stereo analog; four-track tapes should be mix ed down by the composer himself. Tapes should contain a 0 VU tone and be clearly marked head or tails; the duration of the work must also be indicated. Submiss ions should be accompa nied by program notes and a $10 entrance fee for each submitted work. All submissions become the property of NEWCOMP. No public performances o f archived tapes will take place without the composer's permission. Notification s of the three winners will be made by September15, 1990. The work of the three prize winners will be performed at the October Concert of NEWCOMP in Cambridge, MA., U.S.A. Send all entries to: 1990 NEWCOMP Festival, Attention Otto Laske, 926 Gr eendale Avenue, Needham, Massachusetts 02192, U.S.A. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 DEC 89 12:44:20 GMT From: VPU1@UK.AC.NEWCASTLE-POLY.VAXA Subject: Standard for sending music over email? To: music-research@uk.ac.oxford.prg Greetings musicianly types, I am writing as a relatively new user of computers to ask if there is a standard format or etiquette to sending the dots over email. Sol-fa is an obvious one but archaic and arhythmic. Is there an easy sytem using only numbers and letters to convey tunes??? Joe Bennett Guitar/Bass/Engineer/Keyboard/Misc.... VPU1@uk.ac.npy.vaxa ------------------------------ End of Music-Research Digest